Class 3 Home learning w/c 18th Jan

This week's challenge!

Don’t forget to do your Times Tables Rockstars – every day. This week is particularly important as I will be setting a battle which will run all week, and will see Year 5 compete against Year 6!

And don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:

9.10am and 2pm everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.



Today we are going to look at converting between mixed fractions and improper fractions.

Have a look at the powerpoint I’ve added to Teams. For extra work click here, and watch the first video on the page.

Can you complete the sheet that uses pictures to help you convert the fractions?


This week I would like us to look at using our tenses correctly. When we are writing stories, we sometimes jump between past and present tense and our writing doesn’t always make sense. You will need to click on this link, it is the same format as last week’s grammar, and today I would like you to do screens 1-3.


All this week I will be adding questions to Teams to help with your reading comprehension. They will all be focussed on the trailer for ‘The Perfect Planet’. Watch the trailer and then answer today’s questions.


Today I am going to share some pictures that were captured from the underwater camera. I want you to complete one of  the Inference activity sheets (just choose one picture to write about) that is uploaded on Teams.

Observe: What can you see in the picture? This is factual information.

Wonder: What questions do you have about the picture?

Infer: What you think is happening in the picture?

Topic (Science and Geography)

Your activity today will take two days (Monday and Tuesday afternoon).

Today I want you to carry out some research and collect notes on an extreme weather phenomena.

I want you to research Tornados. Here are some things to think about: What are they? How do they occur? Where do they occur?

You will have many more ideas and research questions so get investigating today!



Today we are going to carry on with looking at mixed and improper fractions. I will show you some more examples on our Teams call this morning.

Find the maths activity on Teams. Some of the questions have pictures to help you and some of them need you to convert the fractions using your maths skills.


Today’s SPAG follows on from yesterday- Click here for your link to screen 4, and complete the activities that are on there. I have also uploaded this activity to Teams for you.

For your READING, watch ‘The Perfect Planet’ trailer again, to refresh your memory. Can you answer today’s questions?


The book ‘Flotsam’ does not have any writing or text. Today I would like you to choose some of the pictures and write the speech or action that you think could go with the text. You can write this as speech and action bubbles with captions or you can write this as a story underneath the text.

I have added the pictures I would like you to choose from, to a Powerpoint on Teams.

Topic (Science and Geography)

Using your research from yesterday, I want you to present your research. You can do this by creating a powerpoint and presenting your information on different slides or you can create a double page spread of information (like we do in class).



Fractions link very closely with decimals. Today we are going to look at fractions as decimals and how to convert between the two. I will show you how to do this on our morning Teams meeting and for extra practise there are two lessons here to watch here.

Can you try today’s activity that is in the Maths file?


In SPAG let’s continue with our work on tenses, click here to view today’s work, and complete screens 1 to 3, and don’t forget to check on Teams for any other work.

For your READING, there are some more questions on ‘Perfect Planet’ for you. Don’t forget to send me your answers!


‘The Real Flotsam’

Did you know a real underwater camera was discovered which had been lost at sea? Click here to view the full report. Can you create your own newspaper or news report for this camera? You could put it into writing, or you could write and record your own script which you could use to present the report. I have added a blank newspaper template to Teams for you to use if you wish. 

Topic (R.E.)

When Jesus started his ministry (mission) he attended the synagogue in his home town of Nazareth.  He was given the privilege of reading from the scripture and selected a reading from the prophet Isaiah.

Read God’s story which is in the Topic file on Teams.

Why was the Spirit of God given to Jesus?

How does Isaiah describe God’s love?

How do you think the people felt as they listened to those words?

Who are the people mentioned by Isaiah?

Why did he select those people in particular?

Where do you think we see these people today?

Can you select a word or phrase from God’s story and represent it with an illustration. You could do fancy lettering or add illustrations/ pictures of what the word means to you.



Yesterday we looked at converting fractions to decimals as they are closely linked. We can also make links between fractions and percentages. I will show you how we can do this on our morning Teams meeting, and there are several lessons here to help you with this.

Can you try the activity from the maths file for today?


In SPAG, please try to complete this task, related to yesterday’s video. I have also uploaded the activity to Teams for you.

I hope you have enjoyed the READING questions so far. There are some more questions on ‘Perfect Planet’ for you today.


Today I will show you some more of the pictures from the book during our morning Teams meeting. Today I want you to think about and answer the following question:

Who are the people in the pictures?

You might want to think about who they are, where they may have lived, when they may have lived, why they were having their picture taken and what they may have been like.

Topic (PSHE)

If a tornado happened where you lived, what 3 items/things would you try and save?

What items would you miss the most?

How would this event make you feel?

Is there anything we could do to help us try and survive one?



On Wednesday and Thursday, we looked at the relationship between fractions and decimals along with fractions and percentages.

Fractions, decimals and percentages can all be linked together as they all have a relationship with each other.

Have you spotted this?

Today’s Teams meeting will show you the relationship between the three. There is an activity for you in the files section to complete too.



Today is your final day for answering some questions on the ‘Perfect Planet’ trailer. I wonder if you are as excited as I am to watch the programme!



Today, I want us to think about a certain point in the book. The boy is wondering whether to return the camera to the water.

I want you to create reasons for and against throwing the camera back into the ocean.

Why should he return it?

Why should he keep it? If he does keep it, what could he do with it?

Topic (Art)

Today I would like you to create some tornado art.

I have put a guide on how to create this on a Powerpoint on Teams, please make sure you have a look (the first step is shown in the image). Can you create your own?

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