Class 3 w/c 11th May

How did you get on with dancing last week – did you manage to learn the Lindy Hop and, if so, did you dance it on VE Day? Make sure you do something physical every day – including dancing. Why not try the Jungle Dances in the video?

Click here to download the full week’s ideas or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week we’re thinking a lot about fractions… but don’t worry there’s loads to help you with this online. Login to Education City and complete the ‘Ready Steady Bake’ task in the Home Learning Fractions folder. This looks at the equivalences between fractions and decimals. There is a set for Year 5 and a set for Year 6. Watch the video and make notes to help you with your work.

This week we will be thinking about the Titanic and particularly the children who were on board. Start by selecting one of the children  (see link on worksheet) and making notes – as if you were preparing to write their biography. There is also a child survivor’s story here and lots of writing activities on your class sheet.

Jesus’ preparations for returning to His Father. Read the passage from Acts 1: 6-14 (there is an extract on your worksheet or you can look in your Bible), think about how everybody was feeling in the room? How did the Disciples feel, thinking about losing their friend and knowing the work that lay ahead? Try to describe the feelings and conversations.

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