Baking Bread in Class One

The Great Fire of London

As an introduction to our topic, we made Hedgehog bread.

As well as learning about how bread is baked we also did lots of fun maths and science learning too!

We had to use very careful measurents to get the ingredients right – we used grams for the solids and millilitres for the liquids.

We loved making our bread, and it was absolutely delicious!

Celebrations w/e 27th Nov


Class 3 Certificates

This week Francesca, Malachy and Rebecca have gained certificates.

Francesca was chosen for a very creative and imaginative piece of craft work in which she created her own magical shop and Malachy got his certificate for fantastic French and for helping Mr Smith. Finally, Rebecca got a certificate for fantastic discussions in class on Monday, and for brilliant note taking and artwork.


Class 2 Certificates

In Class Two our certificate winners were, Gabriella, Micky and Darcey.

Gabriella got her certificate for super effort in history studying the Pendle witches, and in all her science lessons. Micky got his certificate for super effort in maths and all his written work, whilst Darcey was rewarded for super written work in history and science, she always tries so hard.


Class 1 Certificates

In Class One our four certificate winners were – Dara, Hattie, Hamza and Logan. Dara was rewarded for his amazing maths – he can add and subtract conficently. Hattie got her certificate for being kind, helpful and considerate to all of the other children and Hamza was rewarded for joining in so confidently – he even sang, ‘Don’t worry, be happy’ to the whole class. Finally, Logan was rewarded for her excellent phonics work. She always perserveres, and even remembers tricky words.

Celebrations w/e 20th Nov


Class 3 Certificates

This week Joseph, Saul and Oliver won the certificates in CLass 3. Joseph got his certificate for working really hard, he is always ready to help others, and he consistently produces great work. Saul’s certificate was awarded for his beautiful artwork. He was given a huge art task this week and he absolutely rose to the challenge! Finally, Oliver was rewarded for always coming into school with a smile and being ready to learn. He is always ready to help others and works very hard in all his lessons.



Class 2 Certificates

In Class 2, our certificates went to Matthew, Isabelle and Liam. Matthew was rewarded for his super independent writing in PSHE, he tried so hard, whilst Isabelle got her certificate for super work in RE where she created her own Jesse Tree and in PSHE for her anti-bullying poster. Liam was given his certificate for always being ready to answer questions in all oral sessions, he is always a keen and active learner.


Class 1 Certificates

We had four certificate winners in Class One this week – Minnie, Amelia, Tilly and Erica. Minnie was rewarded for wonderful singing and dancing for the class. It was about the Fire of London and Amelia got her certificate for knowing lots of super facts about the Fire of London. Tilly was rewarded for being kind and helping her friends with their maths and Erica for using her phonics and doing some super writing.

News w/e 13th Nov

Thank you so much for your kind donations for our Children in Need non-uniform day, we raised the  fantastic amount of,  £115.00! this is a great charity that supports children and their families in many different ways and we are pleased to have supported it.

The children have had a super day and been involved in lots of fun activities.

This week's Certificates:

Parents’ evening calls will take place during the week beginning 16th November. Please remember that each call is for 10 minutes, this is to give our teachers the chance to speak to every parent over the three nights.

This year we will be having a Wear Your Christmas Jumper Day on Friday 11th December in aid of Save the Children. Please bring a donation of at least £1.

Christmas Lunch

Our Christmas Lunch will be served on Wednesday 16th December. If your child already has a school meal you don’t need to do anything. For those children who normally bring a packed lunch but would like the lunch on that day, it will need to be ordered and paid for via Parentpay.

Film Night

Also on Wednesday 16th December, the FSA will be holding a Christmas Film night from 3:30 to 5:30pm – films will be shown within the class and each class will choose their particular film. Tickets will be £5 including hot dogs, crisps, drink and popcorn. Buy your tickets on Parent Pay – no tickets will be printed – the school office will keep a list.

Classroom Parties will be held on Thursday 17th December, as we can no longer accept food donations please can we ask for a £1 contribution through Parentpay for the school to buy the snacks /treats for children .

Celebrations w/e 13th November


Class 3 Certificates

This week in Class 3 our certificates went to Sam, Jacques, and James. Sam got his certificate because he always works hard and is an excellent role model for others. He presents his work neatly and always tries his best. This week, Jacques has worked very hard and really focused on independent learning. He’s been sharing his ideas with others, and shown a really good attitude in class. James has shared lots of good ideas this week and has made great contributions to class discussions and lessons. He has shared his ideas and knowledge with confidence.


Class 2 Certificates

In Class Two our certificate winners were, Jude, Fliss and Noah. Jude got his certificate amazing effort in all his work – he is a real superstar! Fliss was rewarded for super writing in our Anne Frank biography and trying hard in all she does and Noah got his certificate for super effort in all his written work and for showing such kindness to others – he is a star.


Class 1 Certificates

We had four certificate winners in Class One this week – Giorgia, Isla, Sebastian and Robyn. Giorgia got her cetificate for her beautiful and creative artwork and Isla was rewarded for her fabulous work in phonics. Sebastian was rewarded for his amazing writing about wolves and Robyn got her certificate for working super hard in improving her handwriting.

News w/e 6th Nov

This week's Certificates:

It is with regret that the After School Clubs will unfortunately have to be suspended following the new guidelines with the second lock down. As there will only be 2 session once the restriction are lifted we have decided to postpone the clubs until January. If your child has a place as soon as we can start the clubs again they will still keep that place. There are still places on the clubs and we will offer the places out again in January.


Next Friday we will be holding a non-uniform day to raise money for Children in Need. Please send your child with a £1 donation to support this wonderful charity.

Thank you to all the parents who placed an order for their children’s Art project this will help raise some vital funds for our school fund.

Parents' Evening

We hope that you found the new parent’s evening booking system helpful, if you have not already done so please book your telephone appointment via the link sent or, click here for more information.

Celebrations w/e 06th November


Class 3 Certificates

There were three certificate winners in Class 3, Charlotte, Noah and Eleanor. Charlotte got her certificate because she always has a smile on her face and she worked so hard on her writing making sure that she added great descriptions. Noah was rewarded because he tries so hard in all his lessons, he wrote his poem independently whilst also trying so hard in all his partnered work. Finally,  Eleanor got her certificate for her poem – of which she is really proud – she included good description and presented it very neatly. Click on their names to see their work.


Class 2 Certificates

In Class Two our certificate winners were, Archie, Holly and Jude. Archie got his certificate for super concentration and effort in all lessons, he is a great Year 4 role model. Holly got her certificate for great effort in all work along with some beautiful art work, and Jude was rewarded for his super maths work and great effort in all written work.


Class 1 Certificates

We had four certificate winners in Class One this week – Max, Ella, Roman and Rosanna. Max got his certificate for his hard work and concentration in phonics whilst Ella was rewarded for her excellent ideas and constant hard work. Roman got her certificate for joining in well with her good ideas and Rosanna was rewarded for being a kind and caring friend.

Celebrations w/e 23rd October


Class 3 Certificates

This week Josh, Hannah and Oliver have gained certificates. The class have been writing stories based on the novel, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and all the certificates were linked to that work. Josh got his certificate for using fantastic language in his writing, he was very proud of it and you can click here to see. Hannah was rewarded for her fantastic sentences including both speech and description, she also worked really hard on her handwriting. Click here to see Hannah’s work. Oliver also produced some fantastic written work, of which he was rightly proud. Click here to see the work he has chosen to share.


Class 2 Certificates

In Class Two our certificate winners were, Isabelle, Ella and Ava. Isabelle got her certificate for putting 100% effort into all her work and especially writing and maths, whilst Ella was rewarded for her great effort writing with a pot on her arm! Ava got her certificate for some great maths work studying bar charts and pictograms, along with her super work in R.E. learning about the sacrament of Baptism.


Class 1 Certificates

We had four certificate winners in Class One this week – Freddie, Freya, Tilly and Eliza. Freddie was rewarded for being a kind and caring friend and Freya got her certificate for looking after the younger children so well. Tilly was rewarded for her super, independent writing and Eliza for her super counting skills along with joining in so well on the carpet.

News w/e 16th October

This week's Certificates:

Don’t forget that this year we cannot hold face-to-face Parents Evenings but we will be giving out telephone appointments during the week beginning 16th November and you will need to book your slot online. Click here to read more.

We have nasal flu vaccinations taking place on Monday 2nd November, if you wish for your child to receive a vaccination and have not used the online service to register, you will need to call IntraHealth on 0333 358 3397.

Secondary School Applications

You are now able to apply for your child’s Secondary School online (click here). Please note that the closing date is 31st of October.

Tiny Pixels will be in school on Thursday 5th November to take individual photographs. Unfortunately this year we are not able to have any family pictures due to Covid-19 rules.

Celebrations w/e 16th Oct


Class 3 Certificates

This week Evie, Thomas and Lizzie have gained certificates. Evie got her certificate for working hard and presenting her work neatly, she is also working with confidence – you can click here to see the work that she is particularly proud of. Thomas always works hard, listens well and is trying really hard with his handwriting. Click here to see his favourite piece of work. It was Lizzie’s continuous hard work along with her lovely handwriting (which she is working on joining) that got her her certificate. She is a lovely role model to the class. Click here to see the work she has chosen to share.


Class 2 Certificates

We also had three certificate winners in Class 2, Hugo, Lucie and Thomas. Hugo got his certificate for amazing concentration and a positive attitude to all his work. For Lucie it was her super maths using columns to add and subtract and her great attitude to learning that got her a certificate. Thomas’s super concentration and effort in writing and maths meant that he too got a certificate.


Class 1 Certificates

Jack, Neve and Lily were the winners in Class 1. Jack was rewarded for being so kind, and caring to everyone in the class and Neve got her certificate for wonderful effort in phonics and beautiful reading. For Lily, it was her excellent work during Monster Phonics and Guided Reading that meant she got a certificate.