Year 1/2 Home Learning w/c 18th Jan

Important daily learning ideas

It’s important to keep reading a little every day, The Oxford Owl website is brilliant – click on the button below to find the link and your login details.

On the side of each book is a little colour marker. The Year 1 children are best to choose books with red, yellow or blue markers to start off with. Year 2 will be able to read the books with green, orange, turquoise and purple markers. The books get progressively harder as you scroll through the colour bands.

Use the Teach Your Monster to Read App and the Monster Phonics App to work through some of the phonics games, daily. Please also keep working on spelling some of the high frequency words on the word card that we sent home in the homework books. Try to apply the words in sentences too. Phonicsplay and Twinkl are other excellent sites containing phonics activities and games. We are currently working on Phase 5/6 phonics with Year 1 and 2.

I will be adding any Monster Phonics PowerPoints and resources which you could try at home, to a folder on Teams. That way, you will be able to access these even if you can’t make the meetings. This week our focus sounds will be ‘brown owl’ – ‘ow’, ‘ou’ like in ‘town’ and ‘shout’ and ‘Miss Oh No’ – ‘ow’ like in ‘show’.

Practical Maths is the best way for children to learn, so please do not feel that your child has to complete the worksheets. You could use toys, raisins or dried pasta as counters. If you don’t have a printer, the sheets can be completed on paper or in an exercise book..

And don’t forget our live lesson which will be held at:

11.30am every day. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.



All this week we will be thinking about addition. Start by doing the lesson together here.

Follow this up with some practical activities to try to practise what you learned in the video.

I have also set some My Maths tasks that the children could try. On Teams, there is a list of logins for the children to access Numbots (Year 1) and TT Rockstars (Year 2). Please don’t try to do everything- pick and choose the activities that work best for your child


Today, in our Live Lesson I will introduce this on the Teams meeting, we will find a penguin in the classroom ! We have no idea where he has come from. What questions could we ask him? Can you think of some questions that you might ask the Penguin? Write some of your questions down. Don’t forget the question mark! You will be able to ask the penguin your questions on our Teams meeting on Tuesday.

Topic (Science)

We have learned about hot and cold places in the world and have started to think about the animals that live there. Today I would like you to think about how animals adapt to their habitats and to find out about ‘camouflage’. There are some Powerpoints in the folder on Teams, but also use the internet with a grown up to find out some more facts. Compare Arctic Foxes with Desert Foxes, Arctic Hares and Desert Hares. How do they fit in with their surroundings? Why do the desert animals have much longer ears? Watch this video about animals that camouflage in the jungle, and then try the activity here.

Try to write down or draw some pictures to show some of the facts that you have found out.



Today, in maths, we will be thinking about adding by ‘counting on. Please start by doing the lesson here, after which it would be brilliant if you do a few practical activities together. There are also some resources on Teams.


Today, during our Teams meeting you will ask the penguin your questions and hopefully find out some answers about where he has come from. After our meeting, try to draw the penguin and write down some of the things we know about how he looks and how he feels.’. Use each word to think of a question to ask about the story. Try to write your questions down- remember to use a question mark.

Topic (Art)

Following on from yesterday’s work about camouflage, I would like you to try to make a model of an animal camouflaged in its habitat. You could use a shoe box and create a white arctic scene including a polar bear, a sandy desert scene with a snake… Enjoy being crafty and use your imagination! Don’t forget to send me a photo!



Today we are going to continue with addition, but we will be using our knowledge of number bonds to help us.  Please watch the lesson here and then do some practical maths together. Don’t forget there are resources for you to use on Teams as well.


Today we are going to create a lost poster for the penguin. (There is a template on Teams that you could use or you can create your own. I’ve also added some ideas below.) What might you add?

Have you lost a penguin? Found in our classroom. He is short and chubby with black and white feathers. He is very shy and he likes to eat fish. Please collect him from St Mary’s Primary school.

Topic (Music)

Please pick any of the lessons here – they are great fun. Let me know which ones you have done.



Today we are continuing with our work on addition with number bonds. Please do the lesson here and then follow it up with some practical activities and look out for any resources on Teams.


Watch the first part of the ‘Lost and Found’ story by Oliver Jeffers (it will stop in the right place).

What do you think the boy and the penguin might have packed? Try to write a list with a grown up. On the video it shows an umbrella- what might they need that for?

Topic (R.E.)

Last week we thought about how there are quite a few people who welcome us and help at Mass. Remember that although there are people with special roles at Mass everyone who is there is important and joins in by praying, listening, singing by saying the responses and by going forward for a blessing. Some people have special roles at Sunday Mass: e.g. greeters, the priest, deacon, altar servers, readers, those who take the collection, bring up the bread and wine to the altar and the extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion. Some people help prepare the church for Mass on Sunday e.g. flower arrangers and those who clean the church.

Draw pictures of people in helping roles on small pieces of paper.  Include those who help at church; e.g. priest, flower arranger, and other people such as police officer, nurse, etc.  Try to sort them and to recognise those who have a special role in church.



Today we will be finding and making number bonds. Please do the lesson here, and then look out for the resources on Teams. Don’t forget that practical maths is the best way to embed your learning, so try and do some quick-fire challenges throughout the day. Think about things like, oh, I’ve got 6 carrots – how many more would I need to make 10?


Think about the start of ‘Lost and Found’ again. What has happened so far in the story? What will happen next?

Watch the video clip all the way through this time. Try to write about the story. Who is the story about? Where is it set? What happened? There is a sheet on Teams which you could use as a template.

Topic (P.E.)

Be active! Go for a walk, ride your bike, learn how to skip with a rope. Don’t forget the daily PE with Joe Wicks which is live every morning at 9am. Cosmic Kids Yoga is also lovely, you can find sessions on you tube to follow (see link), and they also have an App (fees apply).

Reception Monday 18th Jan

Important daily learning ideas

It’s important to keep reading a little every day, The Oxford Owl website is brilliant – click on the button below to find the link and your login details.

On the side of each book is a little colour marker. The Year 1 children are best to choose books with red, yellow or blue markers to start off with. Year 2 will be able to read the books with green, orange, turquoise and purple markers. The books get progressively harder as you scroll through the colour bands.

Use the Teach Your Monster to Read App and the Monster Phonics App to work through some of the phonics games, daily.

We are currently working on Phase 2/3 phonics with Reception- learning the letters and sounds and blending/ segmenting them to read and write simple words.

I will be adding any Monster Phonics PowerPoints and resources which you could try at home, to a folder on Teams. That way, you will be able to access these even if you can’t make the meetings.

And don’t forget our live lesson which will be held at:

11am every day. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.



Today we will be thinking about, one less. Start by doing the lesson together here.

I have put a related PowerPoint and Activity Sheet in the Reception Maths folder on Teams.

I will also add a list of the log in details for Numbots to the Maths folder on Teams. This is an excellent app which helps the children to develop a firm foundation in number. I would also recommend watching some of the Jack Hartmann youtube videos- there are some very catchy songs!



Today, in our Live Lesson I will introduce this on the Teams meeting, we will find a penguin in the classroom ! We have no idea where he has come from. What questions could we ask him? Can you think of some questions that you might ask the Penguin? Write some of your questions down. Don’t forget the question mark! You will be able to ask the penguin your questions on our Teams meeting on Tuesday.

Topic (Science)

We have learned about hot and cold places in the world and have started to think about the animals that live there. Today I would like you to think about how animals adapt to their habitats and to find out about ‘camouflage’. There are some Powerpoints in the folder on Teams, but also use the internet with a grown up to find out some more facts. Compare Arctic Foxes with Desert Foxes, Arctic Hares and Desert Hares. How do they fit in with their surroundings? Why do the desert animals have much longer ears? Watch this video about animals that camouflage in the jungle, and then try the activity here.

Try to write down or draw some pictures to show some of the facts that you have found out.

Class 2 Home learning w/c 18th Jan

This week's key learning

This week we will be thinking about fractions in our maths work, and we will be taking an in depth look at our class novel, ‘Stig of the Dump’ – we will do a lot of comprehension work to help us get deeper into the story, and we will also have some comprehension activities taken from other books. Please do get in touch with me as often as you can, and don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:

10am and 2.30pm everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.



Today we are thinking about finding fractions of amounts, and looking at the maths strategies that we use to help us do this. Watch the video above and then check your worksheet for today’s work. There are lots of challenges on there – and you can choose the level that you think is right for you.


For your READING, please finish Chapter One of Stig of the Dump – you’ll find it in your Teams folder.

Today, for your WRITING activity, I’d like you to describe what you see in Stig’s cave. You will need to look back in your reading for clues, and think of some of your own ideas. I’ve put an idea on your worksheet

DRAW the cave and the objects you have described

Topic (R.E.)

In R.E. today, we will be thinking about the Liturgical Year. Click on the button below to read about the Liturgical Year and answer the questions below.

How is the Church’s year marked?

When does it begin and end?  Why do you think it happens like this?

What do you notice about the colour used at different times?

Choose one (or both) of the following art activities – don’t forget to show me your work.

Design a Liturgical calendar that accurately represents the Church’s year using signs, symbols and colours to denote the different seasons and feasts.

Create a collage or piece of ART in remembrance of the journey of Jesus, his life, death and Resurrection. 



We are continuing to work on fractions today – we will be modelling fractions, finding fractions, and finding fractions of amounts. You’ll find all your work in Teams, and for extra practice/revision, why not do the lesson here?


Today you need to read some of Chapter 2 from Stig of the Dump. You can find the section in Teams.

When you’ve done that, think about Barney taking carrots to Stig. If you were taking something what would it be, and why? Think about things that Stig may find useful.


For your writing, we are going to think about using speech in our writing. Write what you would say to Stig, when you took his gift – how would you say it, and how would you explain why you’ve taken it and what Stig can do with it. Use speech bubbles or inverted commas to show the speech in your writing.

Topic (Science)

In science we are continuing to learn about rocks. Today we will be thinking about the difference between naturally occuring rocks and man-made rocks (things like bricks are man-made).

There are some activities you need to complete in Teams – you may also like to watch the video to find out more about rocks.



Today we will be adding and subtracting fractions.There is a video for you to watch here, and then look in the Teams folder for your follow-up work sheets.


Read today’s extract by checking Teams, and then complete the Reading Comprehension work.


Today we are making predictions.

Predict – Will Stig still be there when Barney returns after the Christmas holidays?

Write what you think will happen next?

Topic (PSHE)

In PSHE we are thinking about Dreams and Goals. Take a look at the pictures above.

Which person do you think is facing the biggest challenge. Do you think that this is the same challenge for everyone, perhaps what one person sees as a challenge, for another person it is just normal.

For each person, think about:

What might be the challenge they face?

Who faces the greatest challenge?

Who might be the most successful at mastering their challenge?




Today we are going to be rounding numbers. Start by watching the video here.

Look in your My Maths, and also on Teams for some challenges and work sheets to complete.


In English there are two comprehension exercises to complete on your worksheet. You can also find the extracts by clicking on the buttons below.

Topic (History)

We are going to be learning about Stonehenge in history. There is a lot to learn about here at BBC Bitesize, and here at National Geographic Kids. You can also watch this video.

After you’ve done all your research:

Create a fact file poster or leaflet about Stonehenge.

Draw do a sketch/pencil drawing of Stonehenge.

Make sure you share your work with me – either by using the Contact button at the top of this post or during one of our live lessons.



It’s Friday! Use today to make sure you are up to date with your My Maths work and that you have logged in to Times Tables Rockstars regularly.


In English can you think about these words and how they are spelled.

certain    circle   complete   consider

See if someone can test you are on your spellings. Can you write a sentence with each of the words?

Topic (P.E.)

It’s important to make sure that you do some PE – try to be a bit active every day. There are plenty of YouTube ideas for PE workouts in your home, or maybe you can go for a short walk with an adult from your house. Click here to access some PE lessons from the BBC or perhaps you can show your family one of coach Leigh’s dance/exercise routines.

Class 3 Home learning w/c 18th Jan

This week's challenge!

Don’t forget to do your Times Tables Rockstars – every day. This week is particularly important as I will be setting a battle which will run all week, and will see Year 5 compete against Year 6!

And don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:

9.10am and 2pm everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.



Today we are going to look at converting between mixed fractions and improper fractions.

Have a look at the powerpoint I’ve added to Teams. For extra work click here, and watch the first video on the page.

Can you complete the sheet that uses pictures to help you convert the fractions?


This week I would like us to look at using our tenses correctly. When we are writing stories, we sometimes jump between past and present tense and our writing doesn’t always make sense. You will need to click on this link, it is the same format as last week’s grammar, and today I would like you to do screens 1-3.


All this week I will be adding questions to Teams to help with your reading comprehension. They will all be focussed on the trailer for ‘The Perfect Planet’. Watch the trailer and then answer today’s questions.


Today I am going to share some pictures that were captured from the underwater camera. I want you to complete one of  the Inference activity sheets (just choose one picture to write about) that is uploaded on Teams.

Observe: What can you see in the picture? This is factual information.

Wonder: What questions do you have about the picture?

Infer: What you think is happening in the picture?

Topic (Science and Geography)

Your activity today will take two days (Monday and Tuesday afternoon).

Today I want you to carry out some research and collect notes on an extreme weather phenomena.

I want you to research Tornados. Here are some things to think about: What are they? How do they occur? Where do they occur?

You will have many more ideas and research questions so get investigating today!



Today we are going to carry on with looking at mixed and improper fractions. I will show you some more examples on our Teams call this morning.

Find the maths activity on Teams. Some of the questions have pictures to help you and some of them need you to convert the fractions using your maths skills.


Today’s SPAG follows on from yesterday- Click here for your link to screen 4, and complete the activities that are on there. I have also uploaded this activity to Teams for you.

For your READING, watch ‘The Perfect Planet’ trailer again, to refresh your memory. Can you answer today’s questions?


The book ‘Flotsam’ does not have any writing or text. Today I would like you to choose some of the pictures and write the speech or action that you think could go with the text. You can write this as speech and action bubbles with captions or you can write this as a story underneath the text.

I have added the pictures I would like you to choose from, to a Powerpoint on Teams.

Topic (Science and Geography)

Using your research from yesterday, I want you to present your research. You can do this by creating a powerpoint and presenting your information on different slides or you can create a double page spread of information (like we do in class).



Fractions link very closely with decimals. Today we are going to look at fractions as decimals and how to convert between the two. I will show you how to do this on our morning Teams meeting and for extra practise there are two lessons here to watch here.

Can you try today’s activity that is in the Maths file?


In SPAG let’s continue with our work on tenses, click here to view today’s work, and complete screens 1 to 3, and don’t forget to check on Teams for any other work.

For your READING, there are some more questions on ‘Perfect Planet’ for you. Don’t forget to send me your answers!


‘The Real Flotsam’

Did you know a real underwater camera was discovered which had been lost at sea? Click here to view the full report. Can you create your own newspaper or news report for this camera? You could put it into writing, or you could write and record your own script which you could use to present the report. I have added a blank newspaper template to Teams for you to use if you wish. 

Topic (R.E.)

When Jesus started his ministry (mission) he attended the synagogue in his home town of Nazareth.  He was given the privilege of reading from the scripture and selected a reading from the prophet Isaiah.

Read God’s story which is in the Topic file on Teams.

Why was the Spirit of God given to Jesus?

How does Isaiah describe God’s love?

How do you think the people felt as they listened to those words?

Who are the people mentioned by Isaiah?

Why did he select those people in particular?

Where do you think we see these people today?

Can you select a word or phrase from God’s story and represent it with an illustration. You could do fancy lettering or add illustrations/ pictures of what the word means to you.



Yesterday we looked at converting fractions to decimals as they are closely linked. We can also make links between fractions and percentages. I will show you how we can do this on our morning Teams meeting, and there are several lessons here to help you with this.

Can you try the activity from the maths file for today?


In SPAG, please try to complete this task, related to yesterday’s video. I have also uploaded the activity to Teams for you.

I hope you have enjoyed the READING questions so far. There are some more questions on ‘Perfect Planet’ for you today.


Today I will show you some more of the pictures from the book during our morning Teams meeting. Today I want you to think about and answer the following question:

Who are the people in the pictures?

You might want to think about who they are, where they may have lived, when they may have lived, why they were having their picture taken and what they may have been like.

Topic (PSHE)

If a tornado happened where you lived, what 3 items/things would you try and save?

What items would you miss the most?

How would this event make you feel?

Is there anything we could do to help us try and survive one?



On Wednesday and Thursday, we looked at the relationship between fractions and decimals along with fractions and percentages.

Fractions, decimals and percentages can all be linked together as they all have a relationship with each other.

Have you spotted this?

Today’s Teams meeting will show you the relationship between the three. There is an activity for you in the files section to complete too.



Today is your final day for answering some questions on the ‘Perfect Planet’ trailer. I wonder if you are as excited as I am to watch the programme!



Today, I want us to think about a certain point in the book. The boy is wondering whether to return the camera to the water.

I want you to create reasons for and against throwing the camera back into the ocean.

Why should he return it?

Why should he keep it? If he does keep it, what could he do with it?

Topic (Art)

Today I would like you to create some tornado art.

I have put a guide on how to create this on a Powerpoint on Teams, please make sure you have a look (the first step is shown in the image). Can you create your own?

Reception Home learning w/c 11/01/21

Important daily learning ideas

It’s important to keep reading a little every day, The Oxford Owl website is brilliant – click on the button below to find the link and your login details.

On the side of each book is a little colour marker. The Year 1 children are best to choose books with red, yellow or blue markers to start off with. Year 2 will be able to read the books with green, orange, turquoise and purple markers. The books get progressively harder as you scroll through the colour bands.

Also try to do some daily Phonics. If you have the Teach My Monster to Read App it is a great place to start and we will be sharing other resources during the week.

And don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:

11am everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.



Do you know your days of the week? Discuss which days you can remember. Which day is after Monday? Which day is before Friday? Which days are the weekend?  Which days are we usually at school? Use the hungry caterpillar story to help to help to order the days of the week. There is an animation of the story on youtube if you want.


Our topic for this half term is ‘Penguins, Possums and Pigs’. What are they? What do you already know about the three animals?

Look for information and pictures of all three animals. What do they look like? Where do they live? What do they eat? After your research decide which one is your favourite. Why do you like it?

Which one would you like as a pet and why? Draw a picture of your chosen animal and then write a bullet point list below of the reasons why you would like it as a pet.

Topic (Geography)

Last week we used Google Earth to compare the hot and cold places in the world. Following on from that, this week we are going to compare the animals that we might find there by doing some research.The Oak Academy Geography lessons on continents are very good (click here) – especially the Antarctica and Africa lessons. If you click on the photo (left) you will be able to watch a lovely clip of animals in the snow. David Attenborough has produced lots of beautiful documentaries which would be well worth watching. His ‘Seven Worlds, One Planet’ series is available on BBC iplayer. 



Recap the days of the week song from yesterday. Which days can you remember?

Talk about your morning routine e.g. waking up, getting dressed etc. and discuss the order you do these things. Try to sequence familiar events using time connectives e.g. First, next, then, after that, finally.

Now draw a timeline to show your morning routine.


Using the video above, watch or read through the story and make predictions about what might happen next. Discuss the story – which bit was your favourite? Were there any funny parts? Think about the 4 question words – ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘when’. Use each word to think of a question to ask about the story. Try to write your questions down- remember to use a question mark.

Topic (Art)

Over the next few weeks, we are going to work on our drawing and sculpting skills using the theme of ‘penguins’. To begin, join in with a ‘Draw with Rob’ session where you can draw Penguin Blue. Draw Penguin Blue once and then try again, this time making your drawing bigger or smaller. Experiment, using different colours and sizes for your penguin. There are some lovely characters to draw on Rob’s website so maybe have a try at some others too!



Now try to learn the months of the year and enjoy a spot of line dancing! When you’ve done that, look at a calendar if you have one, or look at a calendar on the computer. Can you spot the days and the dates on a calendar? Can you find today’s date within January and look at the days before and discuss what you did on those days. See if you can find your birthday!


Watch ‘Wanted: The Perfect Pet’ again. Talk again about why Henry wants a dog. What can dogs do? Discuss this and make a quick list. Can you pretend to be a dog? Act out some of the things that dogs do from your list. Don’t forget to send us some photos!

Topic (Music)

Please pick any of the lessons here – they are great fun. Let me know which ones you have done.



Recap the months of the year song, and think about what month it is and your birth month etc.

Using a calendar, look at the dates and think about what number comes before or after a given number. Once you’ve spotted the number, try to say some number sentences eg. “9 is one less than 10” or “8 is one more than 7.”


How do you think the duck felt in ‘Wanted:The Perfect Pet’ when Henry wants a dog and not a pet duck. Around a picture of a duck (there is one in the folder on Teams), write as many words and phrases as you can to describe the duck and how he felt.

Topic (R.E.)

What happens when we go to Mass? The parish church is where the parish family gathers.  Just like at home or in school everyone has their part to play in the parish family.   It is a community.  Look at the interactive game on Teams (it is in the files on the General Channel for both Reception and Year 1 and 2) It is called Church Story Activity. This might take a while to appear in your downloads. In the first picture, people are welcoming those who are coming to church. Try the drag and drop activity.

Church is full of special people and people who help us. Over the next few weeks we are going to learn more about what these people do to help us. Remember that although there are people with special roles at Mass, everyone who is there is important and joins in by praying, listening, singing by saying the responses and by going forward for a blessing.



I have added a document in the Maths folder on Teams which you might like to use or recreate at home. (I can e-mail this if Teams is not up and running.) You could make your very own calendar like the one that we have a school. Change the days of the week each day and the date too and in a while you will be able to change the month! Which one will come next?


Today, I would really like you to practise your handwriting. Practise writing your name. Write it lots of times, in lots of different colours, but be very careful to start your letters in the correct place. (There are upper and lowercase handwriting formation sheet in the English folder on Teams.) If you can manage your name, try to write your surname too!

Topic (P.E.)

Be active! Go for a walk, ride your bike, learn how to skip with a rope. Don’t forget the daily PE with Joe Wicks which is live every morning at 9am. Cosmic Kids Yoga is also lovely, you can find sessions on you tube to follow (see link), and they also have an App (fees apply).

Y1/2 Home learning: w/c 11/01/21

Important daily learning ideas

It’s important to keep reading a little every day, The Oxford Owl website is brilliant – click on the button below to find the link and your login details.

On the side of each book is a little colour marker. The Year 1 children are best to choose books with red, yellow or blue markers to start off with. Year 2 will be able to read the books with green, orange, turquoise and purple markers. The books get progressively harder as you scroll through the colour bands.

Also try to do some daily Phonics. If you have the Teach My Monster to Read App it is a great place to start and we will be sharing other resources during the week.

And don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:

11.30am everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.



In today’s learning we will be counting forwards and backwards to 20. Start by doing the lesson together here. Once you’ve finished the lesson – perhaps you can practise what you’ve learned together. We will be sharing more ideas throughout the week.


Our topic for this half term is ‘Penguins, Possums and Pigs’. What are they? What do you already know about the three animals?

Look for information and pictures of all three animals. What do they look like? Where do they live? What do they eat? After your research decide which one is your favourite. Why do you like it?

Which one would you like as a pet and why? Draw a picture of your chosen animal and then write a bullet point list below of the reasons why you would like it as a pet.

Topic (Geography)

Last week we used Google Earth to compare the hot and cold places in the world. Following on from that, this week we are going to compare the animals that we might find there by doing some research.The Oak Academy Geography lessons on continents are very good (click here) – especially the Antarctica and Africa lessons. If you click on the photo (left) you will be able to watch a lovely clip of animals in the snow. David Attenborough has produced lots of beautiful documentaries which would be well worth watching. His ‘Seven Worlds, One Planet’ series is available on BBC iplayer. 



Today, in maths, we will be thinking about numbers from 11 to 20. There’s a great lesson here, after which it would be brilliant if you do a few practical activities together. These are things you can do in your everyday life. Like counting out 12 potatoes, or thinking, I’ve got 15 pairs of socks. How many would I have if I got one more pair.


English: Using the video above, watch or read through the story and make predictions about what might happen next. Discuss the story – which bit was your favourite? Were there any funny parts? Think about the 4 question words – ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘when’. Use each word to think of a question to ask about the story. Try to write your questions down- remember to use a question mark.

Topic (Art)

Over the next few weeks, we are going to work on our drawing and sculpting skills using the theme of ‘penguins’. To begin, join in with a ‘Draw with Rob’ session where you can draw Penguin Blue. Draw Penguin Blue once and then try again, this time making your drawing bigger or smaller. Experiment, using different colours and sizes for your penguin. There are some lovely characters to draw on Rob’s website so maybe have a try at some others too!



Today we will be learning about tens and ones. Please watch the lesson here and then do some practical maths together.


Watch ‘Wanted: The Perfect Pet’ again. Talk again about why Henry wants a dog. What can ducks actually do? If we had a penguin for a pet what would it be able to do? Write some sentences using your ideas.

Topic (Music)

Please pick any of the lessons here – they are great fun. Let me know which ones you have done.



We are still thinking about tens and ones. Please do the lesson here and then look out for your worksheets (on Teams or by email).


How do you think the duck felt in ‘Wanted:The Perfect Pet’ when Henry wants a dog and not a pet duck. Around a picture of a duck (there is one in the folder on Teams), write as many words and phrases as you can to describe the duck and how he felt.

Topic (R.E.)

What happens when we go to Mass? The parish church is where the parish family gathers.  Just like at home or in school everyone has their part to play in the parish family.   It is a community.  Look at the interactive game on Teams (it is in the files on the General Channel for both Reception and Year 1 and 2) It is called Church Story Activity. This might take a while to appear in your downloads. In the first picture, people are welcoming those who are coming to church. Try the drag and drop activity.

Church is full of special people and people who help us. Over the next few weeks we are going to learn more about what these people do to help us. Remember that although there are people with special roles at Mass, everyone who is there is important and joins in by praying, listening, singing by saying the responses and by going forward for a blessing.



Today we are thinking about one more and one less. Please do the lesson here, and then look out for your worksheet on Teams.


Today I want you to think about nouns and proper nouns. Your name always begins with a capital letter but there are some other words which always start with a capital letter too. Work through the powerpoint about proper nouns in the folder on Teams then try to write the names of some people and places that start with a capital letter.


Topic (P.E.)

Be active! Go for a walk, ride your bike, learn how to skip with a rope. Don’t forget the daily PE with Joe Wicks which is live every morning at 9am. Cosmic Kids Yoga is also lovely, you can find sessions on you tube to follow (see link), and they also have an App (fees apply).

Class 3 Home Learning w/c 11/01/21

This week's key learning

This week’s top skill will be sending an email with an attachment. I will be showing you how to do this during one of our live lessons and I would love you to send me some of your work as an attachment afterwards. And don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:

9.10am and 2pm everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.


Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.



Today we are learning about fractions, and we will be thinking particularly about equivalent fractions. You will need to watch the video, here. Once you’ve finished the lesson, there are some activites on your worksheet.


For your SPAG work this week we will be looking at Fronted Adverbials. Make sure you look at your worksheet as you have a few activities. You will need to click on this link, to view the lesson and find your work.


On our Zoom call today, we will be talking about this book cover. I would like you to use the cover to think about what the book will be about. (Do not be tempted to google this!)

What do you think the book is about?

What can you see on the cover?

I want you to make as many suggestions as you can. Miss Thorburn and I will be making a classroom display for the book and would love it to have your home learning on. Pictures that you send of your work will be able to be displayed and shared with you!

Topic (Science)

Today we will be thinking about the water cycle. Please start by clicking on this link to watch the video and read about the water cycle. Can you research and draw a labelled diagram of The Water Cycle? You could draw this by hand or on the computer. 



We are continuing to learn about equivalent fractions. Click here to get another reminder and then try to do the work on your worksheet (pages 11, 12 and 14).


In SPAG we are continuing with Fronted Adverbials, click here to view today’s work online. Click here to get a word version of today’s worksheet and click here to download it without Microsoft.

Today’s READING activity can be found by clicking here.


In today’s video call we will be looking at some very interesting discoveries. As we look at each item we will be thinking about who may have lost it – what sort of person are they? Where might they live? All the questions that we will ask are the kinds of questions that help us create characters. If you cannot get on today’s video lesson, please click on the email button at the top of this page, and send me a message. I will send you some photos to help you work instead.

Topic (Geography)

Last week in Geography, your task was to label the world map. On this map, you should have added the equator line.

What is the equator?

Today can you research and note down the different temperatures in our world. We have countries that are known as hot countries and those known as cold countries. We also have wet and dry climates.

You could start by looking at the 7 continents and finding out what the weather is like there. Is it the same weather all year round? Your information could be presented in a table or on a labelled map.



Today we will be learning about addition and subtraction of fractions.There is a lesson for you to watch here, scroll to the bottom of the page and watch the last video. Don’t forget to look at your worksheets for the accompanying work.


In SPAG we are continuing with Fronted Adverbials, click here to view today’s work, it starts with a new video. Once you’ve watched the video, check your worksheet for what to do next.

You also have a READING activity on your worksheet.


Using the items from yesterday’s video session, I would like you to think about just one of the people who might have owned the items. I would like you to write a ‘back story’ of this person. You could include the following:

Who was this person?

In what time period did that time person live? What makes you think this?

Why might they have owned these items or been travelling with them?

Where do you think they were travelling to and why?

What kind of person do you think they were?

Topic (R.E.)

Our topic for this half term is, Mission. Read the Richmond Fellowship information by clicking here, and then answer the questions on your worksheet.



Following on from yesterday’s session, please keep trying with adding and subtracting fractions. You’ll find your questions on pages 19 and 20 of your worksheets.


In SPAG, please try to complete this task, related to yesterday’s video.

You also have a READING activity on your worksheet.


In today’s video call we will be talking about the images above. After the call you will find some writing prompts on your worksheets.

Topic (Art)

Have a look at Hokusai’s artwork, ‘The Great Wave’ . The image depicts an enormous wave threatening three boats off the coast in the Sagami Bay with Mount Fuji rising in the background. It is Hokusai’s most famous work and is often considered the most recognizable work of Japanese art in the world.

Can you create your own version of this picture? There are some examples with the original on your worksheet.



By converting fractions so that they have the same denominator, we can not only add and subtract fractions but we can compare them too. We can see which is the smallest or largest and we can also put them in order.

Can you try the activity at the bottom of the worksheet using your skills from this week?  Remember, whatever you do to the numerator, you must do to the denominator!


In SPAG, can you choose a focus/ topic of your own today? Write some sentences using fronted adverbials. You could write about something you enjoy, like football, or dancing, or even about home learning!

For READING today, please do this interactive reading comprehension about sharks.


I have something exciting to share with you on today’s video call. I will also be sharing some images from our new book ‘Flotsam’.

Once we have shared these, I would like you to answer the question, ‘What could be on the camera?’ I would like you to draw a picture of what could be on it and write sentences to describe it. Use the different grammar skills that you’ve worked hard on for the last two weeks to include wonderful descriptions.

Use the button at the top of this page to send your ideas to me in an email!

Topic (History)

Your history links closely with our English work today. Can you research and create a timeline on the development and history of the camera.

When was it first invented and used? Is it like the cameras we have today?

You could include pictures in your timeline and key information.  I’ve attached some useful web links below that could help you.

Class 2 Home learning w/c 11/01/21

This week's key learning

This week we will be thinking about fractions in our maths work, and we will be taking an in depth look at our class novel, ‘Stig of the Dump’ – we will do a lot of comprehension work to help us get deeper into the story. Please do get in touch with me as often as you can, and don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:

10am and 2.30pm everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.



Today we are learning about fractions, and we will be thinking particularly about equivalent fractions. Before you start, there is a great lesson here, it starts with a quiz to recap your knowledge. Once you’ve finished the lesson, there is an activity to complete on your worksheet.


For our reading this week we will beusing Clive King’s novel, Stig of the Dump. Start by reading Extract One – and then watch the video clip below.


For your writing today, imagine looking down into the pit and falling – just like Barney.

Write a description of what YOU saw in the pit – describe the sides, what was at the bottom – use adjectives and noun phrases to describe.

DRAW the objects you saw there – describe them.

Topic (R.E.)

In R.E. today we will be thinking about the jouorney through a year, and we will finish by drawing a timeline.

1) Can you start by thinking of your Christmas Holiday – what events in the holiday marked the passage of time? Perhaps you have your own family customs, or perhaps this year you introduced something new.

2) Then move out to thinking about the year – what were the key events? Think about birthdays, holidays, bonfire nights etc.

On your sheet you will find questions to prompt you. Finish by designing your own 2020 Timeline Poster (see worksheet).



Use your My Maths logins to continue working with Fractions. If you are struggling there are a range of lessons here – all of them will be able to help you.

Afterwards, there is an activity on your worksheet.


Read today’s extract by clicking on the button below. As you read, try to use all your senses to picture what is happening. How would Barney be feeling?


Today we are going to write a setting description – think about the shelter where Barney found himself. Use all your senses to help you write your description – what can Barney hear, smell, taste, touch and see. Think about whether there are insects? Worms? What else might be there?

Topic (Science & Geography)

Today we are going to be thinking about rocks and finding out about this very exciting discovery from 2014. Look at the photo of the cliff face – can you see a man there? Amazingly, this wasn’t carved by a person, instead, over the years – nature has chiselled out the features – such is the power of rain, wind and tides.

To learn more about rocks and rock formation you can try some of the lessons here.

Can you create a factfile poster on this or some other famous rock? (Ayers rock in Australia for example, or any other interesting rock that you can find.) Use the internet to do your research, click here for more ideas, and remember to share your work with me.



Today we will be halving numbers.There is a lesson for you to watch here, and then look at your worksheet for today’s work.


Read today’s extract by clicking on the button and then do the writing activity below.


Draw thought bubbles to show what you would be thinking after your fall – 1) If you had hurt yourself 2) Where you had landed? 3) What was the strange thing in the corner?  4) Would he be safe?  5) How would he get home?   Use feelings, panic, worry, fear…


Topic (Music)

Rock and roll is a type of popular dance music influenced by black rhythm and blues and white country music that originated in America during the late 1940s onwards. Watch the video and talk about how the music makes you feel. Can you make up your own dance moves?

Look at your worksheet for more work.



Today we are going to practise doing mental addition – over the years we have learned a number of strategies for doing mental calculations. Try some of the calculations above (choose your own level) and think about the best strategies. Remember – no paper or pencil, just your brains!


In English we will be learning about adverbs. Watch the video for a reminder about adverbs and then do the work on your sheet.

Topic (History)

Have  look at this picture – it is a representation of what we think life was like after the Ice Age. Have a good look and talk about what you see.

What do you think is happening?

What can you say about shelter (housing) at that time? Do you think that the food was the same as today? What about transport? What do you think the people in the picture are doing?

When we are doing history, we have to behave like detectives. Can you look at these cave paintings (click here), and do the rest of the work on your worksheet?



It’s Friday! Use today to make sure you are up to date with your My Maths work and that you have logged in to Times Tables Rockstars regularly.


In English can you think about these words and how they are spelled.

business      calendar      caught      centre       century

See if someone can test you are on your spellings. Can you write a sentence with each of the words?


Topic (P.E.)

It’s important to make sure that you do some PE – try to be a bit active every day. There are plenty of YouTube ideas for PE workouts in your home, or maybe you can go for a short walk with an adult from your house. Click here to access some PE lessons from the BBC or perhaps you can create some dance moves to go with the Bill Haley song.

Class 2 home learning w/c 04/01/21

This Week's Top Idea!

Have you ever felt worried? There are lots of things that can make us worried, even without having school closure – we may worry about homework, or our friends, or even what our new neighbours will be like. We like this idea from Cosmic Kids, it helps us to recognise when we are worried, and reminds us that we don’t need to let our worries take over.

This Week's Learning

You can find all your learning for this week by clicking on this link

The following sections show just a small selection of your work. You can work directly from this page and also from your worksheets.


This week, in English we will be learning about conjunctions, there are lots of activities on your worksheet. In this lesson here, you have an introdution to compound sentences – using the three main conjunctions. It would be a great recap before you get going.



There are lots of activities on your worksheet – this week we will be thinking a lot about numbers. We need to understand how numbers are made-up. The song in the video is great for reminding you about hundreds, tens and units – learning this is called Place Value. Once we’ve cracked place value we can learn different strategies for all sorts of calculations.


On the 6th of January we celebrate Epiphany – the moment when the Three Kings visited Jesus and gave their gifts. We learn about their visit in Matthew Chapter 2  and you can also see an extract in your worksheets.

Can you create a storyboard to show the events?

How about drawing a picture or doing a painting?

And finally...

Let’s get active!

Can you set up a set of exercises in the house or garden? Eg. 15 star jumps, run up and down stairs 3 times or more, touch your toes 20 times, 10 burpees, 2 minutes jogging on the spot! Get someone to take a photo or a video and send them to me – I’d love to see them.

Class 3 home learning w/c 04/01/21

This Week's Top Idea!

Have you ever felt worried? There are lots of things that can make us worried, even without having school closure – we may worry about homework, or our friends, or even what our new neighbours will be like. We like this idea from Cosmic Kids, it helps us to recognise when we are worried, and reminds us that we don’t need to let our worries take over.

This Week's Learning

You can find all your learning for this week by clicking on this link

The following sections show just a small selection of your work. You can work directly from this page and also from your worksheets.


This week, in English we will be really focussing on our grammar and you will need to watch a lot of lessons from Oak Academy – make sure you check your sheet for the links. In this lesson here, you will learn about expanded noun phrases. When you’ve done the lesson, have a try at using your learning.

Can you write 8 sentences of your own to describe a winter scene? (You could use your own artwork from yesterday.) Make sure you include expanded noun phrases in your writing. Can you then underline them?


Make sure you have about 20 small objects with you before watching the video. You are going to be doing a practical fractions lesson.


Using the world map (there’s a large one in your worksheets, label the different:

Using a world map (see below), label the different:

*continents (there are 7 of them)?


Can you add in the equator line?

Now you can add in any countries that you have visited.

Can you add in the equator line?

Now you can add in any countries that you have visited.

And finally...

Look at this picture. Try and answer the questions:

Where might this be?

Is it near to where we are?

What is the weather like?

What caused the wave?

How can we tell the size of the wave?

How might it feel to be in the sea when this wave breaks?

Is the ocean alive?

Why do we need to respect the ocean?


Fact: The highest wave ever recorded was during a tsunami in 1958 in Alaska- it was over 34m high!

 What other items are 34m high?