Class 2 home learning w/c 8th Feb

This week's key learning

This week we will be thinking about money in our maths work, and we will be finishing our class novel, ‘Stig of the Dump’ – we will do a lot of comprehension work to help us get deeper into the story. Please do get in touch with me as often as you can, and don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:

10am and 1.15pm everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.

Last Week's Star Learners!



Today we are learning about money, and we will be thinking particularly about pounds and pence. Before you start, there is a great lesson here, it starts with a quiz to recap your knowledge. Once you’ve finished the lesson, there are activities and PowerPoints on Teams.


Today I’d like you to read Chapter 8, up to “There aren’t any stags in this part of England, but we just saw one. And this doesn’t seem to be England at all.”

Afterwards, please answer these questions:

What did Barney want to do because it was the shortest night?

What made Barney eventually fall asleep?

How did Barney know it was midnight on his way over to see Stig?


For your writing today, we are going to be writing a setting. Setting the scene is very important in a story, it allows our readers to see what is taking place. A good way to prompt ourselves is to think about all our senses as we write our setting. If our reader was there, what would they see, hear, feel, taste and smell?

We will talk about this in our morning Teams session and afterwards there are some prompt files for you in Teams.

Topic (R.E.)

In R.E. today we will be thinking about prayer.

Prayer is an important part of Christian life.  This includes regular prayers, going to church every week to worship God and celebrating all the major events in life, including birth, marriage and death.  Many people pray when they wake in the morning and before they go to sleep at night and at other times during the day.  Christians thank God for their food by saying grace before and after meals.  We can pray for one another, for special occasions, if someone is ill or in difficulty, or at joyful times like the birth of a new baby, a wedding etc.

Please watch the video clip here, and then think about the following questions together.

Why is prayer important in Christian life?

What prayers do you say at home and in school?

What are your favourite prayers and why?

What helps you to pray?

How can we help others with our prayers?

What does prayer lead you to do?

There is more work for you to do in Teams and then some further activities on your worksheet.




We are continuing with money, please check the slides in Teams, there are a range of lessons here – they are all very helpful.

Afterwards, you have some activities to complete in Teams.


Please finish reading Chapter 8 of Stig, afterwards try and answer these questions:

Who or what gave Barney and Lou away?

What animal does the author compare Barney to when he is moving through the tree?

What happened to Barney at the end of the chapter?


Can you DRAW and describe the stone age setting that Barney and Lou saw? Eg. Beehive huts made of wooden poles and thatched straw roof … a camp fire …people with wild black hair… strange musical instruments made of animal bones … etc. Remember to think about how to make the setting come alive to the reader. You can think about your five senses to help you do this.


Topic (Science)

Today we are going to be learning about fossils. You will find your work in Teams. You may also like to do the lesson here – it helps us see how fossils can help us understand evolution. Watch the video to see how fossils are formed.



Today we will be continuing to learn about money. There are lessons to help you here, and then look at your worksheet and in Teams for today’s work.


Read Chapter 9, up to, ‘At last the champing jaws on all sides died away, …the tribe settled down again with their air of waiting for something’


Today we are going to look at the prefixes ‘un’ and ‘dis’ and how we use them to alter the meanings of words. Start with this lesson here, and afterwards check your worksheet and Teams for today’s activities.

Topic (History)

Today we are going to look at the clothes worn by people in the Stone Age period of history. There is a useful video to the left to tell you a little about this era. You could also do the lesson here, it looks at what we know about how people lived in the Stone Age period, based upon artefacts that have been found. There is a PowerPoint and information sheet on Teams.

Afterwards, please create a fact file Poster about Stone Age Clothing.




In today’s lesson we are going to be solving money problems, you have work sheets to finish in Teams, but it would be a good idea to refresh your knowledge by looking at this lesson here.


Please continue to read Stig, up to ‘Was there something that had to be done before …the night that seemed to have been going on for such a long time?’ 

Predict – What do you think the huge rock is for? – show your ideas

Speech – show what Barney would ask Stig about it all

Explain – how was the huge rock being transported? – can you DRAW and describe the procedure?

Topic (Art)

Sunday is St. Valentine’s Day, can you design a love picture – maybe you could give it to a member of your family, or someone you haven’t seen for a long while. There are some examples ideas on your worksheet.



It’s Friday! Use today to make sure you are up to date with your My Maths work and that you have logged in to Times Tables Rockstars regularly.


Today I would like you to finish reading Stig of the Dump and then complete a book review sheet. There are some templates in the Teams folder.

Topic (P.E. and Golden Time)

As we break up for half term – try to get outside on a walk, jog, scooter or bike ride this afternoon. Or spend some time reading a comic or book, listening to music, drawing or colouring.

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