Class 2 w/c 18th May

We hope you’re all getting on well with all the work and ideas that we send you. We do miss you all and love hearing from you. This week we’ve got lots of great activities for you but, if you’re looking for some extra science, watch the video here. Warning: Grover can be a bit annoying but the science is good (please, if you’re trying these out, make sure you do them with a grown up there).

Click here to download the full week’s work or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week we will be thinking about mental maths and one of the things we will look at is doubling and halving larger numbers. Sometimes it can be easy – doubling or halving 40 for example is straightforward… but what do we do with a tricky number? In the video you see a method that is very helpful – partitioning. See if you can use this in your work.

In this week’s lessons we will be looking at persuasive writing and making our own adverts. If you want a reminder about persuasive writing, take a look at this video.

Don’t forget there is lots of other work to complete on this week’s worksheet.

The day when Jesus went up to heaven. Look in the bible to find out about this special day and listen to the song below whilst you think about how the Disciples felt. You might like to create some art work to mark this special event.

One thought on “Class 2 w/c 18th May

  1. Hi
    Class 2
    I miss you so much.I can’t wait to see you. I hope I will be coming to school soon.
    Love Aurora

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