Parents’ Evening November

Parents' Evening 17th & 18th November

Please note that this year, Parents’ Evening will be held by telephone appointments only. These will take place on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th November .

You will shortly be able to book your appointment slot via the Teachers2parents website which we currently use to send emails and texts.
On Monday 2nd of November you will receive a text and/or email with a link to the booking system. It is therefore vital that we have your most up-to-date contact details . Please contact the school office if you think that we may not have these or if you require any assistance.
We would also like to remind you should you have any concerns or questions which you would like to discuss
with your child’s teacher they can be contacted at any time via email. (Click on the links below.)

Celebrations w/e 9/10/20


Class 3 Certificates

This week Enya, Reece and Aurora have gained certificates. Enya got her certificate for stepping out of her comfort zone in Maths, she tried using different mental methods to solve calculations – you can click here to see the work that she is particularly proud of. Reece did some fantastic research on a mythical creature and presented the information orally. It was filmed and edited using the green screen. Reece gave a confident and clear presentation of his information! Click here to see Saul’s favourite piece of work. It was Aurora’s constant hard work in all lessons and being a good friend that got her her certificate. Click here to see the work she has chosen to share.


Class 2 Certificates

We also had three certificate winners in Class 2, Micky, Darcey and Harry. Micky got his certificate for super addition in columns and great effort in all written work . For Darcey it was her super writing in our Paddington project and 100% effort in all all she does that got her her reward. And Harry’s super use of column addition to solve tricky problems gained him his certificate.


Class 1 Certificates

Barney, Susanna and Matias were the winners in Class 1. Barney was rewarded for trying really hard and sharing his ideas with the class and Susanna got her certificate for her beautiful writing about Harry Mouse using super adjectives. Matias got his certificate for his enthusiasm and hard work in phonics.

Parts of the Body


We have been learning all about our bodies in our Magnificent Me project.

Following a discussion about the parts of the body that we can and cannot live without, we explored how it is possible for humans to adapt if they have a disability. We watched some artists painting by holding the paintbrush in their mouths and by using their feet. The children then explored braille on some medicine packets and tried to write their name using the braille pattern. They also tried to sign their names using the fingerspelling alphabet and write their name using their non-writing hand. 

News w/e 2nd October

The children are continuing to settle well back into school life and are doing a wonderful job with the new regime to help stop the spread of Covid-19.

Once again, The Royal British Legion have provided us with poppies and other items to sell in aid of the Poppy Appeal.  Please see the photo (left) for details.

The items will be on sale in school from Monday so if you would like your child to purchase one of these items then please send in the relevant amount.

This week's Certificates:

As we continue to follow the advice from the DfE it has been decided that we will not currently be offering paid after school clubs from outside providers. We will be holding a club for each year group through our existing partnership
with Burnley FC and Miss Halstead will run her very popular Yoga class, details will be provided shortly.

Dinner money is now payable for those children starting in Year 3. Please remember dinners for juniors are charged at £2.30 per
day and should, where possible, be paid in advance. Please can we also remind you that we try to be a healthy eating school and
would encourage you to refrain from putting too many sugary snacks in your child’s lunch box.

Music Lessons

We have been notified by the Music Service that no auto enrolments for music lessons have taken place this year. If your child has a music lesson and you would like this to continue or you wish to start music lessons, please contact the music service to re-enrol your child. This can no longer be undertaken by the school on your behalf.

If you have not already done so, please can you pay for this year’s building contribution via Parent Pay as soon as possible.

Secondary School Applications

You are now able to apply for your child’s Secondary School online (click here). Please note that the closing date is 31st of October.

Celebrations w/e 02.10.20


Class 3 Certificates

This week Harvey, Christian and Annalise have gained certificates. Harvey got his certificate for working particularly hard recording his own work and sharing his ideas – you can click here to see the work that he is particularly proud of. Christian is a super role model with an excellent attitude. He is working very hard in every lesson to show his best. Click here to see Christians’s favourite piece of work. It was Annalise’s hard work in handwriting and presentation along with her super mental maths skills that got her her certificate. Click here to see the work she has chosen to share.


Class 2 Certificates

In Class 2 this week we have certificates for Peter, Eden and Angus. Peter was rewarded for some super independent writing in English, he wrote a very impressive short story. Eden has got her certificate for always putting 100% into all work but especially her maths and English. And Angus has got a reward for his amazing story writing and beautiful RE art work.


Class 1 Certificates

Hattie, Dominic and Annabel were the winners in Class 1 this week. Hattie got her certificate for wonderful reading – she read a whole book to the class! Dominic was rewarded for his super science ideas about Braille and Annabel got a certificate for fabulous phonic work and for writing her name beautifully.

Class 2 Science: Light & Shadow


We have been doing a lot of practical work as we investigate light and shadows. We were lucky enough to have some bright sunny days so that we could go outside and find out about how the position of the sun changes our shadows. We also played lots of fun games with our shadows.

In the classroom (which we darkened) we used torches to create shadows with stick puppets. Over the next week we will be doing more investigations with light and shadows and we will be trying to use what we learn to predict what shadows will be formed when we have a certain object. The video below is a great demonstration of the different properties of opaque, translucent and transparent objects – it also has some good examples of shadows in everyday life. What shadows can you spot when you’re out and about?

News w/e 25th September

A huge congratulations to Miss Taylor on her wedding last weekend, she will now be known as, Mrs Holland.
The weather was great and Mr & Mrs Holland say that everything was perfect and they had an amazing day despite the added complications of Covid 19.

This week's Certificates:

You will have received a copy of Public Health England’s letter to parents earlier this week but you can also view a copy here.

Currently PE is taking place as much as possible outdoors, allowing us to follow the government’s Covid-19 guidance, and as the winter months are drawing ever closer and the days are getting colder, it has been agreed that your child may bring jogging type bottoms to wear outdoors during PE.

Lost Property

We have a growing pile of lost property items which are hard to reunite with their owners as they are not named. Please can you try to make sure all items have some sort of name in them? We love to return items but find it very difficult without labels.

If you have not already done so, please can you pay for this year’s building contribution via Parent Pay as soon as possible.

Secondary School Applications

You are now able to apply for your child’s Secondary School online (click here). Please note that the closing date is 31st of October.

Celebrations w/e 25.09.20


Class 3 Certificates

This week certificates were awarded to Francesca, Peppe and Scarlet, for fantastic work in all lessons but, in particular, for their effort when writing a diary entry in role from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.

Click here to see Francesca’s chosen pieces of work. You can view Peppe’s favourite pieces by clicking here and click here to have a look at Scarlet’s work.

Class 2 Certificates

Class 2’s winners this week were, Liam, Holly and Gabriella. Liam got his certificate for amazing maths using a mixture of strategies to solve problems, including mental maths, place value and counting up. For Holly it was her super work in RE and a great piece of writing in English that got her her reward. And Gabriella was rewarded for her super attitude in all work and especially in maths and Engish – she is a super Year 3 role model.


Class 1 Certificates

Thea, Arran and Bella were the certificate winners in Class 1 this week. Thea got hers for super phonic work, blending and segmenting and knowing the tricky words. Arran was rewarded for his outstanding work and perseverance at all times and Bella got her certificate for always lstening well and trying her hardest. And click here to see Hamza’s certificate from the first week of term.

Celebrations w/e 18th September


Class 3 Certificates

This week Rebecca, Jenson and Bobby have gained certificates. Rebecca has worked hard all week and with growing independence – you can click here to see the work that she is particularly proud of. Jenson has also been working with increasing independence and produced some great work. Click here to see Jenson’s favourite pieces of work. It was Bobby’s mature and sensible start to Year 6 along with his hard work that secured him his certificate. Click here to see the work he has chosen to share.


Class 2 Certificates

We also had three certificate winners in Class 2, Matthew, Islay and Fliss. Matthew got his certificate for some super maths whilst Islay proved herself to be a model Y3 pupil with her fabulous effort and concentration. For Fliss it was her super maths and a wonderful piece of descriptive writing in English.


Class 1 Certificates

Sebastian, Dara and Iona were the winners in Class One. Sebastian was rewarded for persevering during guided reading and maths lessons, whilst Dara got his for some super work in phonics, reading and maths. Iona was awarded her certificate for her enthusaiastic attitude and kindness to others.

News w/e 11th September

Firstly we are so pleased to welcome you all back to school, and want to say how proud we are of all our pupils for the way they have settled into school life with all the new procedures, they are doing brilliantly.

This week's Certificates:

We are receiving daily updates in terms of our responsibilities to protect both your children and staff in school, and we have been provided with a flow chart to share with you (click here). Should your child or any member of your family become ill with Covid Symptoms please do not send your child to school. Please seek a test and act accordingly.

If you have not already done so, please can you pay for this year’s building contribution via Parent Pay as soon as possible.

Secondary School Applications

You are now able to apply for your child’s Secondary School online (click here). Please note that the closing date is 31st of October.

Due to Covid processes it may take us a little longer to change ‘Home Readers’. When books are returned we have to quarantine them for at least 48 hours. That means our turnover is
slower, but please don’t worry.

Music Lessons

We have been notified by the Music Service that no auto enrolments for music lessons have taken place this year. If your child has a music lesson and you would like this to continue or you
wish to start music lessons, please contact the music service to re-enrol your child. This can no longer be undertaken by the school
on your behalf.