News w/e 11th September

Firstly we are so pleased to welcome you all back to school, and want to say how proud we are of all our pupils for the way they have settled into school life with all the new procedures, they are doing brilliantly. This week’s Certificates: We are receiving daily updates in terms of our responsibilities […]

Class 3 w/c 8th June Each week we try to get you thinking about PE and being active – it is so important for our physical and mental well-being. Another important side to staying active is variety, but sometimes this can be hard, especially if we think we need specialist equipment – so this week we’re sharing this cricket […]

Class 3 w/c 11th May How did you get on with dancing last week – did you manage to learn the Lindy Hop and, if so, did you dance it on VE Day? Make sure you do something physical every day – including dancing. Why not try the Jungle Dances in the video? Click here to download the full […]

Class 1 w/c 27th April

Spar Lancashire School Games Welcome back after our Easter break – we hope you all had a lovely time and kept safe and healthy. We miss you a lot and we’re looking forward to hearing from you all again. This week we will be introducing you to the Lancashire Spar PE Programme. Please take […]