Class 1 w/c 29th June

How is your science coming along? At the beginning of our Home Learning journey we shared some experiments with eggs and books and we thought we’d share some more home science experiments. In this series of science tricks you will be learning about different properties of water – remember to do them with an adult, […]

Class 2 w/c 29th June How is your science coming along? At the beginning of our Home Learning journey we shared some experiments with eggs and books and we thought we’d share some more home science experiments. In this series of science tricks you will be learning about surface tension. Remember that you should only do them with adult […]

Class 3 w/c 29th June How is your science coming along? At the beginning of our Home Learning journey we shared some experiments with eggs and books and we thought we’d share some more home science experiments. In this series of science tricks you will be learning about surface tension. Remember that you should only do them with adult […]

Class 3 w/c 22nd June How are you all? Did you manage to do the Virtual Sports Day? We had lots of great photos. We’ve done lots of PE ideas over the last weeks but sometimes we need a ‘brain break’ that isn’t PE based. When you just need a quick break, what better than doing some drawing or […]

Class 3 w/c 15th June Remember that being active isn’t just about running around and climbing things! THere are many ways to be active and over the weeks we’ve shown you quite a few and you also have your PE page. Sometimes it’s good to do other active things, Yoga is great because when we do Yoga we are also […]

Class 1 w/c 15th June Remember that being active isn’t just about running around and climbing things! THere are many ways to be active and over the weeks we’ve shown you quite a few and you also have your PE page. Sometimes it’s good to do other active things, Yoga is great because when we do Yoga we are […]

Class 2 w/c 8th June Each week we try to get you thinking about PE and being active – it is so important for our physical and mental well-being. Another important side to staying active is variety, but sometimes this can be hard, especially if we think we need specialist equipment – so this week we’re sharing this cricket […]