Celebrations w/e 11th December


Class 3 Certificates

Our three winners in Class 3 were Fletcher, Saul and Christian.

Fletcher got his certficate for always contributing well to class discussions, and sharing his ideas. He has worked hard in all curriculum areas. Saul was rewarded for working hard and presenting his work beautifully. He has written with lovely description too, and Christian was rewarded for always working hard. He is a good role model to others, and he worked especially hard on his division house this week.



Class 2 Certificates

Our three certificate winners in Class 2 were, Harry, Ella and Angus.

Harry was rewarded for his amazing RE and English work – using super detail and effort, whilst Ella got her certificate for amazing work in English, writing her own version of our robin story poem – Coming Home. Ella used super action and description in her work.  Finally, Angus got a certificate for super history work all half term studying The Pendle Witches. Angus used super detail and effort.


Class 1 Certificates

We had four winners in Class 1 this week, Neve, Poppy, Lily and Barney.  Neve was rewarded for her beautiful singing – she sang a solo in front of the whole class. Both Poppy and Lily got their certificates for their wonderful work in our Christmas film – Poppy has worked really hard remembering lots of lines and speaking so clearly and Lily is fabulous as Freddie the Fractious Frog. Barney has received a certificate for being an amazing artist. He pays close attention and colours so neatly.

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