International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day As part of International Women’s Day on Monday 8th March, Class 3 looked at influential  women both in history and in our world toady. We linked our work from ‘Hidden Figures’ and the women at NACA/NASA. The children used the book ‘Women in Science’ as a basis for writing their own biography […]

It’s Christmas at St Mary’s

A Victorian Christmas This year we decided to take a Victorian Christmas as our theme. We learned a lot about how people would have celebrated Christmas in Victorian times and we had a great time making our decorations. Sometimes we go to Gawthorpe Hall to experience a Victorian Christmas but, as we couldn’t do that […]

Bayeux Tapestry

Class 3 studied the Bayeux Tapestry as part of their topic, last half term. The children re-designed a section of the tapestry which they turned into a modern day version; thinking about what would happen if the battles of 1066 took place in 2019. Find out more about the Bayeux Tapestry

Cl3 Science: Habitats

In Class 3 we have been thinking about animals and their habitats. Everyone was given clues based upon a certain animal. They then had to work out, using their scientific knowledge, what the animal was and where it lived. The children then used junk modelling to create their animal’s habitat. They wrote and prepared speeches […]

Survival Topic

In Class 3 we started our Survival topic by learning about Sir Ernest Shackleton’s adventure across Antarctica. We have been reading his book, Shackleton’s Journey along with a story version called, Ice Trap. In English lessons, we have created advertisements for crew members, written application letters to be a crew member, generated and answered questions using the text, and written […]