Holy Week: Palm Sunday

Did you make your palm leaf? If you did you could wave it now as we listen to Miss Halstead tell the Palm Sunday story.

The Triumphal Entry (Matthew 21:1-11 (ESV)

21 Now when they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage, to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go into the village in front of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them to me. If anyone says anything to you, you shall say, ‘The Lord needs them,’ and he will send them at once.” This took place to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet, saying,

“Say to the daughter of Zion,
‘Behold, your king is coming to you,
    humble, and mounted on a donkey,
    on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.’”

The disciples went and did as Jesus had directed them. They brought the donkey and the colt and put on them their cloaks, and he sat on them. Most of the crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. And the crowds that went before him and that followed him were shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” 10 And when he entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred up, saying, “Who is this?” 11 And the crowds said, “This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee.

Class 1 w/c 30th March

Welcome to our second week of Home Learning – here we present a few ideas along with the class sheet. Please do try and do as much as you can and get in touch if you’ve any questions.

This week we’d like to remind you to keep creative. If you need ideas – we like these videos from Rob Biddulph – you may have seen his illustrations in children’s books & we’re sure you’ll enjoy drawing along with him.

Click on the links to download the full week’s ideas for Year 1/2 and Reception children or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week try to visualise exactly what a minute feels like. Can you close your eyes and open them when a minute is up (get a grown up to time you)? With a timer, see how many things you can do in 60 seconds (one minute) – how high can you build a tower? How many times can you jump?

This week, challenge yourself to write a story. You could make your own character up or you might choose a character from a favourite story and write what happens next. Remember to use your key word card to help and let us see your finished work too.

been thinking about plants – has your seed started to grow? Maybe this week you can go on a spring walk or look/listen for the signs of spring from your own garden or front door (only with an adult remember!).

Class 3 w/c 30th March

Welcome to our second week of Home Learning – here we present a few ideas along with the class sheet. Please do try and do as much as you can and get in touch if you’ve any questions.

This week we’d like to remind you to keep creative. If you need ideas – we like these videos from Rob Biddulph – you may have seen his illustrations in children’s books & we’re sure you’ll enjoy drawing along with him.

Click here to download the full week’s ideas or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week try to think about ratio and proportion. A good way to do this is to take a recipe and make it smaller or larger. For example, if you have a recipe for a cake that needs 3 eggs – how would you change the other ingredients to make a cake with only 1 egg?

As a writing stimulus this week be working with this image – follow the series of activities on your sheet. Starting with descriptive sentences on Monday which will start the basis of a story setting.

been thinking about light. This week, pick a sunny day and make your own sundial – there are ideas on your work sheet. Make sure you share your photos with us and let us know how you get on. Are you able to tell the time with your sun dial?

Class 2 w/c 30th March

Welcome to our second week of Home Learning – here we present a few ideas along with the class sheet. Please do try and do as much as you can and get in touch if you’ve any questions.

This week we’d like to remind you to keep creative. If you need ideas – we like these videos from Rob Biddulph – you may have seen his illustrations in children’s books & we’re sure you’ll enjoy drawing along with him.

Click here to download the full week’s ideas or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

Try to do some measuring this week. If you have a measuring jug you could find out how many ml things hold. If you have a ruler or tape measure you could measure your bed, your shoes, a coffee table.

Can you write a an A-Z poem this week? Take a topic like animals and use your knowledge of adverbs and adjectives to write your poem – can you think of something for every letter?

A is for black ants, scuttling across the garden

B is for buzzing bee, collecting pollen

C is for sleepy cat, snuggled on the sofa

been thinking about our bodies. Can you remember some of the experiments we did?

How about showing your family what we learned? You could do the hard-boiled egg and drinks one to talk about our teeth. Or demonsrate how the digestive system works with a pair of old tights?

Reception wc 23/03/20

Here we are in our first week of our home/school adventure. We hope you can join in as much as possible. Each week we will make sure you have plenty of ideas to keep you busy.

If you haven’t yet thought about it – we recommend that you find a way to exercise every single day. If you need an idea, how about P.E. with Joe?

Click here to download the full week’s ideas or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

Really think about numbers this week. Make sure you are writing them correctly – if you can you can practise making them with other media – how about a wet paintbrush on the wall outside? Or trace them in sand or flour? Try rolling a dice two times and adding the numbers together. Get a grown up to check.

This week we are going to try writing a diary entry every day. You can use your knowledge of phonics and your key word card to help you come up with what to say. We’d love it if you shared some of your diary entries with us.

try growing something? Eat an apple and, when you get to the core, carefully remove the seeds. Put these in a yoghurt pot/jam jar with some soil (you can get this from the garden), make sure you water it and give it plenty of light. Keep an eye on it and see what happens.

Y1/2 w/c 23rd March

Here we are in our first week of our home/school adventure. We hope you can join in as much as possible. Each week we will make sure you have plenty of ideas to keep you busy.

If you haven’t yet thought about it – we recommend that you find a way to exercise every single day. If you need an idea, how about P.E. with Joe?

Click here to download the full week’s ideas or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

This week try to really work on your numbers – think about counting in steps (2,s 5s, 10s), make sure you can write your numbers correctly. Try rolling a dice three times and making your own addition sums – get someone to check them for you.

This week we are going to try writing a diary entry every day. You can use your knowledge of phonics and your key word card to help you come up with what to say. We’d love it if you shared some of your diary entries with us.

try growing something? Eat an apple and, when you get to the core, carefully remove the seeds. Put these in a yoghurt pot/jam jar with some soil (you can get this from the garden), make sure you water it and give it plenty of light. Keep an eye on it and see what happens.

Cl2 w/c 23rd March

Here we are in our first week of our home/school adventure. We hope you can join in as much as possible. Each week we will make sure you have plenty of ideas to keep you busy.

If you haven’t yet thought about it – we recommend that you find a way to exercise every single day. If you need an idea, how about P.E. with Joe?

Click here to download the full week’s ideas or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

As well as your regular maths work (tables, mental maths etc. this week we are thinking about time. Try out some of the problems in the programmes but also, why not make it a challenge to tell the time as often as possible using both analogue and digital formats?

Try to do some writing every day. We have given you a lot of ideas to get you going, including diary entries, conversations and poetry. If you write your list poem, why not send it to us in the comments so that we can share it with everyone?

thinking about the human body. This week perhaps you could collect data on how our bodies grow? Use a tape measure to take measurements between you and your family members – you could measure the lengths of you forearms (elbow to fingertips) for example and present your findings in a table. Maybe you can compare forearms to foot length?

Class 3 w/c 23rd March

Here we are in our first week of our home/school adventure. We hope you can join in as much as possible. Each week we will make sure you have plenty of ideas to keep you busy.

If you haven’t yet thought about it – we recommend that you find a way to exercise every single day. If you need an idea, how about P.E. with Joe?

Click here to download the full week’s ideas or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.

Try to think a lot about money this week. If you get the chance, help with a shopping trip and when you’re home, use the receipt to help with making problems to solve.

As a writing stimulus this week we are going to be working with a favourite film – writing a review, thinking about the characters, describing the setting and then working up to creating our own scene which could be added to the film. Why not let us know in the comments here what your favourite film is?

been thinking about light. We have thought about how light travels and how it enters the eye. We have also looked at shadows. This week, can you create a puppet show using torchlight – think about shadow puppets – can you make your puppets out of something opaque?

An important note about the weeks ahead.


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Lancashire BB7 9ED

Telephone No:  01282 771009

Friday, 20th March 2020

Dear Parents and friends,


Today we have to close our doors, to the majority of our pupils, for the foreseeable future. This is not something that we ever wanted to do but we recognise that it is absolutely the correct thing to do in order to suppress the spread of COVID-19.


We do not know when we will be able to re-open and that is unsettling for the children, their families and for us as staff. Please let me reassure you that it is our every intention to stay in good contact with you. We will be contactable by phone and email and we will be regularly posting on Facebook, Twitter and the website. Staff are still working – they will be doing shifts at our child care provision and ensuring that work is added to the website in order for you to support your child’s learning from home. We will also be busy making preparations for when your children can return to school sorting the curriculum, enhancing learning environments and planning.


Thank you so much for your support. It is very much appreciated. It has been very difficult following the guidelines in terms of who can and can’t make use of our child care provision. The Government have been very clear in that child care places in school are limited and that even in households where there is someone eligible as a Key Worker, if there is another partner available to provide child care that needs to be the case. So many of you have helped school by doing this and we are so grateful to you. This is a global crisis and we all have to pull together to heal our world.


Finally I wish you all the very best of health, stay safe and I cannot wait to be sending you the good news that school is open again! Take care.


Yours sincerely,

Miss C Halstead

Head Teacher