Class 3 home learning w/c 25th Jan

This week's key learning

Don’t forget that as well as all the work on this page, and your activities in Teams, you need to try and do some Times Table Rockstars. This week we have a battle of Fletcher versus the rest of the class. We need you logged in and practising in order to compete. And don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:

9.00am and 2pm everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.



Today we are learning about negative numbers, I’ve got some learning slides to share with you in our Teams meeting this morning. After our Teams meeting, you will need to watch this video, here. Once you’ve finished the lesson, there is a negative number activity sheet for you to complete in the Maths file on Teams.


For your SPAG work today, we will be looking at using an apostrophe to show possession. You will need to click on this link, to view the lesson and then complete screens 1 to 3.

For Reading you have a comprehension exercise based on The Water Cycle in Teams. There are 3 levels to choose from: 1 star is the easiest level moving to 3 stars which is the most difficult. Can you choose which level you would like to try today? (Try and think about the level you would have worked on in class).


Today’s activity follows on from Friday’s piece of writing. We thought about whether the boy should keep the camera or throw it back into the ocean. We came up with lots of reasons to keep it and lots of reasons to throw it back.

Today I would like you to create an advertisement to sell the camera. You can do this as an advert for an Ebay listing (there is a blank proforma you can use on Teams in the English file) or you can create a poster/advert that you might display in a local shop.


Topic (Logo Design)

Today I would like you to design a logo for a competition. Sabden Parish Council have contacted school and asked us to take part in their ‘Design a Logo’. Click on the button to read the background information that they have given us.



Today we are going to look at sequences. I will show you some learning slides in our Teams meeting this morning to explain what they are and how we can find missing numbers.

You can find today’s learning sheet in the Maths File on Teams.


Today’s SPAG follows on from yesterday- can you complete the lesson here

I have also uploaded this activity to Teams for you.

Today’s READING comprehension is based on Tsunamis. Like yesterday, there are different levels to try so you can choose. This is saved in the Teams folder.


In our Teams meeting today, I am going to show you some more pictures from our Flotsam book. Today I want you to use your writing skills to produce a descriptive piece of writing about an underwater scene.

You need to make good vocabulary choices and include similes, alliteration, expanded noun phrases and correct punctuation.

Topic (Geography)

Last week lots of you really enjoyed our Tornado work. So, this week I would like you to research and present information on Tsunamis.

Think about questions such as: What are they? How are they formed? Where do they happen?

You can present this in a number of ways. You can create your own presentation or PowerPoint or use either the border pages or research grid to record your information. (These are in the Topic file on Teams.)



We are going to continue looking at number sequences. I will show you more learning slides in our morning meeting where I will explain how sequences can be used. After our Teams meeting,please watch this lesson, and then complete today’s activities (in Teams).


Let’s keep working on apostrophes for possession today, click here to view today’s work, you will be completing screens 1 to 3.

Today’s reading comprehension is called ‘End plastic pollution’ and it has 3 levels. Please choose your level. The work is in the files in Teams.


Today we will look at the last part of the book. As you know, the story doesn’t have any words. Today I would like you to write the story. You can:

write the story as a narrator using third person,

or write the story from the point of view of the boy,

or write the story from the point of view of the camera.

Don’t forget to use paragraphs and include punctuation. You also need to make sure you vary your sentence lengths along with choosing good vocabulary. Remember to always read through and check your own writing.


Today, if you can, I would like you to make a model Tsunami and explain how it works. This can be on a video, with pictures or in writing. I have included directions on how you can the model Tsunami at home (click here or see Teams). If you can’t create the model, I would like you to do a drawing of how a Tsunami happens along with an explanation of it.



Today we are going to start looking at position and direction in maths. We are going to start by looking at coordinates. I will share our learning slides in our morning Teams meeting with you.

Can you complete today’s activity sheet?


In SPAG, please try to complete the screen 4 activity, here..

Today’s READING comprehension is called, ‘All about plastic pollution’. Like yesterday, there are different levels to try so you can choose. This is saved in the Teams folder.


In our book Flotsam, we see lots of underwater animals. I want you to think about where animals in the sea can live. We know that they can live naturally in the oceans but sometimes they are moved to live in aquariums. This can be for a number of reasons. Today I would like you to answer the question, ‘Should aquariums exist?’

You may need to do some additional research on why animals are in aquariums to help you answer this question.

You need to think about both the reasons why they should and why they shouldn’t before you have a final answer!


Today I want you to think about the words ‘marine biologist.’

I would like you to find out what this means and involves. Then, once you have carried out some research, can you create a factsheet on what a marine biologist is?  You could even include any famous or well known ones along with what they do.

Here are two websites that might help you make a good start:



We are going to continue to look at coordinates in today’s session. Remember the phrase ‘along the corridor and up the stairs’ to help you when reading and plotting coordinates. I will share some learning slides in our morning Teams. After this, can you watch this video, and finish with your activity sheet (in Teams)?




Today I would like you to read for pleasure. You could read independently or you could read to someone in your house. Think about using a story tellers voice and using punctuation correctly.

Think about the characters, their emotions, their actions and the plot/events of your book.


Today I would like you to create an explanation text which answers the question ‘How do people around the world look after our oceans?’

This question has lots of possible research focuses. For example, you could look at ocean conservation, animal protection, pollution in our oceans and whose job it is to protect the world’s oceans?

I would like you to present your information using subheadings and paragraphs, pictures and/or diagrams, fact boxes, did you know? boxes and anything else you can think of.

Topic (Art)

Today I would like you to create an underwater scene. You can do this through drawing, painting, pastels or 3D junk modelling. Be creative and show me what you think under the sea looks like.

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