Willersley 2023 – Monday

Willersley Castle 2023! Monday We set off at just before lunch today- bright eyed and full of smiles. Some of us had packed what looked like our whole bedrooms – let’s see if we actually use everything we’ve brought! And we’re off! There’s no resting when we’re on residential at Willersley Castle – no sooner […]

Class One Farm Visit

Sabden Farm & Milk Parlour Class 1 have started a new topic called ‘The Farm Shop’. This week we have found out all about food miles and how far food travels to reach our homes. We decided that it would be a good idea to shop locally as the produce will be fresher and more […]

Testing Finger Foods

Evaluating Finger Foods As part of our DT topic in Class 3, the children have evaluated and analysed pre-bought finger foods that may be found at a Christmas buffet. We had a list of categories for making our evaluations, including smell, appearance, texture, taste, whether it was healthy or unhealthy and finally, whether it was […]

Baking Bread in Class One

The Great Fire of London As an introduction to our topic, we made Hedgehog bread. As well as learning about how bread is baked we also did lots of fun maths and science learning too! We had to use very careful measurents to get the ingredients right – we used grams for the solids and […]

Our Cooking Day 13th February

http://www.stmaryssabden.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Cooking-Day-2.mp4 As part of our Design Technology lessons, Class 3 had to evaulate both our school dinners and home meals. We decided that we loved our school dinners and our meals at home and wouldn’t want to changed them. So we came up with the idea of creating and designing a meal for our grandparents […]

Moon Buggies!

http://www.stmaryssabden.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Moon-Buggies.mp4 Class One have been having great fun in Design Technology during this half-term’s Explorers topic. The children have designed, created, tested and then evaluated their own moon buggies. On the right you can see them testing their buggies outside and scroll down to see our full gallery! Previous Next The children started with a […]