Celebrations w/e 11/09/20


Class 3 Certificates

This week Louie, Saul and Amelia have gained certificates. Louie got his certificate for working hard and concentrating on his own learning – you can click here to see the work that he is particularly proud of. Saul has had a wonderful start to year 5, he has challenged himself in maths and been very quick to help out in the afternoons. Click here to see Saul’s favourite piece of work. It was Amelia’s hard work in maths and english along with working quickly and with increased confidence that got her her certificate. Click here to see the work she has chosen to share.


Class 2 Certificates

We also had three certificate winners in Class 2, Joshua, Noah and William. William got his certificate for working hard and being a super friend to all. For Noah it was his super start to the year that impressed – he has been trying hard, particularly in all his written work. Joshua’s super concentration and listening skills got him his certificate – he has been trying hard in all lessons.


Class 1 Certificates

Poppy, Jack and Hamza were the winners in Class 1. Poppy was rewarded for being kind, helpful and caring to everyone in the class and Jack got his certificated for super sitting and listening on the carpet. Hamza got his certificate for his wonderful helpfulness, making sure the girls have their cardigans.

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