Children’s Mental Health Week

Express Yourself!

All this week is Children’s Mental Health week. Our mental health is just as important as our physical health and, just as we have discovered with our physical health during lockdown, we sometimes need to work a bit harder to keep ourselves healthy.

Not seeing our friends, or our teachers face to face, can be a little bit tough – but there is lots that we can do to help. As long as we remember to express ourselves.

So, for Children’s Mental Health week, let’s think a little bit more about what it means to express ourselves.

Watch the video and think about what it means for these people to express themselves. How do you think it helps their mental health? Are there any similarities with things you like to do?

Watch the slide show and talk to someone about the various slides.  Below is a reading of Beautiful Oops by Bernie Saltzberg. Does listening to this story make you feel differently about making mistakes?

Class 2 home learning w/c 1st Feb

This week's key learning

This week we will be thinking about multiplication and division in our maths work, and we will be continuing to look at our class novel, ‘Stig of the Dump’ – we will do a lot of comprehension work to help us get deeper into the story. Please do get in touch with me as often as you can, and don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:

10am and 1.15pm everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.



Today we are going to be doing multiplication using the grid method. Watch the video above to recap grid method. There is also a great lesson here, to remind you about multiplication facts and partitioning. Afterwards, look for your sheets on Teams.


This week we will start on Chapter 6, please read up to, ‘they might tell a policeman and then there’ll be awful trouble.’ and then answer the questions below.

What time of year does this part of the story take place in?

Granny and Lou left Barney at the start of the chapter to go where?

What was Stig doing when Barney found him in the cave?

What did Barney hit with his first arrow?

Why do you think the men told Barney they were there to fix the television?


Imagine you are Barney – How did you feel when you saw the men going into Grandma’s house? Are they thieves? Then you remember you have met them before when they called and asked if she had any silver or jewels to sell!

In your writing, make sure you, show your thoughts, worries, fears …Show what you said to Stig – asking him to help etc.

Topic (R.E.)

There is a lot of work to look at on your worksheet and on Teams. Afterwards:

Choose an event in Mary’s life – eg. Visit from Angel Gabriel, travelling to Bethlehem on a donkey, giving birth to Jesus in a stable, seeing Jesus being crucified … etc. WRITE a prayer about this event

DRAW your favourite story/event in Mary’s life

If you have a set of Rosary beads – use them to pray to Mary



Today you have a range of multiplication and division problems to complete (see worksheet and Teams). There is a great revision lesson here, to help you recap what you already know. There’s also a great NumberRock song for you.


Please finish Chapter 6 of Stig, and then answer the questions below.

What did Barney do to try to prevent the thieves from getting away?

What did Stig do to the car after it had fallen into the pit?

What did Barney want Stig to do when he first found him?

Why did the men run away when they saw Stig?

What things did Barney find in the men’s suitcase?


Today we are going to write a newspaper report, based upon Barney and the thieves. Remember to use the 5 Ws and H, to help you compile your report. Think about an eye-catching headline that sums up the story and would encourage people to read. There are some more ideas on your worksheet and a template in Teams.

Topic (Science)

Today we are going to be rock detectives. We will be thinking about the different types of rocks, and their properties. Afterwards we will think how different rocks can be best used. For example, what rock would be good for sculpting, and why? You will find a PowerPoint and a follow up activity in Teams.



Today we will be dividing two digit numbers by a one digit number.There is a lesson for you to watch here, and then look for your PowerPoint presentations and worksheets in Teams.


Please start Chapter 7 today, read up to, ‘And Barney danced out, clutching the two bundles of skins and the stone axe.’, then answer the questions below.

Where and when is the circus happening?

What does Barney find Stig doing in the den?

What does Stig do with the marbles?

How many marbles did Barney have to spend to get the fancy dress clothes?


Today you have a Spelling activity to complete, looking at the suffixes, ful, ness, ly, ment and less. Suffixes come at the end of words and change their meaning. There is a lesson here, looking at the suffix ly. Afterwards, please check your weekly worksheet for your activities.

Topic (P.S.H.E)

In PSHE we are thinking about Goals and Ambitions. Take a look at the photo, it’s a photo of Dame Kelly Holmes, who won two gold medals in the 2004 Olympic Games. You will find an information booklet in Teams to help you think about goals and ambitions. Afterwards, please make a fact file poster – it could be about Dame Kelly or another person you admire.



In maths today, Year 3 children will be thinking about multiplying with a one digit number and Year 4 will be dividing. Year 3 should click here for a lesson recap, and Year 4 should watch this lesson.

Afterwards, check Teams for your worksheets and PowerPoint slides.


Today we are continuing with Chapter 7 of our class novel, please read up to, ‘Someone was lurking behind them. It was Stig!’

For your activity, can you design and label a fancy dress outfit that you would wear to the party? Try to use good adjectives in your descriptions.

Topic (History and Art)

Can you remember the chalk cave drawings that Stig created? In Teams you will find some PowerPoints on the history of cave paintings.

Study the PowerPoints to research the history of Stone Age cave paintings and then afterwards, create your own cave paintings – if possible use crayons or coloured pencils/chalks. Please send me any photos of your creations.



It’s Friday! Use today to make sure you are up to date with your My Maths work and that you have logged in to Times Tables Rockstars regularly.

There are also some times tables sheets to complete in Teams – choose one of them.

The following words are all taken from Chapter 7 but they have been spelled incorrectly – can you correct them? Use the text and a dictionary to help. There are dictionaries available online, you can find The Collins here.

Circus   helpfull    beests    animul    sheelds    reflecsion    partys    stayble    cupboard    umbreller


In English, please finish reading Chapter 7 and then read the following statements. Try to answer, True or False for each one.

Lou enjoys dressing up as a leopard:

Stig was hiding in the woods on their walk to the party:

The children didn’t want to go to the party:

Lou suggested the leopard hunting game:

Barney gave Stig sweets in exchange for the animal skins:

Stig was afraid of the leopard:

The leopard escaped from the travelling circus:

Topic (P.E.)

It’s important to make sure that you do some PE – try to be a bit active every day. There are plenty of YouTube ideas for PE workouts in your home, or maybe you can go for a short walk with an adult from your house. Click here to access some PE lessons from the BBC.

Class 3 home learning w/c 1st Feb

This week's key learning

This week in maths we will be thinking all about shape – we will look at reflection, translation and symmetry. Please make sure you also do some Times Table Rockstars – ideally every day. In SPAG we will be looking closely at similies and thinking how we can use them to improve our writing, and in Topic we will be looking at Volcanoes.

And don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:

9.00am and 2pm everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.



Today we are going to look at reflections. I’ve got some learning slides to share with you in our Teams meeting this morning. After our Teams meeting, you can watch the video, here if you need some extra practice. Once you’ve finished the lesson, there is a reflections activity to complete in the Teams folder.

For today’s reading, please watch this video about the African Lungfish. I have then put some questions on Teams for you to answer about the video. I will also share these in our Teams meeting.


For your SPAG work this week we will be looking at Similies. Click on this link, for today’s lesson, and complete screens 1 – 3.


Today in our Teams meeting, I am going to show you the cover of a new book that we are going to look at.

Using the cover, I would like you to make predictions of what you think the book is going to be about, what the story of the book will be, and what you can see – and then infer – from the picture.

Topic (Geography)

Today we are going to think about what is under our feet. We will focus on what is underground. We will talk about this together during our morning Teams session and there is also a PowerPoint in the Teams folder.

Afterwards, you will need to choose one of the following tasks:

Fill in the sheet from the Teams’ file that asks you to label the layers of the Earth.

Create your own diagram with labels of the layers of the Earth.

Use the ‘how to’ guide, click here (or see our Teams’ file) and create your own 3D model using plasticine/play doh.



Today we are continuing to look at reflections. I’ve got some more learning slides to share with you this morning and remember that you can still watch yesterday’s video, here if you need extra support. Once you’ve finished the lesson, please complete today’s activity (in Teams).


In SPAG we are continuing with similies, click here and complete the screen 4 activity or see Teams.


Today’s reading focus is a newspaper article on endangered elephants. Read the article and then answer the questions included. You will find them both in the Reading file on Teams.


I have a selection of pictures for you today all taken from the book. Your job today is to put them in the order you think that they belong, and then write the story that you think goes with them. The pictures are in our English Teams’ file.

Topic (Geography)

Today we are going to focus on volcanoes. I will share some information with you on our Teams meeting and there is a learning powerpoint in our Topic file. There is an activity for you in the Teams’ file where you can label a diagram of a volcano. There is also an activity where you could make your own volcano at home!



Today we are going to be looking at translations and learning how to translate shapes. We will start this in our Teams session, after which you can do the lesson here. Finish with today’s learning sheets.


In SPAG we are continuing to explore Similies. Click on this link, for today’s lesson, and complete screens 1 – 3.

Today’s reading questions are based on Coasts. You will find your text and the questions on Teams.


In our Teams meeting this morning, I will share the first two pages of the book. I would like you to describe what you see. I want you to think about the colours used and the mood created.

Are they different to the moods and colours used on the front cover of the book?

What time of year do you think it is and why?

Do we meet any characters on these pages?

How would you describe what they are doing and how they might be feeling?

What can you see in the picture?

Topic (Geography)

Today we are going to continue to look at volcanoes. I have included a learning powerpoint on Teams and will share some learning slides with you in our morning Teams. Today, I would like you to look at and find the volcanoes in the UK on a map (a map is in the Teams file for you) and then identify where volcanoes are around the world. These can be plotted on the world map (which is also in the Teams file).



Today we are continuing to look at translations. I will go through some more examples with you, this morning and remember that you can still watch yesterday’s video, here if you need extra support. Once you’ve finished the lesson, please complete today’s activity (in Teams).


In SPAG, please  complete this task, related to yesterday’s video.

You can also find the work in Teams.

Today’s reading questions are based on Oceans. You will find your text and the questions on Teams.


In our morning Teams meeting, you will see some more pictures from the book.

What is happening?

What are the different characters doing? (What do you think the man is doing by the window?)

What colour is the sky? Can the sky be that colour? When would you be likely to see a sky this colour?

What different things can you see in the home?

These questions will help us to understand the events of the text more clearly as it develops.

Topic (Geography)

Continuing our work on volcanoes, please start with the activity (in Teams) looking at the reasons for and against living near a volcano.

Once you have completed this activity, can you tell me whether you would like to live near a volcano? Support your answer with information from the session.



Today we are going to look at symmetry and lines of symmetry within shapes. I will share our learning screens with you in the Teams meeting. You might like to listen to the NumberRock song above.

You can then find today’s activity in the Teams’ file.


Using the picture of the volcano shared on our morning Teams, can you use your simile skills from this week to write similes for the volcano scene?


Today’s reading questions are based on Seas. I’ve uploaded the reading comprehension text and questions,  to the reading file on Teams.


The book ‘Flood’ does not have any writing or text. Today I would like you to choose some of the pictures and write the speech or action that you think could go with the text. You can write this as speech and action bubbles with captions or you can write this as a story underneath the text.

I have added the pictures I would like you to choose from to a Powerpoint on Teams.

Topic (Art)

I would like you to create some volcano art.

In a similar way to last week, I would like you to create a piece of artwork inspired by volcanoes. You can do this in any way you choose: 3D modelling, paint, pastel, felt tips, sculptures…it’s entirely up to you!

I will share some ideas with you in our morning Teams meeting of how you could create your artwork.

Reception home learning w/c 1st Feb

Important daily learning ideas

It’s important to keep reading a little every day, The Oxford Owl website is brilliant – click on the button below to find the link and your login details.

On the side of each book is a little colour marker. The Year 1 children are best to choose books with red, yellow or blue markers to start off with. Year 2 will be able to read the books with green, orange, turquoise and purple markers. The books get progressively harder as you scroll through the colour bands.

Use the Teach Your Monster to Read App and the Monster Phonics App to work through some of the phonics games, daily. Please also keep working on spelling some of the high frequency words on the word card that we sent home in the homework books. Try to apply the words in sentences too. Phonicsplay and Twinkl are other excellent sites containing phonics activities and games. We are currently working on Phase 5/6 phonics with Year 1 and 2.

I will be adding any Monster Phonics PowerPoints and resources which you could try at home, to a folder on Teams. That way, you will be able to access these even if you can’t make the meetings. You also have access to their learning resources during this period of home learning. You can find the details by clicking on the Monster Phonics button below.

Practical Maths is the best way for children to learn, so please do not feel that your child has to complete the worksheets. You could use toys, raisins or dried pasta as counters. If you don’t have a printer, the sheets can be completed on paper or in an exercise book..

And don’t forget our live lesson which will be held at:

11am every day. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.



All this week, in maths we will be thinking about practical measuring – we will be learning about mass and capacity and we will be having lots of fun. Start with lesson 1, thinking about lighter and heavier than.

I have put a related Powerpoint and Activity Sheet in the Reception Maths folder on Teams.

I have added a list of the log in details for Numbots to the Maths folder on Teams. This is an excellent app which helps the children to develop a firm foundation in number. I would also recommend watching some of the Jack Hartmann YouTube videos– there are some very catchy songs!


Read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk that is in this week’s English folder. (I shall read this during today’s Teams meeting too).  Talk about the different characters and what you know about them from the story. Can you remember the story? There is a ‘Story Map’ that you could cut out, complete and then use to help you to retell the story. I would love you to send me a video of you reading ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’.

Topic (Science)

The key part of this term’s topic is to learn what makes an animal an animal. Last week we classified animals into the main groups of mammals, reptiles, insects, amphibians, fish and birds. Now I would like you to investigate the features of some different creatures in each group. What is its skin like, does it have feathers, fur or scales?  How does it move? Is it a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore? Does it lay eggs? The Chester Zoo, London Zoo and Blackpool Zoo websites will help you to gather this information. They even hold virtual zoo days where you can find out about the different animals that they look after.

Now I would like you to invent an animal. What is its head and body like? How does it move? What is it covered with? Does it have a tail? What is its habitat like? What does it eat? Which animal group would it belong to if it was real? Draw a picture of your animal, describe it and give it a name. You might like to download the ‘Animal Muddles’ app to help invent funny animals with different features.



Today, in maths, we will be thinking about, full and empty. Please start by doing lesson two in the series, after which I have put a related Powerpoint and Activity Sheet in the Reception Maths folder on Teams.

Please remember to do some reading and phonics work, every day. There are plenty of ideas in Teams and don’t forget to use the Logins detailed in the Key Learning section above.


Have another read through our version of Jack and the Beanstalk. Have you ever heard a different version? Traditional tales are so old that we don’t know who wrote the stories! Sometimes there are lots of different versions of the same story. In some versions of The Three Little Pigs, all three pigs survive and in other versions two of the pigs get eaten! Have a chat with your grown up about all of the different traditional stories that you know. Watch these video clips of Jack and the Beanstalk.

How is it different to the one that I read to you? Draw a picture of your favourite character from the story.

Topic (Computing)

This afternoon, I would like you to think about internet safety. Please look at the childnet page here. I have added a Smartie the Penguin Powerpoint to the folder on Teams and a sheet of questions that you could use to aid discussion about this important issue.



Today we are going to learn about, measuring capacity. Please do lesson threetogether, after which I have put a related Powerpoint and Activity Sheet in the Reception Maths folder on Teams.


Today we will peep through the keyhole into the giant’s castle and see if we can think of some amazing adjectives to describe what we can see. Let’s go and climb up the beanstalk…..ssshhhh!!!! (We will try to do this during our meeting but if there is a technical hitch, the interactive activity ‘Giant’s Castle’ is in the English folder.) Peep through and move the key hole around. Describe what you think you could hear, smell, see, taste, touch if you were in the castle. Try to use lots of adjective (exciting describing words). If you press the space bar it should clear the picture so that you can have a good look around the room.

Using the ‘Giant’s Castle’ sheet, ask a grown up to help you to write some words to describe what you think you can see, hear, smell, taste, touch inside the giant’s castle. (Use ideas from through the keyhole plus own imagination.)

Topic (Art)

Have a look at some different animal skin patterns. Try to sketch and colour some. Above you can see examples that you might like to try:



Today we are going to continue learning about capacity and we will be thinking about, how many fit inside. Please do lesson four together, after which I have put a related Powerpoint and Activity Sheet in the Reception Maths folder on Teams.


Recap on the story. When we read ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ we feel glad that Jack defeats that giant and lives happily ever after. But how do you think the giant’s wife feels when she finds out what Jack has done? Make a ‘wanted’ poster to help her to catch Jack. His crimes could be stealing and also killing the giant! What reward to you think the giant’s wife would offer to the person who catches Jack for her?  Ask a grown up to help you.

Topic (R.E.)

Last week we looked at how we have special meals with our families to celebrate different occasions. When Catholics celebrate Mass, they are celebrating Jesus’ special meal.

Read this story:

Last week, I asked Mum why we always went to Mass on Sunday morning.  Mum said Sunday was a special day for the friends of Jesus.  “It’s a day when the parish family gather together to remember Jesus, a day when they celebrate Jesus’ love,” she told me.  “It is a very special meal that Jesus asked us to celebrate to remember him.  It helps us love Jesus more.”

After Mass, Mum bought me a book in the little shop at the back of church.  It is all about Sunday.  It has pictures of what happens at Mass.  When we got home, Dad read it with me.  I can remember lots of things it told us.  There is a picture of the priest welcoming all the people.  He reminds them that they have come together to remember Jesus and his love for them.  He says a prayer.  Everyone sits down to listen to stories about Jesus.  They say prayers thanking God for sending Jesus.  Some receive Holy Communion, and some receive a blessing.  The priest sends people home to take Jesus’ love out to everyone they meet.

Chat about the story then draw a picture of someone receiving communion or a blessing at Mass.



The final lesson in the series looks at measuring ingredients. Please do the lesson together and then use the PowerPoint and Activity sheet that you can find in Teams.


What do you think happened to the beanstalk after the end of the story? Did Jack, his Mum and Daisy stay in their house or did they move? Did the man have any more magic beans and if so, what did he do with them? What else do you think happened to Jack and his family? Tell the next part of the story to explain what happened to Jack and his family after the point at which ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ ends. (Maybe Jack finds some more beans and has another adventure up a beanstalk.) You could ask a grown up to help you write down your ideas or draw a picture to show your ideas. You might decide to make a video of your new adventure.

Topic (P.E.)

Be active! Go for a walk, ride your bike, learn how to skip with a rope. Don’t forget the daily PE with Joe Wicks which is live every morning at 9am. Cosmic Kids Yoga is also lovely, you can find sessions on you tube to follow (see link), and they also have an App (fees apply).

In the PE folder on Teams, there is a Moving Animals Powerpoint. Have a look through it, then see if you can move like the different animals. Can you crawl, slither, gallop, jump, creep, swim, fly? Can your family guess which animal you are pretending to be?

Year 1/2 home learning w/c 2nd Feb

Important daily learning ideas

It’s important to keep reading a little every day, The Oxford Owl website is brilliant – click on the button below to find the link and your login details.

On the side of each book is a little colour marker. The Year 1 children are best to choose books with red, yellow or blue markers to start off with. Year 2 will be able to read the books with green, orange, turquoise and purple markers. The books get progressively harder as you scroll through the colour bands.

Use the Teach Your Monster to Read App and the Monster Phonics App to work through some of the phonics games, daily. Please also keep working on spelling some of the high frequency words on the word card that we sent home in the homework books. Try to apply the words in sentences too. Phonicsplay and Twinkl are other excellent sites containing phonics activities and games. We are currently working on Phase 5/6 phonics with Year 1 and 2.

I will be adding any Monster Phonics PowerPoints and resources which you could try at home, to a folder on Teams. That way, you will be able to access these even if you can’t make the meetings. You also have access to their learning resources during this period of home learning. You can find the details by clicking on the Monster Phonics button below.

Practical Maths is the best way for children to learn, so please do not feel that your child has to complete the worksheets. You could use toys, raisins or dried pasta as counters. If you don’t have a printer, the sheets can be completed on paper or in an exercise book..

And don’t forget our live lesson which will be held at:

11.30am every day. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.



Today we will be thinking about subtraction, whilst crossing ten. Start by doing the lesson together here.

Follow this up with some practical activities to try to practise what you learned in the video. There are also some resources on teams.

I have also set some My Maths tasks that the children could try. On Teams, there is a list of logins for the children to access Numbots (Year 1) and TT Rockstars (Year 2). The Numbots app is very easy at first but does get harder and is really good for embedding number facts. Please don’t try to do everything- pick and choose the activities that work best for your child.



Read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk that is in this week’s English folder. (I shall read this during today’s Teams meeting too).  Talk about the different characters and what you know about them from the story. Use the ‘Character Description’ sheet in the Teams files to write about your favourite character from the story. There are some really good adjectives that you could use to make your writing really interesting and exciting to read. Don’t forget to use really neat handwriting, capital letters and full stops too.

Topic (Science)

The key part of this term’s topic is to learn what makes an animal an animal. Last week we classified animals into the main groups of mammals, reptiles, insects, amphibians, fish and birds. Now I would like you to investigate the features of some different creatures in each group. What is its skin like, does it have feathers, fur or scales?  How does it move? Is it a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore? Does it lay eggs? The Chester Zoo, London Zoo and Blackpool Zoo websites will help you to gather this information. They even hold virtual zoo days where you can find out about the different animals that they look after.

Now I would like you to invent an animal. What is its head and body like? How does it move? What is it covered with? Does it have a tail? What is its habitat like? What does it eat? Which animal group would it belong to if it was real? Draw a picture of your animal, describe it and give it a name. You might like to download the ‘Animal Muddles’ app to help invent funny animals with different features.



Today, in maths, we are continuing on our mission to conquer subtraction, crossing ten. Please start by doing the lesson here, after which it would be brilliant if you do a few practical activities together. There are also some resources on Teams.

Please remember to do some reading and phonics work, every day. There are plenty of ideas in Teams and don’t forget to use the Logins detailed in the Key Learning section above.


Have another read through our version of Jack and the Beanstalk. Have you ever heard a different version? Traditional tales are so old that we don’t know who wrote the stories! Sometimes there are lots of different versions of the same story. In some versions of The Three Little Pigs, all three pigs survive and in other versions two of the pigs get eaten! Have a chat with your grown up about all of the different traditional stories that you know. Watch these video clips of Jack and the Beanstalk.

How is it different to the one that I read to you? Now have a look at the Comprehension activity. Can you answer all of the questions about Jack and the Beanstalk. (There are three comprehensions which get progressively harder so please choose the one that suits your child best. There is no need to print this out, it can be a discussion activity rather than written if you prefer.)

Topic (Computing)

This afternoon, I would like you to think about internet safety. Please look at the childnet page here. I have added a Smartie the Penguin Powerpoint to the folder on Teams and a sheet of questions that you could use to aid discussion about this important issue.



When we are learning about maths and number, we look at and realise that there are related facts. Knowing and understanding these facts helps us to solve harder problems. Please watch the lesson here and then do some practical maths together. Don’t forget there are resources for you to use on Teams as well.


Today we will peep through the keyhole into the giant’s castle and see if we can think of some amazing adjectives to describe what we can see. Let’s go and climb up the beanstalk…..ssshhhh!!!! (We will try to do this during our meeting but if there is a technical hitch, the interactive activity ‘Giant’s Castle’ is in the English folder.) Peep through and move the key hole around. Describe what you think you could hear, smell, see, taste, touch if you were in the castle. Try to use lots of adjective (exciting describing words). If you press the space bar it should clear the picture so that you can have a good look around the room. Using the ‘Inside the Giant’s Castle’ sheet, write some sentences about what you think you can see, hear, smell, taste, touch inside the giant’s castle. (Use ideas from through the keyhole plus own imagination.)

Topic (Art)

Have a look at some different animal skin patterns. Try to sketch and colour some. Above you can see examples that you might like to try:



Today we will be comparing different number sentences. Please do the lesson here and then follow it up with some practical activities and look out for any resources on Teams.


Recap on the story. When we read ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ we feel glad that Jack defeats that giant and lives happily ever after. But how do you think the giant’s wife feels when she finds out what Jack has done? Make a ‘wanted’ poster to help her to catch Jack. His crimes could be stealing and also killing the giant! What reward to you think the giant’s wife would offer to the person who catches Jack for her? There is a template that you could use on teams or you could create your own.

Topic (R.E.)

Last week we looked at how we have special meals with our families to celebrate different occasions. When Catholics celebrate Mass, they are celebrating Jesus’ special meal.

Read this story:

Last week, I asked Mum why we always went to Mass on Sunday morning.  Mum said Sunday was a special day for the friends of Jesus.  “It’s a day when the parish family gather together to remember Jesus, a day when they celebrate Jesus’ love,” she told me.  “It is a very special meal that Jesus asked us to celebrate to remember him.  It helps us love Jesus more.”

After Mass, Mum bought me a book in the little shop at the back of church.  It is all about Sunday.  It has pictures of what happens at Mass.  When we got home, Dad read it with me.  I can remember lots of things it told us.  There is a picture of the priest welcoming all the people.  He reminds them that they have come together to remember Jesus and his love for them.  He says a prayer.  Everyone sits down to listen to stories about Jesus.  They say prayers thanking God for sending Jesus.  Some receive Holy Communion, and some receive a blessing.  The priest sends people home to take Jesus’ love out to everyone they meet.

Chat about the story then draw a picture of someone receiving communion or a blessing at Mass.



There is an activity to try on Teams which checks the children’s understanding of the addition and subtraction unit that they have just completed. All of the resources are in the folders if you need to revisit any concepts with your child.


What do you think happened to the beanstalk after the end of the story? Did Jack, his Mum and Daisy stay in their house or did they move? Did the man have any more magic beans and if so, what did he do with them? What else do you think happened to Jack and his family? Write the next part of the story to explain what happened to Jack and his family after the point at which ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ ends. (Maybe Jack finds some more beans and has another adventure up a beanstalk.)

Topic (P.E.)

Be active! Go for a walk, ride your bike, learn how to skip with a rope. Don’t forget the daily PE with Joe Wicks which is live every morning at 9am. Cosmic Kids Yoga is also lovely, you can find sessions on you tube to follow (see link), and they also have an App (fees apply).

In the PE folder on Teams, there is a Moving Animals Powerpoint. Have a look through it, then see if you can move like the different animals. Can you crawl, slither, gallop, jump, creep, swim, fly? Can your family guess which animal you are pretending to be?

Class 2 home learning w/c 25th Jan

This week's key learning

This week we will be thinking about measuring in our maths work, and we will be continuing our in depth look at our class novel, ‘Stig of the Dump’ . We will do a lot of comprehension work to help us get deeper into the story and we will look at specific word level features that will help us with our own writing. Please do get in touch with me as often as you can, and don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:

10am and 2.30pm everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.



Today we are going to be thinking about capacity. Before you start, there is a great lesson here.  Once you’ve finished the lesson, there are some worksheets and PowerPoints in Teams.


Today we will start to read Chapter 3 of our class novel, Stig of the Dump. You can find the copy in the English folder on Teams, stop reading when you get to the paragraph ending with. “What a lot of firewood!”

As you’re reading, look out for similies. There’s a great song below to remind you about similies. When you’ve finished there are some questions and an activity on this week’s worksheet.


Can you write some descriptions using similes linked to our Stig story?


Eg. Barney ran back to Gran’s house. His legs were racing like a cheetah and his heart was beating like a drum. He grabbed his grandad’s steel axe, the metal shone like …

Topic (R.E.)

We have already celebrated the season of Advent and Christmas. On the 6th January we celebrated The Epiphany – The visit of the Wise men.

We are now in Ordinary Time – So we shall study this Sunday’s Gospel from 24th January – click on the button to read it and/or watch the video to the left.

In the Gospel Jesus begins to choose his Apostles. There are some activities in Teams. Afterwards, can you draw the scene and write a recount of the event?



Use your My Maths logins to continue working with measures. There is also a lesson here – to help with measuring and comparing capacities.

Afterwards, please finish the capacity sheets on Teams.


Using the extract in your Teams folder, read from ‘That afternoon Barney brought a hatchet…’ to P75 (end of chapter 3). Afterwards, try to answer the following:

Why do you think Stig thought the matches were precious?

 Describe the scene which Stig painted on the wall.

 Why did Barney feel sorry for Stig living in a cave at this time of year?

Finish by drawing the hunting scene which Stig created on the cave wall – READ the description carefully on P71 so that you include it all.




Imagine you just spent an afternoon with Stig. Can you write a recount of what happened? In your writing, show what you would tell your mum – think about everything you did. Think about how you would start each sentence, you may use some of the ideas below:

Mum I’ve had such a great time today with Stig! First I helped him to saw and cut wood by using dad’s ……… Then Stig tried to make a fire out of grass but it was too damp so I showed him how to light a match. Stig couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw …

Finally Stig used a charred, blackened stick to draw on the white chalk board. It was a amazing! He drew …

Topic (Science)

Today we will be using our observational skills to sort rocks. You will need to look at the slides in the PowerPoint on Teams and you should also do the lesson here.

Finally finish with the sorting activity that you will find on Teams.



Today we will be thinking about mass.You may want to start with this lesson, and then look at your worksheet and in your Teams folder for today’s work.


In today’s extract, we meet, The Snargets – read the extract on Teams and then answer the questions on your worksheet. As you read, focus on how Barney may be feeling – what evidence do you have?


Imagine you are Barney. How would you have felt when you saw the Snargets? When they were chasing after you? What did you think they might do to you if they caught you?


SHOW your thoughts – in thought bubbles

Topic (Music)

Continuing with our Rock and Roll theme, 1956 is the year that Elvis Presley began to dominate the charts.

Watch the clip together and discuss Elvis’s iconic style, there are more links and lyrics on your worksheet.

Can you sing some of his songs? Can you make up a rock and roll dance to them?



Today we are going to to be working with money – if you have some real money to hand, it can be helpful (but remember to give it back, when you’ve finished). There is a great lesson here, or you may look for one of the more or, for more of a challenge, click here.

Afterwards, check Teams for your appropriate activity.


Today we will continue with our reading of Stig. When you’ve read Part 2 of Chapter 5, try to answer the following questions:

What was Stig doing when Barney eventually found him?

What did the Snargets threaten to do to Barney when they caught him?

Why did Stig eat the cigarette?


Write a diary entry from the point of view of Barney. Think about everything you’ve learned in the past two days about his feelings – how they changed from first meeting the Snargets, right up to making friends with them.

Topic (PSHE)

Today, in PSHE, we will be thinking about ambitions, and we will be looking at the life and work of Jane Goodall. There is a powerpoint in Teams, and some video suggestions, including the one to the right.

Finish with the activity below.

What would you like to do or be when you grow up? – chat to your family members


DRAW a Flower or use the template on Teams.

Ask the children what a flower template has to do with dreams and goals? We might notice that plants grow from tiny seeds, so we can imagine that our dreams and goals are seeds that we can plant now and watch them grow into the future. Think carefully about our own dreams and goals, and draw or write these dreams on the petals of their flower. In the centre of the flower draw a picture of how you think you will look, when you have achieved one (or all) of your dreams.



It’s Friday! Use today to make sure you are up to date with your My Maths work and that you have logged in to Times Tables Rockstars regularly.


In English can you think about these words and how they are spelled.

certain     circle       complete      consider     continue

See if someone can test you on your spellings. Can you write more than one sentence using each of the words?

Topic (P.E.)

It’s important to make sure that you do some PE – try to be a bit active every day. There are plenty of YouTube ideas for PE workouts in your home, or maybe you can go for a short walk with an adult from your house. Click here to access some PE lessons from the BBC or maybe try working out with Joe Wicks.

Class 3 home learning w/c 25th Jan

This week's key learning

Don’t forget that as well as all the work on this page, and your activities in Teams, you need to try and do some Times Table Rockstars. This week we have a battle of Fletcher versus the rest of the class. We need you logged in and practising in order to compete. And don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:

9.00am and 2pm everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.



Today we are learning about negative numbers, I’ve got some learning slides to share with you in our Teams meeting this morning. After our Teams meeting, you will need to watch this video, here. Once you’ve finished the lesson, there is a negative number activity sheet for you to complete in the Maths file on Teams.


For your SPAG work today, we will be looking at using an apostrophe to show possession. You will need to click on this link, to view the lesson and then complete screens 1 to 3.

For Reading you have a comprehension exercise based on The Water Cycle in Teams. There are 3 levels to choose from: 1 star is the easiest level moving to 3 stars which is the most difficult. Can you choose which level you would like to try today? (Try and think about the level you would have worked on in class).


Today’s activity follows on from Friday’s piece of writing. We thought about whether the boy should keep the camera or throw it back into the ocean. We came up with lots of reasons to keep it and lots of reasons to throw it back.

Today I would like you to create an advertisement to sell the camera. You can do this as an advert for an Ebay listing (there is a blank proforma you can use on Teams in the English file) or you can create a poster/advert that you might display in a local shop.


Topic (Logo Design)

Today I would like you to design a logo for a competition. Sabden Parish Council have contacted school and asked us to take part in their ‘Design a Logo’. Click on the button to read the background information that they have given us.



Today we are going to look at sequences. I will show you some learning slides in our Teams meeting this morning to explain what they are and how we can find missing numbers.

You can find today’s learning sheet in the Maths File on Teams.


Today’s SPAG follows on from yesterday- can you complete the lesson here

I have also uploaded this activity to Teams for you.

Today’s READING comprehension is based on Tsunamis. Like yesterday, there are different levels to try so you can choose. This is saved in the Teams folder.


In our Teams meeting today, I am going to show you some more pictures from our Flotsam book. Today I want you to use your writing skills to produce a descriptive piece of writing about an underwater scene.

You need to make good vocabulary choices and include similes, alliteration, expanded noun phrases and correct punctuation.

Topic (Geography)

Last week lots of you really enjoyed our Tornado work. So, this week I would like you to research and present information on Tsunamis.

Think about questions such as: What are they? How are they formed? Where do they happen?

You can present this in a number of ways. You can create your own presentation or PowerPoint or use either the border pages or research grid to record your information. (These are in the Topic file on Teams.)



We are going to continue looking at number sequences. I will show you more learning slides in our morning meeting where I will explain how sequences can be used. After our Teams meeting,please watch this lesson, and then complete today’s activities (in Teams).


Let’s keep working on apostrophes for possession today, click here to view today’s work, you will be completing screens 1 to 3.

Today’s reading comprehension is called ‘End plastic pollution’ and it has 3 levels. Please choose your level. The work is in the files in Teams.


Today we will look at the last part of the book. As you know, the story doesn’t have any words. Today I would like you to write the story. You can:

write the story as a narrator using third person,

or write the story from the point of view of the boy,

or write the story from the point of view of the camera.

Don’t forget to use paragraphs and include punctuation. You also need to make sure you vary your sentence lengths along with choosing good vocabulary. Remember to always read through and check your own writing.


Today, if you can, I would like you to make a model Tsunami and explain how it works. This can be on a video, with pictures or in writing. I have included directions on how you can the model Tsunami at home (click here or see Teams). If you can’t create the model, I would like you to do a drawing of how a Tsunami happens along with an explanation of it.



Today we are going to start looking at position and direction in maths. We are going to start by looking at coordinates. I will share our learning slides in our morning Teams meeting with you.

Can you complete today’s activity sheet?


In SPAG, please try to complete the screen 4 activity, here..

Today’s READING comprehension is called, ‘All about plastic pollution’. Like yesterday, there are different levels to try so you can choose. This is saved in the Teams folder.


In our book Flotsam, we see lots of underwater animals. I want you to think about where animals in the sea can live. We know that they can live naturally in the oceans but sometimes they are moved to live in aquariums. This can be for a number of reasons. Today I would like you to answer the question, ‘Should aquariums exist?’

You may need to do some additional research on why animals are in aquariums to help you answer this question.

You need to think about both the reasons why they should and why they shouldn’t before you have a final answer!


Today I want you to think about the words ‘marine biologist.’

I would like you to find out what this means and involves. Then, once you have carried out some research, can you create a factsheet on what a marine biologist is?  You could even include any famous or well known ones along with what they do.

Here are two websites that might help you make a good start:



We are going to continue to look at coordinates in today’s session. Remember the phrase ‘along the corridor and up the stairs’ to help you when reading and plotting coordinates. I will share some learning slides in our morning Teams. After this, can you watch this video, and finish with your activity sheet (in Teams)?




Today I would like you to read for pleasure. You could read independently or you could read to someone in your house. Think about using a story tellers voice and using punctuation correctly.

Think about the characters, their emotions, their actions and the plot/events of your book.


Today I would like you to create an explanation text which answers the question ‘How do people around the world look after our oceans?’

This question has lots of possible research focuses. For example, you could look at ocean conservation, animal protection, pollution in our oceans and whose job it is to protect the world’s oceans?

I would like you to present your information using subheadings and paragraphs, pictures and/or diagrams, fact boxes, did you know? boxes and anything else you can think of.

Topic (Art)

Today I would like you to create an underwater scene. You can do this through drawing, painting, pastels or 3D junk modelling. Be creative and show me what you think under the sea looks like.

Reception home learning w/c 25th Jan

Important daily learning ideas

It’s important to keep reading a little every day, The Oxford Owl website is brilliant – click on the button below to find the link and your login details.

On the side of each book is a little colour marker. The Year 1 children are best to choose books with red, yellow or blue markers to start off with. Year 2 will be able to read the books with green, orange, turquoise and purple markers. The books get progressively harder as you scroll through the colour bands.

Use the Teach Your Monster to Read App and the Monster Phonics App to work through some of the phonics games, daily.

We are currently working on Phase 2/3 phonics with Reception- learning the letters and sounds and blending/ segmenting them to read and write simple words.

I will be adding any Monster Phonics PowerPoints and resources which you could try at home, to a folder on Teams. That way, you will be able to access these even if you can’t make the meetings.

And don’t forget our live lesson which will be held at:

11am every day. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.



Today we will be looking at the composition of numbers to five (2 groups). Start by doing the first lesson in this series together.

I have put a related Powerpoint and Activity Sheet in the Reception Maths folder on Teams.

I have added a list of the log in details for Numbots to the Maths folder on Teams. This is an excellent app which helps the children to develop a firm foundation in number. I would also recommend watching some of the Jack Hartmann YouTube videos– there are some very catchy songs!



Today we are going to be thinking about story mapping. In the video below, you can see Pie Corbett using the technique with, Little Red Riding Hood. Watch or read, ‘Lost and Found’ again, and then use the Story Map on Teams (or click here) to retell the story, with actions.

I’d love to see a video of your story map retelling.

Topic (Science)

So far, we have had a look at animals from hot and cold countries, their habitats and how they camouflage against their surroundings. Today I would like you to find out about how we can group animals based on their characteristics.


Watch these BBC bitesize clips to find out about mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects and then have a look at the ‘Animal Groups Powerpoint’ on Teams.

This site from San Diego zoo looks at animal categories and gives examples of each, and there are some ‘Animal Groups Sorting Cards’ on Teams for you to try too or you can create your own to sort.



Today, in maths, we will be thinking about, ‘how many altogether?’. Please start by doing the second lesson, after which it would be brilliant if you do a few practical activities together. There are also some resources on Teams.


Practise your cutting skills by creating some Lost and Found stick puppets. There are some on Teams that you could use or you could make your own. You could use real twigs if you do not have any lolly sticks handy. Use the stick puppets to retell the story of Lost and Found. Don’t forget to send me a video!

Topic (Art)

Make a penguin, possum, pig or other small animal of your choice out of salt dough (see the recipe below). Try following these techniques (right) to make your creature:


Don’t forget to send me a picture!

Roll a lemon/egg shape from the dough.

Gently squeeze a head shape near the top of the egg.

Pull and twist to create wing shapes, beak and feet/ ears, snouts …

If making a pig or small animal, draw a cross shape with a knife/ tool and pull each section to form legs and feet.

Use tools to pierce eyes or add textures such as feathers on wings, fur, tails etc.

Dry your salt dough creature and then paint it.



Today we are going to continue with our, Alive in Five series of lessons. We will be thinking about three groups today. Please watch the third lesson in the series and then do some practical maths together. Don’t forget there are resources for you to use on Teams as well.


Use the character sheet on teams. Look at the picture and talk about what it tells you about the characters in, ‘Lost and Found’. Try to write some describing words next to the picture to describe how the characters are feeling at the different points in the story.

Topic (Music)

Please pick any of the lessons here – they are great fun.

There is also a fun, Polar Party Rap  that you could try.


Let me know which ones you have done.



Please do the fourth lesson in the series, ‘How many are hiding?’ Follow up with some practical activities and look out for any resources on Teams.


Today we are going to plan our own version of the Lost and Found story. What could we have instead of a penguin? Use your imagination, you can choose whichever animal character you like. Maybe you could plan a story about a little boy who finds a lion at his door. Where might the lion live? If it lives in the jungle, would we get there by boat? What could we use instead? Use the ‘New Story Plan’ template on Teams to make a basic plan for your new story.

Topic (R.E.)

We are going to think about the love and special times we share in our families. Look at the ‘Special Meal’ photo, and talk about a time when you celebrated with a special meal. It might have been a birthday party, Christmas, a wedding, a First Communion or a Baptism celebration.  Use these questions to help:

When might you have a special meal?

What makes a meal special?

Who was there?

Who prepared the meal?

What did you eat?

How did you help?

What did you like best about it?

How did it make you feel?

Why is it good to spend time sharing food together?

On a paper plate or paper circle, draw a picture of your special meal. Talk to a grown up about who was there and why it was special to share food together.



Today we will continue with thinking about how many are hiding. Please do session five, and then then follow up with the Power Point and activity sheet on Teams. Don’t forget that practical maths is the best way to embed your learning, so try and do some quick-fire challenges throughout the day. You could pick five teddies, and doing some how many are hiding questions of your own.


Use your story plan from yesterday to help you to read your own story based on ‘Lost and Found’.  You could even add actions! If you are feeling brave, you could record yourself reading it too. I would love to hear it!

Topic (P.E.)

Be active! Go for a walk, ride your bike, learn how to skip with a rope. Don’t forget the daily PE with Joe Wicks which is live every morning at 9am. Cosmic Kids Yoga is also lovely, you can find sessions on you tube to follow (see link), and they also have an App (fees apply).

In the PE folder on Teams, there is a Moving Animals Powerpoint. Have a look through it, then see if you can move like the different animals. Can you crawl, slither, gallop, jump, creep, swim, fly?

Year 1/2 Home Learning w/c 25th Jan

Important daily learning ideas

It’s important to keep reading a little every day, The Oxford Owl website is brilliant – click on the button below to find the link and your login details.

On the side of each book is a little colour marker. The Year 1 children are best to choose books with red, yellow or blue markers to start off with. Year 2 will be able to read the books with green, orange, turquoise and purple markers. The books get progressively harder as you scroll through the colour bands.

Use the Teach Your Monster to Read App and the Monster Phonics App to work through some of the phonics games, daily. Please also keep working on spelling some of the high frequency words on the word card that we sent home in the homework books. Try to apply the words in sentences too. Phonicsplay and Twinkl are other excellent sites containing phonics activities and games. We are currently working on Phase 5/6 phonics with Year 1 and 2.

I will be adding any Monster Phonics PowerPoints and resources which you could try at home, to a folder on Teams. That way, you will be able to access these even if you can’t make the meetings. This week our focus sounds will be ‘brown owl’ – ‘ow’, ‘ou’ like in ‘town’ and ‘shout’ and ‘Miss Oh No’ – ‘ow’ like in ‘show’.

Practical Maths is the best way for children to learn, so please do not feel that your child has to complete the worksheets. You could use toys, raisins or dried pasta as counters. If you don’t have a printer, the sheets can be completed on paper or in an exercise book..

And don’t forget our live lesson which will be held at:

11.30am every day. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.



Today we will be thinking about adding, by making ten. Start by doing the lesson together here.

Follow this up with some practical activities to try to practise what you learned in the video.

I have also set some My Maths tasks that the children could try. On Teams, there is a list of logins for the children to access Numbots (Year 1) and TT Rockstars (Year 2). Please don’t try to do everything- pick and choose the activities that work best for your child


Today we are going to be thinking about story mapping. In the video below, you can see Pie Corbett using the technique with, Little Red Riding Hood. Watch or read, ‘Lost and Found’ again, and then use the Story Map on Teams (or click here) to retell the story, with actions.

I’d love to see a video of your story map retelling.

Topic (Science)

So far, we have had a look at animals from hot and cold countries, their habitats and how they camouflage against their surroundings. Today I would like you to find out about how we can group animals based on their characteristics.


Watch these BBC bitesize clips to find out about mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects and then have a look at the ‘Animal Groups Powerpoint’ on Teams.

This site from San Diego zoo looks at animal categories and gives examples of each, and there are some ‘Animal Groups Sorting Cards’ on Teams for you to try too or you can create your own to sort.



Today, in maths, we are continuing to think about adding by making ten. Please start by doing the lesson here, after which it would be brilliant if you do a few practical activities together. There are also some resources on Teams.


Now that you know the story well, I would like you to try to answer some questions about ‘Lost and Found’. There is a Comprehension Task on Teams for you to try. This is a discussion activity so there is no need to write your answers down. Let me know how you get on!

Topic (Art)

Make a penguin, possum, pig or other small animal of your choice out of salt dough (see the recipe below). Try following these techniques (right) to make your creature:


Don’t forget to send me a picture!

Roll a lemon/egg shape from the dough.

Gently squeeze a head shape near the top of the egg.

Pull and twist to create wing shapes, beak and feet/ ears, snouts …

If making a pig or small animal, draw a cross shape with a knife/ tool and pull each section to form legs and feet.

Use tools to pierce eyes or add textures such as feathers on wings, fur, tails etc.

Dry your salt dough creature and then paint it.



Today we will be looking at subtraction (without crossing ten).  Please watch the lesson here and then do some practical maths together. Don’t forget there are resources for you to use on Teams as well.


Look at the pictures on the ‘Character sheet’ on Teams (or click here). Discuss the images and interpret what they tell you about the characters. Try to write some adjectives next to the pictures then use them to write some sentences to describe how the characters are feeling at the different points in the story.

Topic (Music)

Please pick any of the lessons here – they are great fun.

There is also a fun, Polar Party Rap  that you could try.


Let me know which ones you have done.



Today we are continuing with our work on subtraction, and this time we will be looking at counting back. Please do the lesson here and then follow it up with some practical activities and look out for any resources on Teams.


Today we are going to plan our own version of the Lost and Found story. What could we have instead of a penguin? Use your imagination, you can choose whichever animal character you like. Maybe you could plan a story about a little boy who finds a lion at his door. Where might the lion live? If it lives in the jungle, would we get there by boat? What could we use instead? Use the ‘New Story Plan’ template on Teams to make a basic plan for your new story.

Topic (R.E.)

We are going to think about the love and special times we share in our families. Look at the ‘Special Meal’ photo, and talk about a time when you celebrated with a special meal. It might have been a birthday party, Christmas, a wedding, a First Communion or a Baptism celebration.  Use these questions to help:

When might you have a special meal?

What makes a meal special?

Who was there?

Who prepared the meal?

What did you eat?

How did you help?

What did you like best about it?

How did it make you feel?

Why is it good to spend time sharing food together?

On a paper plate or paper circle, draw a picture of your special meal. Talk to a grown up about who was there and why it was special to share food together.



Today we will continue with subtraction by counting back, but we will have the added challenge of crossing ten. Please do the lesson here, and then look out for the resources on Teams. Don’t forget that practical maths is the best way to embed your learning, so try and do some quick-fire challenges throughout the day. Think about things like, oh, I’ve got 12 carrots – if we eat 4, how many will we have left?


Use your story plan from yesterday to help you to write your own story based on ‘Lost and Found’.  Remember to use capital letters, full stops and lots of exciting describing words. Don’t forget to show me your wonderful work. If you are feeling brave, you could record yourself reading it too. I would love to hear it!

Topic (P.E.)

Be active! Go for a walk, ride your bike, learn how to skip with a rope. Don’t forget the daily PE with Joe Wicks which is live every morning at 9am. Cosmic Kids Yoga is also lovely, you can find sessions on you tube to follow (see link), and they also have an App (fees apply).

In the PE folder on Teams, there is a Moving Animals Powerpoint. Have a look through it, then see if you can move like the different animals. Can you crawl, slither, gallop, jump, creep, swim, fly?

Reception Home Learning w/c 18th Jan

Important daily learning ideas

It’s important to keep reading a little every day, The Oxford Owl website is brilliant – click on the button below to find the link and your login details.

On the side of each book is a little colour marker. The Year 1 children are best to choose books with red, yellow or blue markers to start off with. Year 2 will be able to read the books with green, orange, turquoise and purple markers. The books get progressively harder as you scroll through the colour bands.

Use the Teach Your Monster to Read App and the Monster Phonics App to work through some of the phonics games, daily.

We are currently working on Phase 2/3 phonics with Reception- learning the letters and sounds and blending/ segmenting them to read and write simple words.

I will be adding any Monster Phonics PowerPoints and resources which you could try at home, to a folder on Teams. That way, you will be able to access these even if you can’t make the meetings.

And don’t forget our live lesson which will be held at:

11am every day. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.



Today we will be thinking about, one less. Start by doing the lesson together here.

I have put a related PowerPoint and Activity Sheet in the Reception Maths folder on Teams.

I will also add a list of the log in details for Numbots to the Maths folder on Teams. This is an excellent app which helps the children to develop a firm foundation in number. I would also recommend watching some of the Jack Hartmann youtube videos- there are some very catchy songs!



I will introduce this on the Teams meeting, but we have found a penguin in the classroom this morning! We have no idea where he has come from. What questions could we ask him? Can you think of some questions that you might ask the Penguin? Ask your grown up to help you to write down one of your questions. You will be able to ask the penguin your question on our Teams meeting on Tuesday.

Topic (Science)

We have learned about hot and cold places in the world and have started to think about the animals that live there. Today I would like you to think about how animals adapt to their habitats and to find out about ‘camouflage’. There are some Powerpoints in the folder on Teams, but also use the internet with a grown up to find out some more facts. Compare Arctic Foxes with Desert Foxes, Arctic Hares and Desert Hares. How do they fit in with their surroundings? Why do the desert animals have much longer ears? Watch this video about animals that camouflage in the jungle, and then try the activity here.

Try to write down or draw some pictures to show some of the facts that you have found out.



Today in maths we will be thinking about, representing zero. Please start by doing the second lesson here, I have put a related PowerPoint and Activity Sheet in the Reception Maths folder on Teams.


Today, during our Teams meeting you will ask the penguin your questions and hopefully find out some answers about where he has come from. After our meeting, try to draw the penguin and ask a grown up to help you to write down some of the things we know about how he looks and how he feels.

Topic (Art)

Following on from yesterday’s work about camouflage, I would like you to try to make a model of an animal camouflaged in its habitat. You could use a shoe box and create a white arctic scene including a polar bear, a sandy desert scene with a snake… Enjoy being crafty and use your imagination! Don’t forget to send me a photo!



  Please watch session three, in this series of lessons. We will be looking at the composition of numbers to five, there is also a related PowerPoint on Teams and an activity sheet.


Today we are going to create a lost poster for the penguin. (There is a template on Teams that you could use or you can create your own.) What might you add? Ask a grown-up to write down your ideas.

Have you lost a penguin? Found in our classroom. He is short and chubby with black and white feathers. He is very shy and he likes to eat fish. Please collect him from St Mary’s Primary school.

Topic (Music)

Please pick any of the lessons here – they are great fun. Let me know which ones you have done.



Today we are continuing in the series of lessons on numbers to five – we will be comparing numbers. Please do the fourth lesson and then follow it up with some practical activities and look out for your resources on Teams.


Watch the first part of the ‘Lost and Found’ story by Oliver Jeffers (it will stop in the right place).

What do you think the boy and the penguin might have packed? Try to write a list with a grown up. On the video it shows an umbrella- what might they need that for?

Topic (R.E.)

Last week we thought about how there are quite a few people who welcome us and help at Mass. Remember that although there are people with special roles at Mass everyone who is there is important and joins in by praying, listening, singing by saying the responses and by going forward for a blessing. Some people have special roles at Sunday Mass: e.g. greeters, the priest, deacon, altar servers, readers, those who take the collection, bring up the bread and wine to the altar and the extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion. Some people help prepare the church for Mass on Sunday e.g. flower arrangers and those who clean the church.

Draw pictures of people in helping roles on small pieces of paper.  Include those who help at church; e.g. priest, flower arranger, and other people such as police officer, nurse, etc.  Try to sort them and to recognise those who have a special role in church.



Today’s lesson looks at equal and unequal groups. Please do the last lesson in the series, and then look out for the resources on Teams.


Think about the start of ‘Lost and Found’ again. What has happened so far in the story? What will happen next?

Watch the video clip all the way through this time (see left). Try to write about the story. Who is the story about? Where is it set? What happened? There is a sheet on Teams which you could use as a template.

Topic (P.E.)

Be active! Go for a walk, ride your bike, learn how to skip with a rope. Don’t forget the daily PE with Joe Wicks which is live every morning at 9am. Cosmic Kids Yoga is also lovely, you can find sessions on you tube to follow (see link), and they also have an App (fees apply).