Class 1 w/c 15th June Remember that being active isn’t just about running around and climbing things! THere are many ways to be active and over the weeks we’ve shown you quite a few and you also have your PE page. Sometimes it’s good to do other active things, Yoga is great because when we do Yoga we are […]

Class 1 w/c 8th June Each week we try to get you thinking about PE and being active – it is so important for our physical and mental well-being. All this week you will be thinking about throwing and particularly, ‘over-arm throwing’ – there are lots of ideas to help you on your PE page – and at the […]

Class 1 w/c 1st June Hello everybody, we hope you had a good half term and managed to make it a little different to your regular home-learning weeks? Have you managed to keep active? As the weather gets warmer it gets a bit easier to remain active but don’t forget that some things, like Yoga can be done whatever […]

Class 1 w/c 18th May We hope you’re all getting on well with all the work and ideas that we send you. We do miss you all and love hearing from you. This week we’ve got lots of great activities for you but, if you’re looking for some extra science, watch the video here. Warning: Grover can be a […]

Class 1 w/c 27th April

Spar Lancashire School Games Welcome back after our Easter break – we hope you all had a lovely time and kept safe and healthy. We miss you a lot and we’re looking forward to hearing from you all again. This week we will be introducing you to the Lancashire Spar PE Programme. Please take […]

Class 1 w/c 6th April Here we are in the third week of our home/school learning adventure and at the start of Holy Week. We have lots of activities for you this week, including our Holy Week activities. Please do as much as you can. We hope you enjoyed our PE and Art ideas, but how are you going […]