Class 2 w/c 4th May

How are you getting on with your PE? We all know that keeping active is so important and that recommendations say an hour of sweaty activity a day, and we also know that you’ve done lots – ball games, cycling, trampolining, running (we’ve seen lots of great photos) – but have you thought about dancing? If you’re a fan of shows like Strictly, how would you like to learn to dance like the stars? With this tutorial (click here), you too can learn the Lindy Hop? You could even be dancing it this weekend.

Click here to download the full week’s work or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week, spend some time thinking about money. Set up your own supermarket using items from the cupboards. Make sure you do price labels. Now, practise buying a few things, add up the total. Work out the change from a £10 or £5 note. If you can use real money this helps (but be sure to give it back at the end).

Watch the video below to see actual footage from a street party in Surrey. Imagine you were living in the time of the first VE day celebration in May 1945, and you also had a party. Write your diary entry for the end of your celebration day. Who did you see? Did you have a street party? What party food did you eat and did you play games? How did you and your family feel?

Perhaps you can learn some of the songs that would have been sung at the time? Listen to Dame Vera Lynn, how is the song different to today’s music? Can you learn some of the words? Imagine you had grown up in the war, how do you think this song would have made you feel?

Class 1 w/c 4th May

How are you getting on with your PE? We all know that keeping active is so important and that recommendations say an hour of sweaty activity a day, and we also know that you’ve done lots – ball games, cycling, trampolining, running (we’ve seen lots of great photos) – but have you thought about dancing? If you’re a fan of shows like Strictly, how would you like to learn to dance like the stars? With this tutorial (click here), you too can learn the Lindy Hop? You could even be dancing it this weekend.

Click here to download the full week’s work for Reception children and here for Years 1 and 2  or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week, keep working on your mental maths. How about adding 10 or 20 to everything you do (in your head, that is). So, if you eat 3 potatoes, how many would you have eaten if you had eaten 10 more? (Only do this in your head – otherwise you’ll probably feel poorly!) Did you know that BBC Bitesize have lots of activities for maths?

This week we want you to think about writing instructions. Watch the video below and either imagine or pet or you can talk about your own pet. What actions (verbs) do you need to do to look after your pet? Could you write a set of instructions for someone else to follow?

Perhaps you can learn some of the songs that would have been sung at the time? Listen to Dame Vera Lynn, how is the song different to today’s music? Can you learn some of the words?

Class 3 w/c 4th May

How are you getting on with your PE? We all know that keeping active is so important and that recommendations say an hour of sweaty activity a day, and we also know that you’ve done lots – ball games, cycling, trampolining, running (we’ve seen lots of great photos) – but have you thought about dancing? If you’re a fan of shows like Strictly, how would you like to learn to dance like the stars? With this tutorial (click here), you too can learn the Lindy Hop? You could even be dancing it this weekend.

Click here to download the full week’s ideas or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

As well as doing the maths online try to set yourself puzzles and challenges. This week try planning a party (it could be a VE day party) – think about everything you would like and then find the costs (use online shopping sites). Imagine that you don’t have enough money, give yourself a new budget and then replan – make notes on how you are saving money and how much you save.

Using your Topic research, can you write a diary entry imagining that you were someone who experienced VE day? It could be from the point of view of a child, soldier or even one of England’s rulers. Before you start writing, make sure that you get into character – you could make a character chart, draw your character in the middle and add questions, thoughts and key words around the outside. Look at the youngest child in this photo – what do you think was going through her mind? What would a grown-up say to her?

Still thinking about Victory in Europe Day, can you make your own piece of VE Day art? It can be anthing from a fabulous pencil drawing, to a collage, painting or maybe you can make something from junk modelling or a temperary sculpture out of garden finds. Here’s some ideas below.

Class 2 w/c 27th April

Welcome back after our Easter break – we hope you all had a lovely time and kept safe and healthy. We miss you a lot and we’re looking forward to hearing from you all again.

This week we will be introducing you to the Lancashire Spar PE Programme. Please take a look and, above all, remember that you should try to do an hour of activity every single day. This week you are encouraged to learn about jumping. In the video, Nathan explains both long jump & triple jump.

Click here to download the full week’s ideas or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week really work on your mental maths – you can work on your own or with an adult but try to ask yourself questions right through the day. Count the number of steps from the living room to the kitchen, then quiz yourself. How many more to get to 20? What if I did this journey 7 times? If I take bigger strides can I divide my journey by 3? How many steps if everyone in my family made this journey three times today? If we ask questions like this all day, every day – our mental maths will get very strong and very quick!

This week we are thinking about descriptive writing – this means we have to observe carefully and then think about what words we can use to create that image for our readers. Imagine you were describing something for someone who cannot see the same thing that you are looking at – you will need to use very clear language. Remember you’re not just describing how something looks but maybe also how it moves, does it make a sound, can you feel it?

thinking about Ancient Egypt. Use the Internet to find out as much as you can about Ancient Egyptian Gods. Do some drawings of them. Can you make up your own Egytian God to add to the list?

Class 1 w/c 27th April

Spar Lancashire School Games

Welcome back after our Easter break – we hope you all had a lovely time and kept safe and healthy. We miss you a lot and we’re looking forward to hearing from you all again.

This week we will be introducing you to the Lancashire Spar PE Programme. Please take a look and, above all, remember that you should try to do an hour of activity every single day. This week you are encouraged to learn about jumping. At the end of the week, Nathan (video) encourages you to take the Kangaroo Jump Challenge.


You can find Reception Class work here or click here to download the full week’s ideas for Years 1 & 2. You can also find a few ideas on this page.

This week really work on your mental maths – you can work on your own or with an adult but try to ask yourself questions right through the day. Count the number of steps from the living room to the kitchen, then quiz yourself. How many more to get to 20? What if I took 10 more steps? What if I double it? What if I do this journey 5 times? If we ask questions like this all day, every day – our mental maths will get very strong and very quick!

This week we are thinking a lot about adjectives and verbs – in the Hairy MacLary story you will come across lots of examples. Try thinking of adjectives for your family pet, or look online for other pets and find adjectives. As you’re going about your day you could collect verbs and explore their actions. Can you crawl, creep, jump, bound? Let us know how you get on with this – you could send photos of yourself doing different verbs.

go out and look for bugs? Now is a perfect time as our bugs and insects are extremely busy. They love spring and you’re bound to find creatures in flowers, under rocks and stones. Look under and on top of leaves too. You may be able to create your own bug hotel – and remember, send us any pictures.

Class 3 w/c 27th April

Welcome back after our Easter break – we hope you all had a lovely time and kept safe and healthy. We miss you a lot and we’re looking forward to hearing from you all again.

This week we will be introducing you to the Lancashire Spar PE Programme. Please take a look and, above all, remember that you should try to do an hour of activity every single day. This week you are encouraged to learn about jumping. In the video, Nathan explains both long jump & triple jump.

Click here to download the full week’s ideas or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week we’re thinking about 3D shapes – what shapes can you find in the house? Are there any that you can take apart? When we take a 3D shape apart and lay it flat we are see the shape’s net.

This week we are thinking about characters and exploring how characters feel. By the end of the week we will be trying to make ‘inferences’ based upon what we read (or see). Being able to infer how characters are feeling and why they behave is very important in comprehension but also improves our own writing.

There are lots of reasons to be creative – it’s good for developing our fine motor skills, it’s also great for our observational skills and by exploring how to create images in both 2D and 3D we learn about the effect that light, dark, colour and shadow have on how we see things. This week we will be thinking about this work by LS Lowry.

Easter Sunday: The Lord is Risen

The Lord is Risen!


He is Risen Indeed.

The Resurrection
(Matthew 28:1-10 (ESV)

28 Now after the Sabbath, toward the dawn of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb. And behold, there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing white as snow. And for fear of him the guards trembled and became like dead men. But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him. See, I have told you.” So they departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples. And behold, Jesus met them and said, “Greetings!” And they came up and took hold of his feet and worshiped him. 10 Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.”