Gawthorpe Hall

On Monday 6th of December, a very excited Class 1 arrived at Gawthorpe Hall for a Victorian Christmas experience.

As we approached the grand old entrance, we realised that a full and exciting afternoon awaited.

First we made wonderful cornucopia Christmas decorations using card and wrapping paper. They look so beautiful and we can’t wait to hang them on our Christmas trees!

We met a lovely Victorian lady called Gillian who taught us some songs and games (see video). Our favourite was Kim’s game where we had to spot which item had been removed from a tray. There were lots of objects on the tray including a thimble, a clock winder, a metal toy soldier, a button, a spoon and lots more! It was very tricky to work out what was missing each time!

After this we visited Father Christmas who told us about five special objects that were in a stocking. These were an apple to wish people health, an orange as a special treat, a penny for wealth, coal for warmth and a little bag of salt for good luck. He then read us the special poem ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’. It was truly magical!

Next we visited the Victorian kitchen where we looked at the range and found out about the ingredients for Christmas puddings and where in the world they might come from. We all stirred the Christmas pudding mix and made a wish. Finally, we all sang ‘We Wish you a Merry Christmas’ together next to the Christmas tree before we returned to school.

What a fabulously festive afternoon!

Wales: Thurs 14th

Wales 2021!

Day Four

After a good night's sleep, we started Thursday, full of energy and ready to go... but not before we celebrated Islay's birthday. She may have been away from home, but we made sure she had a wonderful day just the same. Thursday saw us with more blind trails, crate stacking, nature walks and survival skills and a very atmostpheric session of moonlit high ropes.

Crate Stacking & Moonlit High Ropes!

Low Ropes & Blind Trail

And everything Else!

When you get to Thursday, you have to make sure that you fit everything in, so in amongst all the other activities that included swinging from ropes and donning eye masks, we also found ourselves out and about in nature, learning survival skills, challenging our agility on obstacle courses, and doing some archery.