International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day As part of International Women’s Day on Monday 8th March, Class 3 looked at influential  women both in history and in our world toady. We linked our work from ‘Hidden Figures’ and the women at NACA/NASA. The children used the book ‘Women in Science’ as a basis for writing their own biography […]

No Room in the Woods!

No Room in the Woods Just like any Christmas, we have spent the last few weeks rehearsing and preparing for our Christmas Nativity. Unlike in other years we haven’t been able to share that with you in school, but we are just as excited with our end result. Our own Christmas film. It’s now available […]

No Room in the Woods… Coming Soon!

We have all been working very hard these last few weeks in school. We have teachers, hedgehogs, mice, angels, an owl, some ducks… the list goes on, of course. Can you guess what we’re doing? That’s right. We’re working on our Christmas Production. We’re a bit sad that you won’t be sitting in our hall […]

Space Work

Our Space Reports We have been working very hard in Class One. We were given the task of writing non-chronological reports for the website. We worked very hard and we thought you would like to see them. Over this half term we have had a focus on explorers, including space explorers. Children in Reception produced […]

Survival Topic

In Class 3 we started our Survival topic by learning about Sir Ernest Shackleton’s adventure across Antarctica. We have been reading his book, Shackleton’s Journey along with a story version called, Ice Trap. In English lessons, we have created advertisements for crew members, written application letters to be a crew member, generated and answered questions using the text, and written […]