Viking Invasion

As part of their history work, Class 3 have been learning about the Vikings. They have learned all about how the Vikings invaded Anglo-Saxon Britain and in the video, Emma explains this further. They worked really hard creating Viking inspired pouches. The children had to design and make a pouch that would have been suitable […]

Clitheroe Castle Visit

At the end of December Class Three made a visit to Clitheroe Castle, it was an amazing day out. The children learnt a lot about castles and battles whilst they were there. As part of the day, all the children had eggs which had to be protected at all costs! They had to create armour […]

Class One Nativity

Class One have spent the last half term making sure that they were ready to celebrate Christmas in one of the best ways possible – by performing their Nativity. This year they chose A Wriggly Nativity by Peter Fardell, where everyone is so excited about the coming birth that nobody can keep still. Everyone performed […]

Fighting Fit

In last half term’s topic, ‘Fighting Fit’, Class One thought about how we can stay healthy with an emphasis on exercise, healthy eating and hygiene. We did lots of wonderful work for this including a very exciting visit from Matthew’s Daddy who arrived in a Rapid Response Vehicle with flashing lights and the siren blaring! […]

Cl3 Science: Habitats

In Class 3 we have been thinking about animals and their habitats. Everyone was given clues based upon a certain animal. They then had to work out, using their scientific knowledge, what the animal was and where it lived. The children then used junk modelling to create their animal’s habitat. They wrote and prepared speeches […]