Class One Farm Visit

Sabden Farm & Milk Parlour

Class 1 have started a new topic called ‘The Farm Shop’. This week we have found out all about food miles and how far food travels to reach our homes. We decided that it would be a good idea to shop locally as the produce will be fresher and more environmentally friendly. We are going to use our cheese, eggs, butter and milk to bake bread and make pancakes. We will also be growing our own vegetables for our very own class farm shop, for which we will create adverts using persuasive language! We will keep you updated during the coming weeks!

Moon Buggies

Design Technology in Class One!

Class One have been having great fun in Design Technology during this half-term’s Explorers topic. The children have designed, created, tested and then evaluated their own moon buggies.

Testing the finished product!

The children started with a design brief which was to make a vehicle for Bob the Spaceman to use to travel around the moon. They had to look at different chassis, axles and wheels on vehicles and then came up with the criteria for their own moon buggies. They followed their designs very carefully and even used saws to cut the axles. They are really pleased with their finished buggies

We're so proud of our finished buggies - not only did we learn lots of techniques for design, and used lots of new tools, we also had lots and lots of fun! Make sure you check out all our photos below.