Celebrations w/e 9/10/20


Class 3 Certificates

This week Enya, Reece and Aurora have gained certificates. Enya got her certificate for stepping out of her comfort zone in Maths, she tried using different mental methods to solve calculations – you can click here to see the work that she is particularly proud of. Reece did some fantastic research on a mythical creature and presented the information orally. It was filmed and edited using the green screen. Reece gave a confident and clear presentation of his information! Click here to see Saul’s favourite piece of work. It was Aurora’s constant hard work in all lessons and being a good friend that got her her certificate. Click here to see the work she has chosen to share.


Class 2 Certificates

We also had three certificate winners in Class 2, Micky, Darcey and Harry. Micky got his certificate for super addition in columns and great effort in all written work . For Darcey it was her super writing in our Paddington project and 100% effort in all all she does that got her her reward. And Harry’s super use of column addition to solve tricky problems gained him his certificate.


Class 1 Certificates

Barney, Susanna and Matias were the winners in Class 1. Barney was rewarded for trying really hard and sharing his ideas with the class and Susanna got her certificate for her beautiful writing about Harry Mouse using super adjectives. Matias got his certificate for his enthusiasm and hard work in phonics.

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