Class 1 home learning: w/c 04/01/21

This Week's Top Idea!

Have you ever felt worried? There are lots of things that can make us worried, even without having school closure – we may worry about homework, or our friends, or even what our new neighbours will be like. We like this idea from Cosmic Kids, it helps us to recognise when we are worried, and reminds us that we don’t need to let our worries take over.

This Week's Learning

You can find all your learning for this week by clicking on the relevant links: Reception Children and

Years One & Two.

The following sections show just a small selection of your work. You can work directly from this page and also from your worksheets.


I would love to hear about some of the activities that you have been enjoying over the Christmas Break. Did you receive some gifts? Have you been sledging? Built a snowman? Write a recount of some of the activities that you enjoyed using first, then, next and add a picture.

Challenge: can you use ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘but’ to extend your sentences? Can you use an exclamation mark?


On Monday, in school, we started thinking about shape – we talked about a lot of shapes, but only two dimensional ones (2D). In the video, you will learn about 3D shapes.


In R.E. we are beginning to explore the idea of special people. This week we are thinking about the people in our family, our school and our local community. There is a story to read together on your worksheets and, afterwards, can you draw or paint a picture of someone who is special to you?


On Monday we looked at Google Earth and zoomed in on lots of cold and hot places on Earth.

We found the North and South Poles and we also talked about the Equator. Click here and be an explorer and spend some time exploring the world yourself. Look for hot and cold countries. Can you find Africa? How about Australia? Look for the oceans too – can you remember their names? What about the continents?

And finally...

We have thought a lot about 2D and 3D shapes this week in maths and we have looked for evidence of shapes around us. Can you finish the week with some junk modelling? Send us your photos if you do.

Home Learning Task: January 5th

Home Learning for Class One

Hello, we are so sad that we won’t see you for a few weeks – but we will be learning together every day. It would be a really good idea if you set yourself up a little learning zone where you can complete your home learning tasks over the next few weeks. Think about what you might need in your ‘office’. Have you got pencils, crayons, paper, a rubber, a sharpener, a ruler, scissors, glue? You might like to make yourself a sign and a badge. You could even make a little calendar like we have at school where you could change the day of the week, date, month and weather?

For English:

It has been lovely and snowy over the last week. There are lots of different words to describe snow eg glistening, freezing, dazzling, white… We love to make our writing really exciting by adding adjectives. 


Reception – Talk to a grown up and see if you can think of some words to describe the snow. Draw a snowman and use your phonic knowledge to write some of the adjectives you thought of around him.


Year 1 and 2 – I think you could write a list of adjectives to describe the snow and then use them to write a story about a Snowman including your amazing describing words. 

I can’t wait to read your work.

Yesterday, in maths, we started to talk about shapes. We identified circles, ovals, triangles, squares, oblongs/ rectangles and Y1 and 2 started to look at pentagons, hexagons, octagons too.  We also talked about how many sides and vertices (corners) they had. Check that you can remember the names and properties of the shapes and then go for a shape hunt around your house. Which shape can you find the most of? 

Home Learning for Class Two

Class 2 have three tasks for today, try to do as much as you can and don’t forget to look out for more learning for the rest of the week soon.

For English, please try to write a descriptive piece, inspired by a winter scene. You could use this picture for your inspiration or you could use a photo or memory that you have.

Use adjectives, noun phrases, powerful verbs:

Eg. The icicles shone in the tree like sparkling icy fingers …

Children zoomed down the snowy hills like rockets …

The cute robin sang happily perched on the fence, his red chest glowing like a red ruby…

In Maths, please go on, TT Rock stars (use your logins) and practise 3, 4, 6 and 7 x tables – Get an adult or older sibling to test you.

Practise telling the time using a clock – quarter past/to, half past, 5 mins past.

In PSHE we are thinking about New Year’s Resolutions. Please watch the slide show below and then use the sheet here to set out your own hopes, aims and resolutions.

Home Learning for Class Three

We are really going to miss you in Class 3 but, over the next few weeks we will be doing lots of learning together from home.

In order for us to work well and be able to concentrate, it is really important to have somewhere that is ready and equipped for learning. Can you find a space in your house where you will be able to do your learning?

You may want to make a little space in the area or even have a special box where you could put your things so that it can be tidied away when it needs to be.

In your space can you put some stationery like a pen, pencil and colouring things. If you have a nice notebook or paper, you could add that too. You could make a nice sign or label for your area/box. If you have a younger brother or sister, you could help them to create their space or box and labels too.

Once you’ve made your space, you have three tasks for today.

The words we use within sentences and speech can be given different names depending on their roles. A word is an adjective if it used to describe something, a verb if it is an action/doing word or a state of being and a noun if it is a person, place or thing. Can you watch and try to answer the questions in this video from Oak Academy?

If you cannot access this video, can you write 6 sentences of your own? Then underline the different words in the sentence and label them with their word class for example, adjective, noun, verb.

Our focus in Maths for the next couple of weeks will be fractions. Today, I would like you to create a mind map of all the things you remember or know about fractions. Think about what they are and how we identify them, the words we use when we talk about fractions, when we might use them in real life and anything else you can think of (you can even include pictures)! If you are struggling to remember information, then write down some questions or ideas that you want to know.

You can email a picture of this to me.

Finally, let’s get a bit crafty! Yesterday we started to create some winter/snowy scenes using pictures taken in Sabden and Clitheroe. Can you create your own winter scene today (or use a picture of one) in any way you wish? You can use colours, paints, crayons, chalk- be creative. I’d also love to see any pictures of these too!

Covid 19: School Closure

Following Boris Johnson’s 8pm announcement we now know that as of midnight tonight the country has entered a new period of Lockdown, a Lockdown that includes the closure of school. 

School will be open for the children of Key Workers and for pupils who are deemed vulnerable. All pupils will be provided with work in order for them to keep learning. 

Tonight’s announcement was very short notice for you as parents and also for us as a Staff. Tomorrow, by 11am there will be three tasks on the school website for each Class to complete as their Tuesday learning. However, School will be closed to ALL pupils tomorrow. 


Staff, however, will be in school preparing for the rest of the Lockdown. Through tomorrow we will prepare school to make it safe for Key worker pupils and vulnerable children to return. 

We will send out a form for you to apply for a place in the Keyworker Bubbles and we will let you know more about how children will be learning remotely. We will do our very best to re-open to Key Worker children and vulnerable pupils by Wednesday. 

I am aware of how difficult this is for you all, School closing creates a multitude of problems for everyone but data surrounding this awful disease dictates that this is a necessary step. As ever, the safety and health of everyone must be a priority. 

Thank you for your continued support and we will be in frequent contact over the next few days. 

Many thanks

Claire Halstead

No Room in the Woods!

No Room in the Woods

Just like any Christmas, we have spent the last few weeks rehearsing and preparing for our Christmas Nativity. Unlike in other years we haven’t been able to share that with you in school, but we are just as excited with our end result. Our own Christmas film. It’s now available on our YouTube Channel and you can watch it by clicking here.

Merry Christmas, everybody! Have a safe and peaceful Christmas and a happy New Year!

No Room in the Woods… Coming Soon!

We have all been working very hard these last few weeks in school. We have teachers, hedgehogs, mice, angels, an owl, some ducks… the list goes on, of course.

Can you guess what we’re doing?

That’s right. We’re working on our Christmas Production. We’re a bit sad that you won’t be sitting in our hall watching us, but we’re sure you’re going to love it anyway, and just to get you in the mood, click here to view our Teaser Trailer.

Celebrations w/e 11th December


Class 3 Certificates

Our three winners in Class 3 were Fletcher, Saul and Christian.

Fletcher got his certficate for always contributing well to class discussions, and sharing his ideas. He has worked hard in all curriculum areas. Saul was rewarded for working hard and presenting his work beautifully. He has written with lovely description too, and Christian was rewarded for always working hard. He is a good role model to others, and he worked especially hard on his division house this week.



Class 2 Certificates

Our three certificate winners in Class 2 were, Harry, Ella and Angus.

Harry was rewarded for his amazing RE and English work – using super detail and effort, whilst Ella got her certificate for amazing work in English, writing her own version of our robin story poem – Coming Home. Ella used super action and description in her work.  Finally, Angus got a certificate for super history work all half term studying The Pendle Witches. Angus used super detail and effort.


Class 1 Certificates

We had four winners in Class 1 this week, Neve, Poppy, Lily and Barney.  Neve was rewarded for her beautiful singing – she sang a solo in front of the whole class. Both Poppy and Lily got their certificates for their wonderful work in our Christmas film – Poppy has worked really hard remembering lots of lines and speaking so clearly and Lily is fabulous as Freddie the Fractious Frog. Barney has received a certificate for being an amazing artist. He pays close attention and colours so neatly.

News w/e 6th Dec

Here we are, almost at the end of our first term and we have so much to share with you, including this lovely video from weekend, when we had a very special visitor to school. All the staff and children are very grateful to Sabden Holme Committee for this wonderful idea.

The next two weeks are very busy too, so please keep an eye on the calendar (included in your weekly newsletter) and let the office know if you need any more information .

Class one will be performing a Nativity this year which you will be able to watch on the school website as a film, called No Room in the Woods. The film will be available by the end of the term.

Friday 11th December is Christmas Jumper day to raise money for Save the Children. Please don’t worry if your child does not have a jumper just decorate an old one with tinsel.

This week's Certificates:

It’s Christmas at St Mary’s

A Victorian Christmas

This year we decided to take a Victorian Christmas as our theme. We learned a lot about how people would have celebrated Christmas in Victorian times and we had a great time making our decorations.


Sometimes we go to Gawthorpe Hall to experience a Victorian Christmas but, as we couldn’t do that this year, we’ve found this video to put us in the Victorian Christmas mood. Imagine walking through this house in your fine clothes at Christmas.


Just like today, Victorians liked to celebrate Christmas with great food. There were similarities but also differences – for instance turkey would be eaten, but not usually as the main meat. It was often boned and stuffed, and may have been served as a starter.

Plum pudding featured on Victorian menus and it was during Victoria’s reign that it was given the name, Christmas Pudding. In the video you can see it being made to an original Victorian recipe.


Toys were very different in Victorian times & there was also a great divide between richer and poorer children’s toys.


Singing was also a great part of Christmas entertainment – there was no sitting watching a Christmas film together in those days, but richer families often gathered around a piano to sing. Many of the carols we sing today were sung in Victorian times – although you may find that the tunes have changed considerably.

Of course, no Victorian Christmas is complete without a reading of the very famous Charles Dickens’ novel, ‘A Christmas Carol’. Featuring three ghosts who visit Scrooge to help him change his ways, Dickens wrote it in just six weeks in 1843. The story had great effect on all who read it and continues to do so today.

Our Victorian Christmas Hall

Celebrations w/e 4th Dec


Class 3 Certificates

This week James, Enya and Reece have gained certificates.

James and Enya were both awarded certificates for their fantastic maths using the grid method. They both worked really hard and, even when errors were made, they tackled them with enthusiasm and confidence!

Reece got his certificate for working really hard all week. He recognised errors in his own work and made changes, he concentrated on his learning, and shared fantastic answers.



Class 2 Certificates

Our certificate winners in Class Two were Thomas, Eden and Islay. Thomas got his certificate for good effort in maths studying time, and for his writing about the robin in English. Eden was rewarded for some great writing in our ‘Coming Home’ topic – writing about our robin, and in history describing The Pedlar recount in Pendle Witches. Islay was rewarded for amazing effort in all work especially her writing in RE, history and English.


Class 1 Certificates

Our four certificate winners in Class One this week were Dominic, Isla, Eliza and Arran.  Dominic got a certificate for his super reading and writing – he always presents his work beautifully. Isla was rewarded for her beautiful singing – she sang on her own in front of the whole class. Eliza got a certificate for her brilliant effort during phonics and guided reading, and Arran was rewarded both for his brilliant moving picture, and his great effort in phonics and guided reading.

Testing Finger Foods

Evaluating Finger Foods

As part of our DT topic in Class 3, the children have evaluated and analysed pre-bought finger foods that may be found at a Christmas buffet. We had a list of categories for making our evaluations, including smell, appearance, texture, taste, whether it was healthy or unhealthy and finally, whether it was fit for its purpose of being a finger food.