Class 3 w/c 29th June

How is your science coming along? At the beginning of our Home Learning journey we shared some experiments with eggs and books and we thought we’d share some more home science experiments. In this series of science tricks you will be learning about surface tension. Remember that you should only do them with adult permission and do not do the last one (with the hot pan) unless there is an adult there with you.

Each week we will give you a task that must be completed, this is your Top Terrific Task.


Using Wednesday’s History activity, send me pictures of a website plan or leaflet which answers the question, ‘What were seaside holidays like in Victorian times?’ You can present this in any way- I look forward to seeing it!


Click here to email me your work. I will send you a message back and if I haven’t heard from you by Friday I will get in touch to see if you need any extra help.

Click here to download the full week’s work or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

You have lots of work on your worksheet for maths this week, including work on multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 but before you dive straight in, watch the video below to give you a handy reminder on why using (and understanding) place value is so important.

This week in English you will be putting yourself in the mind of the great explorers and reading lots of information about life in polar, arctic, antarctic and extreme places. Over the week you will read about the lives of many great explorers both past and present and at the end of the week you will be writing a Blog as if you were Sir Edmund Hillary. Do make sure you do all the activities as these will help you get in the mindset of an explorer and don’t forget to watch the video below. It shows you a speeded up version of what a trip up Everest would feel like. Try pressing pause and looking at the photographs and reading the captions.

All this week in history we will be thinking about the Victorians, about their use of the trains and their leisure time. Your Top Terrific Task is also linked to this. On Monday we use the photo below to further our knowledge.

What do you think the picture tells us about train travel in Victorian times? Try to use all your senses – if you were there, what do you think you could hear, smell, taste, see and touch? Do you think it was a safe environment? Look at the adverts on the wall behind – what do you think they are advertising? In what ways are they the same as modern adverts and also how do they differ?

Class One w/c 22nd June

How are you all? Did you manage to do the Virtual Sports Day? We had lots of great photos. We’ve done lots of PE ideas over the last weeks but sometimes we need a ‘brain break’ that isn’t PE based. When you just need a quick break, what better than doing some drawing or doodling? There’s a great video here from Rob Biddulph and if you don’t fancy drawing a cat, check out his YouTube channel for other ideas here.

Each week we will give you a task that must be completed, this is your Top Terrific Task.

Get caught reading! J Read as many books as you can this week! Ask a grown up to snap a photo of you reading your favourite book to send to me! You can be reading up a tree, in a den, reading to your pet… use your imagination but please be safe!!!  If you could send me video of you reading part of your book it would make my day!

Click here to email me your work. I will send you a message back and if I haven’t heard from you by Friday I will get in touch to see if you need any extra help.

Click here to download the full week’s work for reception and here for Years 1 and 2 or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

We use maths a lot of the time – we use it to solve problems and to find answers to things – we often call this reasoning. There are a few problems like this on your sheet (see below) but these are things you can do throughout the day. Get a grown-up to keep challenging you with questions that require maths reasoning.

This week Reception children have a lot of work to do with Owl Babies (please see your worksheet) and children in Years 1 and 2 will be thinking about the Mr Men series of books. No matter which class you are in – you can all watch the Mr Strong story – some of you can try turning off the sound and seeing if you can read along yourselves.


Watch the video below.

After the programme, provide children with two blank seaside pictures (e.g. sea, beach and sky). Ask them to create two contrasting pictures (one for the Victorian era and one for now) by drawing or sticking appropriate pictures to each background. Chat about what has changed and why.

Class 2 w/c 22nd June

How are you all? Did you manage to do the Virtual Sports Day? We had lots of great photos. We’ve done lots of PE ideas over the last weeks but sometimes we need a ‘brain break’ that isn’t PE based. When you just need a quick break, what better than doing some drawing or doodling? There’s a great video here from Rob Biddulph and if you don’t fancy drawing a cat, check out his YouTube channel for other ideas here.

Each week we will give you a task that must be completed, this is your Top Terrific Task.

This week your Top Terrific Task links to PSHE (see Wednesday on your worksheet). You need to think about all the different feelings and emotions we experience and then design a poster to show times that you have experienced these emotions.

Click here to email me your work. I will send you a message back and if I haven’t heard from you by Friday I will get in touch to see if you need any extra help.

Click here to download the full week’s work or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week you have a lot of activities that involve working with numbers, finding missing numbers, seeing patterns etc. There are lots of puzzles on your worksheet.

Once you’ve done them you may want to learn some maths magic. In the following video you see the magic, then you learn the trick and finally (and most importantly) you learn how the maths works.

This week you will be thinking about Expanded Noun Phrases – these are great to learn as using them really enhances your writing. A noun phrase would be, the black dog whereas an expanded noun phrase could be, the big, furry, black dog. If you need more help we think this song is great.


There is a lot of information on BBC Bitesize (click here) and to get a feeling of being transported back in time, watch the video below.

Class 3 w/c 22nd June

How are you all? Did you manage to do the Virtual Sports Day? We had lots of great photos. We’ve done lots of PE ideas over the last weeks but sometimes we need a ‘brain break’ that isn’t PE based. When you just need a quick break, what better than doing some drawing or doodling? There’s a great video here from Rob Biddulph and if you don’t fancy drawing a cat, check out his YouTube channel for other ideas here.

Each week we will give you a task that must be completed, this is your Top Terrific Task.


This week you have lots of reading and videos linked to magical settings and creating suspense. Using all you have read / watched throughout the week create your own magical shop.

Draw a picture of your shop – labelling what is inside and what makes it magic.

Imagine you are an author and you are writing your opening chapter to introduce this magic shop.
Write your chapter. Try to include some of the words/phrases and sentences you have collected and written throughout the week.


Click here to email me your work. I will send you a message back and if I haven’t heard from you by Friday I will get in touch to see if you need any extra help.

Click here to download the full week’s work or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week you have a lot of activities that involve working with numbers, finding missing numbers, seeing patterns etc. In fact it gets so exciting that by the end of the week you have an Escape Room task to do.

Once you’ve done that you may want to learn some maths magic. In the following video you see the magic, then you learn the trick and finally (and most importantly) you learn how the maths works.

There are lots of ideas on your worksheet this week – all with a magical theme. Try to do everything on your sheet as all the activities will help you with your Top Terrific Task. In the video clip below you see Harry Potter walking down Diagon Alley for the very first time, compare the video to the written extract (see your worksheet) – how do they compare? On Wednesday you need this Suspense Toolkit and on Thursday you need this poem by Kit Wright, you can download them both by clicking on the links.

Bletchley Park is a place of exceptional historical importance. Bletchley Park is a vibrant heritage attraction and museum, open daily to visitors. It is located in Milton Keynes. It was the home of British World War Two codebreaking; a place where technological innovation and human endeavour came together to made ground-breaking achievements that have helped shape the world we live in today.

Can you break the codes on your sheet this week?

Class 2 w/c 15th June

Remember that being active isn’t just about running around and climbing things! There are many ways to be active and over the weeks we’ve shown you quite a few and you also have your PE page.

Sometimes it’s good to do other active things, Yoga is great because when we do Yoga we are also helping our minds be more mindful (instead of mind full!). We love Cosmic Kids – if you haven’t tried them before, we really enjoyed this Wizard of Oz adventure.

Each week we will give you a task that must be completed, this is your Top Terrific Task.


This week your Top Terrific Task is based on your RE work (see box and video below). Can you make a poster to tell the Parable of the Lost Sheep? Remember there are hints on your worksheet.


Click here to email me your work. I will send you a message back and if I haven’t heard from you by Friday I will get in touch to see if you need any extra help.

Click here to download the full week’s work or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week you’ll find lots of different activities on your worksheets, including some number problems that are easier to solve if you have rapid recall of numbers.

If you have someone to play with then the game in the video below is great. It encourages you to think quickly, you need to be able to count-on and/or do addition, and you’ll need to think ahead if you want to win. You can download the written instructions and the gameboards here.

This week, as you work on your writing you will be looking at developing your vocabulary so that you have a wide range of words at your fingertips. Prepositons are an important part of our writing. There’s lots of activities on your worksheet and we like the video below if you need a way to remember what prepositions are.

Jesus told many Parables – he told this one to the Pharisees and Teachers who were annoyed that Jesus talked to Tax Collectors and sinners. They thought that Jesus should shun bad people rather than welcome them to him. Watch the video and read the Bible passage on your worksheet. What does the story mean to you?

Class 3 w/c 15th June

Remember that being active isn’t just about running around and climbing things! THere are many ways to be active and over the weeks we’ve shown you quite a few and you also have your PE page.

Sometimes it’s good to do other active things, Yoga is great because when we do Yoga we are also helping our minds be more mindful (instead of mind full!). We love Cosmic Kids – if you haven’t tried them before, this Star Wars one is great.

Each week we will give you a task that must be completed, this is your Top Terrific Task.


Using Tuesday’s English activity, send me pictures of your own robot creation and the description that goes with it.


Click here to email me your work. I will send you a message back and if I haven’t heard from you by Friday I will get in touch to see if you need any extra help.

Click here to download the full week’s work or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week you’ll find lots of activities that explore numbers – the aim is to find patterns and correlations and interesting facts. Exploring numbers in this way then helps us with problem solving and mental maths.

If you have someone to play with then the game in the video below is great. You can download the written instructions and the gameboards here.

This week we are going to use robots as our writing inspiration. There are lots of links on your worksheet and you can start by watching the video below. Make notes about robots and jot down any technical vocabulary – you may use it in your own writing. Remember that Tuesday’s writing task is also your Top Terrific Task! Get watching and collecting your ideas – we can’t wait to see your pictures.

Using last week’s video (see below), can you create a timeline of the key events from the film? You can add the events to your timeline from previous weeks if you prefer!

Class 1 w/c 15th June

Remember that being active isn’t just about running around and climbing things! THere are many ways to be active and over the weeks we’ve shown you quite a few and you also have your PE page.

Sometimes it’s good to do other active things, Yoga is great because when we do Yoga we are also helping our minds be more mindful (instead of mind full!). We love Cosmic Kids – if you haven’t tried them before, this Frozen one is great.

Each week we will give you a task that must be completed, this is your Top Terrific Task.


Read ‘While We Can’t Hug’ by Eoin McLaughlin and Polly Dunbar: Click here Talk to your child about who they miss that they haven’t seen for a while. They could draw a picture of themselves with who they miss and write ‘I miss … because …’ Remember to practise the sentence orally first before they write it down. You may even like to draw a picture!

Year 1 & 2

Choose your favourite character from ‘The Jolly Postman or Other People’s Letters’. Consider what they might write back if they were to write a response to their mail, e.g. the Bear family’s response to Goldilocks or Cinderella’s response to Peter Piper. Discuss orally what they might say back, e.g. The Bear family might thank Goldilocks for her apology and explain to her how she can behave by being kind and thoughtful or Cinderella might say ‘thank you’ for her letter and describe her new life in the palace. Write as if you were the character replying to the sender. Check writing includes capital letters, full stops and possibly a question, e.g. if writing a letter back to Goldilocks, the Bear family could ask, ‘Please can you not take things that are not yours?’


Click here to email me your work. I will send you a message back and if I haven’t heard from you by Friday I will get in touch to see if you need any extra help.


Click here to download the full week’s work for Reception children and here for Years 1 and 2  or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

Every week we remind you to practise counting in 2s, 5s, 10s; we tell you to practise your multiplication tables (if you’re ready for that) and we encourage you to do lots of mental maths. We do this because it really helps with problem solving and this week you have lots of problems to solve on your worksheets. The video below is one example of using your mental maths to solve missing number problems.

This week children in Y1 and 2 will be doing lots of work around The Jolly Postman, whilst Reception children will be thinking about all the people they miss hugging. Letter writing is something that we don’t do just as much today – now that we hae FaceTime, Zoom, WhatsApp and emails, the idea of posting a letter seems quite strange. And yet it’s a lovely thing to do and a very lovely thing to receive. The video below shows you the journey of a letter – perhaps this can be your inspiration for a new way of keeping in touch?

Watch or read the story of Jonah and the Whale. There is a quiz to do on your worksheet or you may like to do one or all of the following:

Draw a picture of Jonah and the Whale or colour in a picture. Can you make your own boat, see if it floats? What materials could you use. How can you re-create the storm?

Class 2 w/c 8th June

Each week we try to get you thinking about PE and being active – it is so important for our physical and mental well-being. Another important side to staying active is variety, but sometimes this can be hard, especially if we think we need specialist equipment – so this week we’re sharing this cricket idea with you. If you thought you needed special equipment to play cricket, think again!

Each week we will give you a task that must be completed, this is your Top Terrific Task.

This week’s task is History and it links to the Weighing of the Heart Ceremony (see below). There’s lots of information on your sheet and there are links for the internet to. Year 3 need to create an information poster showing and describing details of the ceremony and Year 4 should create a double page spread or information leaflet for the same thing.

Click here to email me your work. I will send you a message back and if I haven’t heard from you by Friday I will get in touch to see if you need any extra help.

Click here to download the full week’s work or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week, there is lots of work on your sheet – including work on perimeter and problem solving. There’s also lots of chance to practise your multiplication tables. These are so important for helping us with quick mental calculations and we need them in order to solve problems. Do some of the examples on your sheet but, if you have a deck of cards, we also think this game (below) is great.

This week you will exploring the words that you use when you are writing. When you are reading try to spot the powerful verbs that authors use – do they just say ‘walk’ or do they use a verb that really describes how the person is walking? There are lots of activities on your sheet and we think this song will get you in the mood for some powerful writing.

Remember – this is part of your Top Terrific Task. We are learning about the Weighing of the Heart Ceremony. There is lots of information on your worksheets – we also like this video which tells you a lot about the ceremony and what the Ancient Egyptians believed about the heart.

Class 1 w/c 8th June

Each week we try to get you thinking about PE and being active – it is so important for our physical and mental well-being. All this week you will be thinking about throwing and particularly, ‘over-arm throwing’ – there are lots of ideas to help you on your PE page – and at the end of the week – try this challenge. You don’t need specialist equipment, you don’t even need a ball, just yourself, some enthusiasm and some energy.

Each week we will give you a task that must be completed, this is your Top Terrific Task.

This week, your top terrific task is linked to RE. Jesus told his disciples to tell others about him and to show them his love. We can show Jesus’ love by being kind to others. Do something to make somebody else happy. It could be a member of your family or a relative. You could bake them some biscuits or cakes and you may like to make them a card. Ask your parents to help you leave it somewhere safe for them to find.

Click here to email me your work. I will send you a message back and if I haven’t heard from you by Friday I will get in touch to see if you need any extra help.

Click here to download the full week’s work for Reception children and here for Years 1 and 2  or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

Set up a shop with items costing up to 20p. Play shops, paying for your item using a 20p coin. Can you work out the change needed each time? Can you make the change using different coins. For example, if you bought a ball costing 13p you would need 7p change. You could make this with 5p, 2p or with 2p,2p,2p,1p… Have fun! When you feel confident you could try to draw the different ways that you found the change, in your exercise books, using a format like the one above.

This week all of Class 1 have lots of ideas for writing, please try some or all of them. Remember that writing starts with speaking and listening – discussing what you are going to write about is an important tool. You can also sing about it – Years 1 an 2 have this song as part of their inspiration (but we’re sure Reception will like listening to it too).


Draw a picture of the thoughts that comes to mind when you listen to the song. What makes this song happy? Why do you want to sing and clap along? Think about how the lyrics are upbeat/positive and the drumbeat follows a regular pattern which makes the song easy to dance to. Have a go at making some happy music of your own. Try singing the song with your family. Can you make up your own special dance?

Class 3 w/c 8th June

Each week we try to get you thinking about PE and being active – it is so important for our physical and mental well-being. Another important side to staying active is variety, but sometimes this can be hard, especially if we think we need specialist equipment – so this week we’re sharing this cricket idea with you. If you thought you needed special equipment to play cricket, think again!

Each week we will give you a task that must be completed, this is your Top Terrific Task.

This week all of your Maths tasks can be photographed. I would like you to send me pictures of one of your maths tasks from this week. This can be your shape picture (Monday), a symmetry picture (Tuesday), a repeated pattern (Wednesday), ordering lengths (Thursday) or maths in the world pictures (Friday).

You can send me more than one task if you wish as I love to see your pictures!

Click here to email me your work. I will send you a message back and if I haven’t heard from you by Friday I will get in touch to see if you need any extra help.

Click here to download the full week’s work or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week, you will be doing lots of work looking for and creating maths around you. Maths is all around us – symmetry, shape, angles – we can find all these things just by looking, more than that, it is by understanding maths that engineers, architects and designers manipulate things in order to create our world. Have you ever wondered how come a floor holds us up, or how bridges can carry such weight?

This week you will need to do a lot of work exploring the language that we use. Sometimes we speak (and read) our own language so easily that we forget to explore the words that we use. If we think more deeply about authors’ choices of words, not only do we get a better understanding of our own language but we also develop and improve the vocabulary at our fingertips. If you haven’t got a dictionary or thesaurus to hand – we think Word Hippo is a great website (click on the picture for link).

The growth of the railway network led to the development and expansion of British seaside towns- meaning that people could use the trains and railways to travel to different destinations. After watching this short film, can you think about the impact the development of the railways had on people’s lives?