News w/e 13th Nov

Thank you so much for your kind donations for our Children in Need non-uniform day, we raised the  fantastic amount of,  £115.00! this is a great charity that supports children and their families in many different ways and we are pleased to have supported it.

The children have had a super day and been involved in lots of fun activities.

This week's Certificates:

Parents’ evening calls will take place during the week beginning 16th November. Please remember that each call is for 10 minutes, this is to give our teachers the chance to speak to every parent over the three nights.

This year we will be having a Wear Your Christmas Jumper Day on Friday 11th December in aid of Save the Children. Please bring a donation of at least £1.

Christmas Lunch

Our Christmas Lunch will be served on Wednesday 16th December. If your child already has a school meal you don’t need to do anything. For those children who normally bring a packed lunch but would like the lunch on that day, it will need to be ordered and paid for via Parentpay.

Film Night

Also on Wednesday 16th December, the FSA will be holding a Christmas Film night from 3:30 to 5:30pm – films will be shown within the class and each class will choose their particular film. Tickets will be £5 including hot dogs, crisps, drink and popcorn. Buy your tickets on Parent Pay – no tickets will be printed – the school office will keep a list.

Classroom Parties will be held on Thursday 17th December, as we can no longer accept food donations please can we ask for a £1 contribution through Parentpay for the school to buy the snacks /treats for children .

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