Class 3 w/c 06th April Here we are in the third week of our home/school learning adventure and at the start of Holy Week. We have lots of activities for you this week, including our Holy Week activities. Please do as much as you can. We hope you enjoyed our PE and Art ideas, but how are you going […]

Our Cooking Day 13th February As part of our Design Technology lessons, Class 3 had to evaulate both our school dinners and home meals. We decided that we loved our school dinners and our meals at home and wouldn’t want to changed them. So we came up with the idea of creating and designing a meal for our grandparents […]

Heart Rate

Learning about our Heart Rates As part of Science, children planned an investigation into how exercise can affect their heart rates. The children decided on 3 activities that would test how their heart rate changed depending on how much exercise they did. Here they are carrying out their investigations.

The Circulatory System

Previous Next Our BloodClass Three have been learning all about their circulatory system and blood. They have investigated how the heart works and what the blood is made up of.The children created their own blood vessels ‘plastic bottles’ and their own blood.They chose from items such as shreddies, cheerios, marshmallows, beads, pasta, cotton wool, red […]

Bayeux Tapestry

Class 3 studied the Bayeux Tapestry as part of their topic, last half term. The children re-designed a section of the tapestry which they turned into a modern day version; thinking about what would happen if the battles of 1066 took place in 2019. Find out more about the Bayeux Tapestry

Final Festivities!

Our last week of term was full of lots of special things – Christmas parties, our special Christmas lunch together and a wonderful magic show. We all had a fabulous time together, celebrating the end of the year whilst remembering the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ and, of course, we will have some lovely […]