Space Work

Our Space Reports

We have been working very hard in Class One. We were given the task of writing non-chronological reports for the website. We worked very hard and we thought you would like to see them.

Over this half term we have had a focus on explorers, including space explorers.

Children in Reception produced work on space, Year One children wrote a report on Tim Peake, whereas Year Two wrote about Neil Armstrong.


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Heart Rate

Learning about our Heart Rates

As part of Science, children planned an investigation into how exercise can affect their heart rates.

The children decided on 3 activities that would test how their heart rate changed depending on how much exercise they did.

Here they are carrying out their investigations.

News for Week Ending 9th Feb

Firstly a big thank you for your support for our non-uniform day for St Joseph’s Penny appeal. We have been able to send £140 to the Diocese.
Please note that all the after school clubs finish next week and the new ones start after half term. There are spaces in all the clubs except Pilates. Please let the office know as soon as possible if you would like to make a booking for your child. As a reminder the clubs are:
Monday: KS2 Zumba
Wednesday: KS1 Dance
Thursday: KS2 Orienteering
Friday: KS2 Football
Orienteering is an exciting and challenging outdoor sport that exercises mind and body. The aim is to navigate between control points marked on an orienteering map. The coach brings an electronic tagging device for each child which is fun to use. If your child would like to try out this interesting activity, please let the office know.
As you know, Amanda is leaving this week. From Monday 10th February Chrissy Paterson will be in the office for four weeks on an interim basis. I am sure you will all make Chrissy very welcome and bear with her whilst she learns the ropes! Amanda will be in school with her next Monday and Tuesday to help.
On Monday 9th March the new permanent Office Manager,
Julie Dawson, starts.

Weights & Measures

Learning about Mass

This week Class 1 have had fun learning about maths. They have been measuring and weighing using grams and kilograms and made delicious gingerbread shapes which they enjoyed eating with their morning milk. There was some confusion between ‘mass’ in terms of the mass of an object and church mass which needed explaining!

Weekly News (31.01.20)

We are welcoming three students on work experience next week – two from Y10 in Ribblesdale High School and one from Burnley College.
We will be having a non uniform day next Friday (7th February) for St Joseph’s Penny. This is instead of sending home the penny pinching boxes so it would be brilliant if you could make a generous donation so we can send a healthy amount to this very worthy cause.
We have sent out information about the Class 1 visit to Chester Zoo which is on Tuesday 25th February. Please pay on ParentPay or at the office.

Advance notice for your diaries of a Film Night on Thursday 27th February. This will be straight after school, the film will be Toy Story 4 and hot dogs, crisps, popcorn and a drink are included.
This week Class 1 have had fun learning about maths. They have been measuring and weighing using grams and kilograms and made delicious gingerbread shapes which they enjoyed eating with their morning milk. There was some confusion between ‘mass’ in terms of the mass of an object and church mass which needed explaining!

News (Week Ending 19th Jan)

This term has got off to a busy start for us all! On Wednesday, children in Y5 participated in an intra school Sports hall Athletics event at Oakhill where they did a range of different events. The Lego Robotics session on Monday for KS2 children went really well and we have 11 parents signed up for the KS1 session next week.
We have sent out information about a course for parents – Keeping Up with the Children in English KS2. There will be three sessions running from 9am to 11.30am on Tuesday mornings starting on 28th January. Children join in for the last part of the morning and the outcome should be that parents feel better able to support their children with homework and learning at home. Please let the office know if you would like to attend.
On Tuesday we have a Resilience Day for KS2 provided by One Goal. The children will learn about The 6 Habits Mindset comprising attitude, behaviour, courage, determination, enthusiasm and friendship. The 6 Habits Mindset helps to build children’s resilience, shape their character and improve their overall health and wellbeing. The day will include role play and participating in numerous activities enabling the children to apply their learning.
On Wednesday we have KS2 Mass in church and you are all welcome to join us. Children doing the Sacramental Programme have had several after school classes and are attending church as part of the programme. Our prayers are with these children during their special journey.

Weekly News

Welcome back to school for the spring term! It was lovely to see all the children again after the Christmas break and we are also really pleased to have welcomed three new children to school – Ella, Freddie and Holly – we are sure they will be very happy here.
The after school clubs have all got off to a good start. Spaces are available for all the activities except Skate Skool so please let the office know if your child would like to join in.

Cl2 Pupils at our last inter school sports event

Next week children in Year 5 are attending the Sports Hall Athletics event organised by the Hyndburn & Ribble Valley School Sports Partnership. This is the second inter school event we are attending this year and this participation, together with other initiatives means we are on track to receive the Bronze School Games Mark award during this academic year. The School Games Mark rewards schools for increasing engagement in school games, developing competitive opportunities, broadening the range of opportunities, increasing and sustaining participation. As a school we are implementing actions for all these areas.
I have mentioned before about how you can raise money for school by doing virtually nothing! This is via The Giving Machine, a website/app through which donations are made to school for purchases made online for a whole host of popular retailers. You can read more about this here and we encourage you to sign up if you can. For the 12 months from January to December 2019 we raised £65.16 with only a small number of active givers. It would be great if we could double or triple that sum in the next 12 months. Please ask Amanda in the office if you need any more information and thank you in advance for your support.

Final Festivities!

Our last week of term was full of lots of special things - Christmas parties, our special Christmas lunch together and a wonderful magic show. We all had a fabulous time together, celebrating the end of the year whilst remembering the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ and, of course, we will have some lovely memories to treasure.