Year 1/2 home learning w/c 1st Mar

Important daily learning ideas It’s important to keep reading a little every day, The Oxford Owl website is brilliant – click on the button below to find the link and your login details. On the side of each book is a little colour marker. The Year 1 children are best to choose books with red, […]

Class 2 home learning w/c 22nd Feb

This week’s key learning This week we will be thinking about fractions in our maths work, and we will be reading the wonderful book, ‘Escape from Pompeii’ – by Christina Balit. Please do get in touch with me as often as you can, and don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at: 10am […]

Class 3 home learning w/c 22nd Feb

This week’s key learning This week in maths we are going to be thinking about numbers, and we will look specifically at multiples, factors and prime numbers. Having a good knowledge of number and how numbers work can help us when we are solving problems and making calculations. Please make sure you also do some […]

Reception home learning w/c 22nd Feb

Important daily learning ideas It’s important to keep reading a little every day, The Oxford Owl website is brilliant – click on the button below to find the link and your login details. On the side of each book is a little colour marker. The Year 1 children are best to choose books with red, […]

Year 1/2 home learning w/c 22nd Feb

Important daily learning ideas It’s important to keep reading a little every day, The Oxford Owl website is brilliant – click on the button below to find the link and your login details. On the side of each book is a little colour marker. The Year 1 children are best to choose books with red, […]

Class 3 home learning w/c 8th Feb

This week’s key learning This week in maths we will continue to think about shape – we will be learning about perimeter and area. Please make sure you also do some Times Table Rockstars – ideally every day. In SPAG we will be looking at relative clauses and thinking how we can use them to […]

Reception home learning w/c 8th Feb

Important daily learning ideas It’s important to keep reading a little every day, The Oxford Owl website is brilliant – click on the button below to find the link and your login details. On the side of each book is a little colour marker. The Year 1 children are best to choose books with red, […]

Celebrations w/e 11th December

Class 3 Certificates Our three winners in Class 3 were Fletcher, Saul and Christian. Fletcher got his certficate for always contributing well to class discussions, and sharing his ideas. He has worked hard in all curriculum areas. Saul was rewarded for working hard and presenting his work beautifully. He has written with lovely description too, […]

Celebrations w/e 4th Dec

Class 3 Certificates This week James, Enya and Reece have gained certificates. James and Enya were both awarded certificates for their fantastic maths using the grid method. They both worked really hard and, even when errors were made, they tackled them with enthusiasm and confidence! Reece got his certificate for working really hard all week. […]