Class 3 w/c 1st June

Hello everybody, we hope you had a good half term and managed to make it a little different to your regular home-learning weeks? Have you managed to keep active? As the weather gets warmer it gets a bit easier to remain active but don’t forget that some things, like Yoga can be done whatever the weather – and Yoga is always good for us. If you fancy trying some Yoga but can’t think where to start, we’ve put a video here, and if you like this one you can find other Cosmic Kids Yoga sessions on YouTube.

Click here to download the full week’s work or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

There are lots of ideas for maths on your worksheet with lots of links to videos as well. For a quick-fire mental maths challenge we like this game which you can do with just a deck of cards. Let us know how you get on.

You have a lot of reading to do this week and you’ll need to check your worksheet for details of where to login to read some of the extracts. We’ll be thinking a lot about inventions – including accidental inventions. In this video you can learn all about one of these. Warning though: it might make your mouth water!

Pointillism explores art through dots instead of full block colour. Can you create a seaside themed picture using pointillism? You can do this with felt tips or pencil crayons or, if you have paints at home, using a cotton bud creates dots for a picture.

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