Class 3 w/c 1st June

Hello everybody, we hope you had a good half term and managed to make it a little different to your regular home-learning weeks? Have you managed to keep active? As the weather gets warmer it gets a bit easier to remain active but don’t forget that some things, like Yoga can be done whatever the weather – and Yoga is always good for us. If you fancy trying some Yoga but can’t think where to start, we’ve put a video here, and if you like this one you can find other Cosmic Kids Yoga sessions on YouTube.

Click here to download the full week’s work or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

There are lots of ideas for maths on your worksheet with lots of links to videos as well. For a quick-fire mental maths challenge we like this game which you can do with just a deck of cards. Let us know how you get on.

You have a lot of reading to do this week and you’ll need to check your worksheet for details of where to login to read some of the extracts. We’ll be thinking a lot about inventions – including accidental inventions. In this video you can learn all about one of these. Warning though: it might make your mouth water!

Pointillism explores art through dots instead of full block colour. Can you create a seaside themed picture using pointillism? You can do this with felt tips or pencil crayons or, if you have paints at home, using a cotton bud creates dots for a picture.

Class 2 w/c 1st June

Hello everybody, we hope you had a good half term and managed to make it a little different to your regular home-learning weeks? Have you managed to keep active? As the weather gets warmer it gets a bit easier to remain active but don’t forget that some things, like Yoga can be done whatever the weather – and Yoga is always good for us. If you fancy trying some Yoga but can’t think where to start, we’ve put a video here, and if you like this one you can find other Cosmic Kids Yoga sessions on YouTube.

Click here to download the full week’s   or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week we’re going to be doing some money problems – sometimes it can be hard working with money in our heads. This is because the pounds and pence become decimal numbers (if I have one pound and twenty pence, I have £1.20) so if possible, see if you can use some real money at first to help. Playing shops is always a great way of getting to grips with money.

This week you will be doing lots of reading. As you read you need to be thinking about the characters, about how they are feeling and why they are doing things.

Do you have a favourite book or a favourtie author? Let us know, if you do. Have you ever read any David Walliams books? We think he is brilliant, in the video he reads an extract from Gangsta Granny.

There are lots of activities on your work sheet but why not make time to sing a lovely Pentecost hymn as well? We think it’s impossible to sing this hymn without feeling filled with the love of Our Lord. What do you think?

Class 1 w/c 1st June

Hello everybody, we hope you had a good half term and managed to make it a little different to your regular home-learning weeks? Have you managed to keep active? As the weather gets warmer it gets a bit easier to remain active but don’t forget that some things, like Yoga can be done whatever the weather – and Yoga is always good for us. If you fancy trying some Yoga but can’t think where to start, we’ve put a video here, and if you like this one you can find other Cosmic Kids Yoga sessions on YouTube.

Click here to download the full week’s work for Reception children and here for Years 1 and 2  or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week can you think about active maths? This is practising your mental maths whilst you’re jogging on the spot, or doing star jumps, or hopping on one leg, or doing bunny hops… but don’t just do the thing, practise some of the really important mental maths. Count in 2s, or 10s or 5s. Count backwards. Or play number bond catch – get an older person to throw a ball or beanbag to you whilst shouting a number and you throw it back with its number bond. Eg: If you’re working on bonds to 20 and your partner shouts 7, you’re going to throw it back whilst shouting 13!

This week we’re going to do lots of reading in preparation for our written work. Reading is so important and we’ve given you lots of ideas along with links to listen to and or watch you’re stories being read.

Once we’ve read a story we need to talk to someone about it – we may be thinking how characters feel, or we may be collecting ideas words for future writing. We’ve put one of the videos below.

Over the next two weeks your task is to create a ‘Seaside in a box’. Be as creative as you can and don’t forget to send us a photo! There are some ideas on your sheet and we’ve included a sing-along song here to get you in the mood.

Class 2 w/c 18th May

We hope you’re all getting on well with all the work and ideas that we send you. We do miss you all and love hearing from you. This week we’ve got lots of great activities for you but, if you’re looking for some extra science, watch the video here. Warning: Grover can be a bit annoying but the science is good (please, if you’re trying these out, make sure you do them with a grown up there).

Click here to download the full week’s work or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week we will be thinking about mental maths and one of the things we will look at is doubling and halving larger numbers. Sometimes it can be easy – doubling or halving 40 for example is straightforward… but what do we do with a tricky number? In the video you see a method that is very helpful – partitioning. See if you can use this in your work.

In this week’s lessons we will be looking at persuasive writing and making our own adverts. If you want a reminder about persuasive writing, take a look at this video.

Don’t forget there is lots of other work to complete on this week’s worksheet.

The day when Jesus went up to heaven. Look in the bible to find out about this special day and listen to the song below whilst you think about how the Disciples felt. You might like to create some art work to mark this special event.

Class 3 w/c 18th May

We hope you’re all getting on well with all the work and ideas that we send you. We do miss you all and love hearing from you. This week we’ve got lots of great activities for you but, if you’re looking for some extra science, watch the video here. Warning: Grover can be a bit annoying but the science is good (please, if you’re trying these out, make sure you do them with a grown up there).

Click here to download the full week’s work or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

Watch the clip from the video below (you can find the link for the full video on your worksheet). There is an activity called ‘How to make an orienteering map to use at your house’ Can you draw a birds eye view of your house or a room in your house like it shows in the video?

This week, for your writing tasks, we will explore deadly creatures from around the world (whilst sitting in the comfort of your own home!)

By the end of the week, not only will you know lots about some deadly creatures, you will have also created your own!

Watch the video below to get you in the mood and then check out your worksheet for lots more videos, book extracts and all your activities.

The day when Jesus went up to heaven. Look in the bible to find out about this special day and listen to the song below whilst you think about how the Disciples felt. You might like to create some art work to mark this special event. Then check out your work sheet for Friday’s RE task.

Class 1 w/c 18th May

We hope you’re all getting on well with all the work and ideas that we send you. We do miss you all and love hearing from you. This week we’ve got lots of great activities for you but, if you’re looking for some extra science, watch the video here. Warning: Grover can be a bit annoying but the science is good (please, if you’re trying these out, make sure you do them with a grown up there).

Click here to download the full week’s work for Reception children and here for Years 1 and 2  or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week, really try to work hard on problem solving. There are a lot of ideas, on your sheet – including this one here. As you try to solve the problems, try to take note of the strategies you are using. Maybe you need to use real-life equipment, or maybe you can visualise. What maths do you use? Do you count-on, take-away, are you doubling, halving? Talk about the maths you are using and make notes.

We are going to be doing a lot of work, listening to stories and then thinking about them. Reception’s story, ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ is available on the class learning page (read by Mrs Nowell) and Years 1 and 2 should watch the video below.

The day when Jesus went up to heaven. Look in the bible to find out about this special day and listen to the song below whilst you think about how the Disciples felt. You might like to create some art work to mark this special event.

Class 1 w/c 11th May

How did you get on with dancing last week – did you manage to learn the Lindy Hop and, if so, did you dance it on VE Day? Make sure you do something physical every day – including dancing. Why not try the Jungle Dances in the video?

Click here to download the full week’s work for Reception children and here for Years 1 and 2  or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

There are lots of ideas on your worksheet for developing your mental maths, see if you can do this shopping one only using addition and subtraction in your head. Make a toy shop and add price tags to your items up to 20p. Ask a member of your family to visit your shop. They can buy two items. Work out how much they need to pay. As an extra challenge, try to work out how much change they would get if they paid with a £1 coin!

This week we’re going to have lots of fun thinking and writing about rats! The video below is a bit long but you don’t have to watch it all at once. Try watching a little and then pausing and telling someone what facts you have learned so far. We will also be working with the story The Highway Rat by Julia Donaldson – you can read & listen by clicking on the link.

This week we’re thinking about minibeasts and, if you can get outside and find some that will be even better. There are lots of experiments and ideas on your worksheets so do try and do some of them – and remember to send us some photographs too!

Class 2 w/c 11th May

How did you get on with dancing last week – did you manage to learn the Lindy Hop and, if so, did you dance it on VE Day? Make sure you do something physical every day – including dancing. Why not try the Jungle Dances in the video?

Click here to download the full week’s ideas or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

On Thursday we’re looking at fractions – in this video the teacher takes you right back to the beginning of fractions. Make sure you’re ready to press pause and have some paper and a pencil with you.

There are lots of writing ideas for you this week. You can let us know how your VE Day celebrations went, or you can write a poem based onThe Jumblies by Edward Lear. In the video, Michael Rosen performs this fabulous poem for you.Perhaps you could learn the poem by heart and do your own performance?

May is the month when we think about Mary, the mother of our Lord. Can you learn this hymn as part of our thinking about Mary our Mother? There are lots of lovely versions that you can find but in this clip we are taken to the Grotto at Lourdes with The Right Reverend John Arnold, Bishop of Salford – taken during their 2015 pilgrimage.

Class 3 w/c 11th May

How did you get on with dancing last week – did you manage to learn the Lindy Hop and, if so, did you dance it on VE Day? Make sure you do something physical every day – including dancing. Why not try the Jungle Dances in the video?

Click here to download the full week’s ideas or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week we’re thinking a lot about fractions… but don’t worry there’s loads to help you with this online. Login to Education City and complete the ‘Ready Steady Bake’ task in the Home Learning Fractions folder. This looks at the equivalences between fractions and decimals. There is a set for Year 5 and a set for Year 6. Watch the video and make notes to help you with your work.

This week we will be thinking about the Titanic and particularly the children who were on board. Start by selecting one of the children  (see link on worksheet) and making notes – as if you were preparing to write their biography. There is also a child survivor’s story here and lots of writing activities on your class sheet.

Jesus’ preparations for returning to His Father. Read the passage from Acts 1: 6-14 (there is an extract on your worksheet or you can look in your Bible), think about how everybody was feeling in the room? How did the Disciples feel, thinking about losing their friend and knowing the work that lay ahead? Try to describe the feelings and conversations.