Celebrations w/e 12th March


Class 3 Certificates

This week Louie, Joseph and Peppe have gained certificates. Louie got his certificate for working really hard all week and producing some great work; whilst Joseph and Peppe were rewarded for settling back into school life and working very hard.


Class 2 Certificates

In Class Two our certificate winners were, Matthew, Noah and Eden. Matthew was rewarded for his super home learning and a great start back at schhol. Noah got his certificate for his great attitude and mature nature and Eden was rewarded for her super effort and attitude.


Class 1 Certificates

We had four certificate winners in Class One – Jack, Susanna, Freddie and Thea. Jack was given a certificate for brilliant phonics work and Susanna was rewarded for her excellent place value work in maths. Freddie got his certificate for some brilliant writing about Little Red Riding Hood, and Thea got hers for her enthusiasm and fantastic work.

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