Class 1 w/c 18th May

We hope you’re all getting on well with all the work and ideas that we send you. We do miss you all and love hearing from you. This week we’ve got lots of great activities for you but, if you’re looking for some extra science, watch the video here. Warning: Grover can be a bit annoying but the science is good (please, if you’re trying these out, make sure you do them with a grown up there).

Click here to download the full week’s work for Reception children and here for Years 1 and 2  or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week, really try to work hard on problem solving. There are a lot of ideas, on your sheet – including this one here. As you try to solve the problems, try to take note of the strategies you are using. Maybe you need to use real-life equipment, or maybe you can visualise. What maths do you use? Do you count-on, take-away, are you doubling, halving? Talk about the maths you are using and make notes.

We are going to be doing a lot of work, listening to stories and then thinking about them. Reception’s story, ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ is available on the class learning page (read by Mrs Nowell) and Years 1 and 2 should watch the video below.

The day when Jesus went up to heaven. Look in the bible to find out about this special day and listen to the song below whilst you think about how the Disciples felt. You might like to create some art work to mark this special event.

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