Celebrations w/e 02.10.20

Class 3 Certificates This week Harvey, Christian and Annalise have gained certificates. Harvey got his certificate for working particularly hard recording his own work and sharing his ideas – you can click here to see the work that he is particularly proud of. Christian is a super role model with an excellent attitude. He is […]

Celebrations w/e 25.09.20

Class 3 Certificates This week certificates were awarded to Francesca, Peppe and Scarlet, for fantastic work in all lessons but, in particular, for their effort when writing a diary entry in role from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Click here to see Francesca’s chosen pieces of work. You can view Peppe’s favourite pieces […]

Celebrations w/e 18th September

Class 3 Certificates This week Rebecca, Jenson and Bobby have gained certificates. Rebecca has worked hard all week and with growing independence – you can click here to see the work that she is particularly proud of. Jenson has also been working with increasing independence and produced some great work. Click here to see Jenson’s […]

Class 1 w/c 29th June

How is your science coming along? At the beginning of our Home Learning journey we shared some experiments with eggs and books and we thought we’d share some more home science experiments. In this series of science tricks you will be learning about different properties of water – remember to do them with an adult, […]

Class 2 w/c 29th June

https://youtu.be/WsksFbFZeeU How is your science coming along? At the beginning of our Home Learning journey we shared some experiments with eggs and books and we thought we’d share some more home science experiments. In this series of science tricks you will be learning about surface tension. Remember that you should only do them with adult […]