Class 3 w/c 13th July

It’s our last week of the school year and it has been a very different year to usual. We have certainly missed being with you but we’ve also been very impressed with how hard you’ve all worked and we’ve loved getting your messages and photographs.

Normally, at the end of this week we would watch a video together – perhaps you can do that as a family. Pick a film that everyone can enjoy, possibly an old favourite. Musicals are always fun, expecially if you can sing along.

Click here to download the full week’s work for or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects. This week we have a sweets and chocolate theme – so do enjoy yourselves.

Imagine that you open your own ‘Sweetie Tuck shop’ where you can sell any sweets that you want.

You have £100 to spend on buying sweets and chocolates for your shop.

What will you buy with your £100? Use online shopping to help you. (Here’s a hint…buy multipacks that work out cheaper so that you could sell them for more profit!)

This week all your writing is linked to sweets and chocolate. There are lots of links to different videos and websites on your worksheet – all with a sweet theme. Do try and watch and read them all. We like this one from a Rock Factory.

Imagine you could make your own chocolate bar or sweets. What would you make?

Mine would be the Krispbisc bar!

Here are my ideas:

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