News w/e 6th Nov

This week’s Certificates: It is with regret that the After School Clubs will unfortunately have to be suspended following the new guidelines with the second lock down. As there will only be 2 session once the restriction are lifted we have decided to postpone the clubs until January. If your child has a place as […]

News w/e 16th October

This week’s Certificates: Don’t forget that this year we cannot hold face-to-face Parents Evenings but we will be giving out telephone appointments during the week beginning 16th November and you will need to book your slot online. Click here to read more. We have nasal flu vaccinations taking place on Monday 2nd November, if you […]

Parents’ Evening November

Parents’ Evening 17th & 18th November Please note that this year, Parents’ Evening will be held by telephone appointments only. These will take place on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th November . You will shortly be able to book your appointment slot via the Teachers2parents website which we currently use to send emails and texts.On […]

Celebrations w/e 25.09.20

Class 3 Certificates This week certificates were awarded to Francesca, Peppe and Scarlet, for fantastic work in all lessons but, in particular, for their effort when writing a diary entry in role from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Click here to see Francesca’s chosen pieces of work. You can view Peppe’s favourite pieces […]

News w/e 11th September

Firstly we are so pleased to welcome you all back to school, and want to say how proud we are of all our pupils for the way they have settled into school life with all the new procedures, they are doing brilliantly. This week’s Certificates: We are receiving daily updates in terms of our responsibilities […]

An important note about the weeks ahead.

ST. MARY’S R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL Watt Street, Sabden, Clitheroe, Lancashire BB7 9ED Telephone No:  01282 771009 Friday, 20th March 2020 Dear Parents and friends,   Today we have to close our doors, to the majority of our pupils, for the foreseeable future. This is not something that we ever wanted to do but we recognise […]