Chester Zoo

Our Grand Day Out! This week, Class 1 went to Chester Zoo in preparation for our topic on Animals and their Habitats. We had a lovely day and saw lots of different animals. The lions put on a very exciting show for us as they were roaring. Other favourites were the baby elephants, a jaguar […]

Moon Buggies! Class One have been having great fun in Design Technology during this half-term’s Explorers topic. The children have designed, created, tested and then evaluated their own moon buggies. On the right you can see them testing their buggies outside and scroll down to see our full gallery! Previous Next The children started with a […]

Space Work

Our Space Reports We have been working very hard in Class One. We were given the task of writing non-chronological reports for the website. We worked very hard and we thought you would like to see them. Over this half term we have had a focus on explorers, including space explorers. Children in Reception produced […]

Weights & Measures

Learning about Mass This week Class 1 have had fun learning about maths. They have been measuring and weighing using grams and kilograms and made delicious gingerbread shapes which they enjoyed eating with their morning milk. There was some confusion between ‘mass’ in terms of the mass of an object and church mass which needed […]

Weekly News (31.01.20)

We are welcoming three students on work experience next week – two from Y10 in Ribblesdale High School and one from Burnley College.We will be having a non uniform day next Friday (7th February) for St Joseph’s Penny. This is instead of sending home the penny pinching boxes so it would be brilliant if you […]

Final Festivities!

Our last week of term was full of lots of special things – Christmas parties, our special Christmas lunch together and a wonderful magic show. We all had a fabulous time together, celebrating the end of the year whilst remembering the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ and, of course, we will have some lovely […]

Class One Nativity

Class One have spent the last half term making sure that they were ready to celebrate Christmas in one of the best ways possible – by performing their Nativity. This year they chose A Wriggly Nativity by Peter Fardell, where everyone is so excited about the coming birth that nobody can keep still. Everyone performed […]

Fighting Fit

In last half term’s topic, ‘Fighting Fit’, Class One thought about how we can stay healthy with an emphasis on exercise, healthy eating and hygiene. We did lots of wonderful work for this including a very exciting visit from Matthew’s Daddy who arrived in a Rapid Response Vehicle with flashing lights and the siren blaring! […]