News w/e 6th Dec

Here we are, almost at the end of our first term and we have so much to share with you, including this lovely video from weekend, when we had a very special visitor to school. All the staff and children are very grateful to Sabden Holme Committee for this wonderful idea.

The next two weeks are very busy too, so please keep an eye on the calendar (included in your weekly newsletter) and let the office know if you need any more information .

Class one will be performing a Nativity this year which you will be able to watch on the school website as a film, called No Room in the Woods. The film will be available by the end of the term.

Friday 11th December is Christmas Jumper day to raise money for Save the Children. Please don’t worry if your child does not have a jumper just decorate an old one with tinsel.

This week's Certificates:

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