Class 3 w/c 27th April

Welcome back after our Easter break – we hope you all had a lovely time and kept safe and healthy. We miss you a lot and we’re looking forward to hearing from you all again.

This week we will be introducing you to the Lancashire Spar PE Programme. Please take a look and, above all, remember that you should try to do an hour of activity every single day. This week you are encouraged to learn about jumping. In the video, Nathan explains both long jump & triple jump.

Click here to download the full week’s ideas or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week we’re thinking about 3D shapes – what shapes can you find in the house? Are there any that you can take apart? When we take a 3D shape apart and lay it flat we are see the shape’s net.

This week we are thinking about characters and exploring how characters feel. By the end of the week we will be trying to make ‘inferences’ based upon what we read (or see). Being able to infer how characters are feeling and why they behave is very important in comprehension but also improves our own writing.

There are lots of reasons to be creative – it’s good for developing our fine motor skills, it’s also great for our observational skills and by exploring how to create images in both 2D and 3D we learn about the effect that light, dark, colour and shadow have on how we see things. This week we will be thinking about this work by LS Lowry.

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