News w/e 15th March

During these months there are often winter bugs around and at the moment the news is filled with stories surrounding the Corona Virus.
As a school we are receiving regular, updated advice around the Corona Virus or COVID-19 illness. We are continuing to follow the advice given and we are constantly reminding children about using tissues and washing hands. Updates can also be found by clicking here giving you access to the most up-to-date advice and guidance.

However we also have a stomach bug circulating amongst us. Please remember that the advice is that a child is absent from school for 48 hours after the last episode of diarrhoea or sickness. If we all follow that advice it really does help to curb its spread.

On a much brighter note the children have been involved in a little competition to grow the best daffodils. All classes were involved and when the judges came round they could not decide on a clear winner as they all looked amazing. Well done to everyone!


Thomas & his Half Marathon

At St Mary’s we are very pround of our, Everyday Hero – Thomas Wilson who has decided to run a half-marathon (or maybe more) over the month of March. He is doing this in aid of the charity Crisis who work to end homelessness.

So far, Thomas has appeared in local newspapers and on the radio – and it’s little wonder, given his tremendous effort and dedication. You can read Thomas’s story to the right, sponsor him on his own fundraising page here and listen to his interview by clicking on the microphone below (fastforward to 2hrs 23 minutes).

My Story:


I want to raise some money for the homeless charity Crisis because recently when I have been going to the supermarket with my Mum we have been talking to a homeless man called Dean who sits outside. He’s a really nice man & we get him a coffee & some food & we sit & chat to him. We found out last week that he became homeless because his Mum died & now he has nowhere to live. He was so sad & this made me feel really sad too so I decided I want to do something to help people like him.
I am going to run a total of 13 miles (half of a marathon distance) or more on the treadmill in March for my Step Forward For Homeless challenge so please sponsor me if you can. Thankyou very much.
Thomas 🙂

Our Farm Visit

Our Fantastic Farm Visit

Our latest topic is about farm shops. Last week we paid a visit to the Milking Parlour in Sabden to buy some eggs, milk, butter and cheese. We have been thinking about where ingredients come from and will be growing cress to make egg and cress sandwiches along with eating cheese crackers!

At the shop we bought butter, milk, eggs and Farmer Alan let us go and see the cows.

News w/e 8th March


We have had a busy week in school the children have taken part in a class walk and world book day.
On Tuesday Class 1 went on a walk to the milking parlour as part of their topic The Farm Shop.
Whilst there the children were lucky enough to be shown the cow shed and the baby calves, they also purchased items from the farm shop to continue their topic work back in class.
On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day by sharing books and enjoying lots of literary activities.
Thank you to all the parents who attended the Book & Brew afternoon, having parents bringing their books to read, sets a great example of how enjoyable reading is. Children were also given a world book day token which can be exchanged for a free book. If you would like another token please pop into the office we have a few extra.

News w/e: 01/03/20


It has been a wonderful, busy first week to this half-term, including pancake making, trips and our film night.

The new clubs have now started, as a reminder the clubs are:
Monday: KS2 Zumba
Wednesday: KS1 Dance
Thursday: KS2 Orienteering
Friday: KS2 Football
KS1 had a day at Chester Zoo on Wednesday and, despite the horrible conditions here, the children and staff had much better weather. The children behaved exceptionally well and were a credit to the school and their parents. A thoroughly great day was had by all.

As winter is now upon us, the risk of snowfall increases. In the event of snow, we will endeavour to keep the school open and closing it will only be as a last resort (usually when there is a health and safety issue), nevertheless there may be occasions when it is necessary to close.
In adverse weather, the school will inform parents via Facebook and our text messaging system as soon as possible. If heavy snowfall happens overnight, the conditions will be assessed and you will receive a text message between 07:30 and 08:00 advising you whether school will be open or closed.

Chester Zoo

Our Grand Day Out!

This week, Class 1 went to Chester Zoo in preparation for our topic on Animals and their Habitats. We had a lovely day and saw lots of different animals. The lions put on a very exciting show for us as they were roaring. Other favourites were the baby elephants, a jaguar eating a rabbit for lunch, and some very cheeky monkeys! We were very lucky as the weather was fine and mild which was slightly miraculous given the last few days of floods! We even managed to have our picnic lunches outside!

Our Cooking Day 13th February

As part of our Design Technology lessons, Class 3 had to evaulate both our school dinners and home meals.

We decided that we loved our school dinners and our meals at home and wouldn’t want to changed them. So we came up with the idea of creating and designing a meal for our grandparents which linked with the Eatwell Guide.

We decided to make cottage pie and vegetables along with a fruit tea loaf and some lemon drizzle cake. We did all the work ourselves! We then served this food to grandparents and parents at an afternoon event along with tea and coffee.

We worked incredibly hard, following recipes and learning new preparation and cooking skills including chopping, peeling, grating, browning and mixing. We worked very hard all day and, of course, we were very proud of the end results.

Thank you to everyone for coming along and supporting us and evaluating our food! We hope you all enjoyed the afternoon as much as we did!

News 24.02.20

We hope you all had a fabulous break last week and are looking forward to our next half term as much as we are.

Our new clubs start this week with spaces remaining in all the clubs except Pilates. Please let the office know as soon as possible if you would like to make a booking for your child.
As a reminder the clubs are:
Monday: KS2 Zumba
Wednesday: KS1 Dance
Thursday: KS2 Orienteering
Friday: KS2 Football
PLEASE NOTE: The first Orienteering session will take place on Wednesday 26th February, to allow children to attend the film night.
The FSA film evening will take place on Thursday 27th February at 3.30pm to 5.15pm . The cost is £5 including a hot dog, crisps, drink and popcorn, and payments can be via ParentPay or the school office.
Just before half-term, Class 3  welcomed parents and grandparents to a tasting afternoon. Class 3 worked extremely hard planning and preparing some delicious food, the event was a great success and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who attended.
A big thank you to Miss Taylor, Miss Bishop and class 3 for all their hard work.

Moon Buggies!

Class One have been having great fun in Design Technology during this half-term’s Explorers topic. The children have designed, created, tested and then evaluated their own moon buggies. On the right you can see them testing their buggies outside and scroll down to see our full gallery!

The children started with a design brief which was to make a vehicle for Bob the Spaceman to use to travel around the moon. They had to look at different chassis, axles and wheels on vehicles and then came up with the criteria for their own moon buggies.

They followed their designs very carefully and even used saws to cut the axles. They are really pleased with their finished buggies 🙂