Celebrations w/e 7th May

Class 3 Certificates This week Amelia, Harvey and Scarlet have gained certificates. Amelia was rewarded for her sensible and mature attitude during this week’s Science and SRE lessons, whilst Harvey and Scarlet both got their certificates for their hard work in everything – but especially during writing about characters and approaching new methods of written […]

Celebrations w/e 30th April

Class 3 Certificates This week Annalise, Oliver and Bobby gained certificates. Annalise was rewarded for being a super mathematician, and Oliver got his for working really hard on his writing. Bobby got a certificate for his amazing maths work. Class 2 Certificates In Class Two our certificate winners were, Harry, Islay and Liam. Harry got […]

Class 2 home learning w/c 22nd Feb

This week’s key learning This week we will be thinking about fractions in our maths work, and we will be reading the wonderful book, ‘Escape from Pompeii’ – by Christina Balit. Please do get in touch with me as often as you can, and don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at: 10am […]