Celebrations w/e 02.10.20


Class 3 Certificates

This week Harvey, Christian and Annalise have gained certificates. Harvey got his certificate for working particularly hard recording his own work and sharing his ideas – you can click here to see the work that he is particularly proud of. Christian is a super role model with an excellent attitude. He is working very hard in every lesson to show his best. Click here to see Christians’s favourite piece of work. It was Annalise’s hard work in handwriting and presentation along with her super mental maths skills that got her her certificate. Click here to see the work she has chosen to share.


Class 2 Certificates

In Class 2 this week we have certificates for Peter, Eden and Angus. Peter was rewarded for some super independent writing in English, he wrote a very impressive short story. Eden has got her certificate for always putting 100% into all work but especially her maths and English. And Angus has got a reward for his amazing story writing and beautiful RE art work.


Class 1 Certificates

Hattie, Dominic and Annabel were the winners in Class 1 this week. Hattie got her certificate for wonderful reading – she read a whole book to the class! Dominic was rewarded for his super science ideas about Braille and Annabel got a certificate for fabulous phonic work and for writing her name beautifully.

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