International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day As part of International Women’s Day on Monday 8th March, Class 3 looked at influential  women both in history and in our world toady. We linked our work from ‘Hidden Figures’ and the women at NACA/NASA. The children used the book ‘Women in Science’ as a basis for writing their own biography […]

Celebrations w/e 12th March

Class 3 Certificates This week Louie, Joseph and Peppe have gained certificates. Louie got his certificate for working really hard all week and producing some great work; whilst Joseph and Peppe were rewarded for settling back into school life and working very hard. Class 2 Certificates In Class Two our certificate winners were, Matthew, Noah […]

Class 3 home learning w/c 1st Mar

This week’s key learning This week in maths we will continue to think about number – we will be learning square and cube numbers and we will also look at multiplication. Please make sure you also do some Times Table Rockstars – ideally every day. In SPAG we will be looking at using colons in […]