Celebrations w/e 23rd April


Class 3 Certificates

To follow


Class 2 Certificates

In Class Two our certificate winners were Archie, Holly and Micky. Archie got his certificate super presentation in all oral lessons, and his caring nature. Holly was rewarded for being a super book whizz, along with her beautiful work in RE; and Micky got his certificate for super effort in his maths’ assessment – Micky always works hard.


Class 1 Certificates

Our four certificate winners from Class 1, were Barney, Isla, Tilly, and Erica. Barney got his certificate for contributing super ideas during class discussions, and Isla was rewarded for her super effort in maths. Tilly got a certificate for trying really hard with her reading, and Erica was rewarded for trying hard to be kind to her friends.

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