Testing Finger Foods

Evaluating Finger Foods As part of our DT topic in Class 3, the children have evaluated and analysed pre-bought finger foods that may be found at a Christmas buffet. We had a list of categories for making our evaluations, including smell, appearance, texture, taste, whether it was healthy or unhealthy and finally, whether it was […]

Baking Bread in Class One

The Great Fire of London As an introduction to our topic, we made Hedgehog bread. As well as learning about how bread is baked we also did lots of fun maths and science learning too! We had to use very careful measurents to get the ingredients right – we used grams for the solids and […]

Chester Zoo

Our Grand Day Out! This week, Class 1 went to Chester Zoo in preparation for our topic on Animals and their Habitats. We had a lovely day and saw lots of different animals. The lions put on a very exciting show for us as they were roaring. Other favourites were the baby elephants, a jaguar […]

Heart Rate

Learning about our Heart Rates As part of Science, children planned an investigation into how exercise can affect their heart rates. The children decided on 3 activities that would test how their heart rate changed depending on how much exercise they did. Here they are carrying out their investigations.

The Circulatory System

Previous Next Our BloodClass Three have been learning all about their circulatory system and blood. They have investigated how the heart works and what the blood is made up of.The children created their own blood vessels ‘plastic bottles’ and their own blood.They chose from items such as shreddies, cheerios, marshmallows, beads, pasta, cotton wool, red […]

Fighting Fit

In last half term’s topic, ‘Fighting Fit’, Class One thought about how we can stay healthy with an emphasis on exercise, healthy eating and hygiene. We did lots of wonderful work for this including a very exciting visit from Matthew’s Daddy who arrived in a Rapid Response Vehicle with flashing lights and the siren blaring! […]