Celebrations w/e 20th Nov


Class 3 Certificates

This week Joseph, Saul and Oliver won the certificates in CLass 3. Joseph got his certificate for working really hard, he is always ready to help others, and he consistently produces great work. Saul’s certificate was awarded for his beautiful artwork. He was given a huge art task this week and he absolutely rose to the challenge! Finally, Oliver was rewarded for always coming into school with a smile and being ready to learn. He is always ready to help others and works very hard in all his lessons.



Class 2 Certificates

In Class 2, our certificates went to Matthew, Isabelle and Liam. Matthew was rewarded for his super independent writing in PSHE, he tried so hard, whilst Isabelle got her certificate for super work in RE where she created her own Jesse Tree and in PSHE for her anti-bullying poster. Liam was given his certificate for always being ready to answer questions in all oral sessions, he is always a keen and active learner.


Class 1 Certificates

We had four certificate winners in Class One this week – Minnie, Amelia, Tilly and Erica. Minnie was rewarded for wonderful singing and dancing for the class. It was about the Fire of London and Amelia got her certificate for knowing lots of super facts about the Fire of London. Tilly was rewarded for being kind and helping her friends with their maths and Erica for using her phonics and doing some super writing.

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