All About… Class 1 Home Learning

All about Books!

Snuggle up in your pjs with a hot chocolate and read, read, read…! It does not matter what you choose to read as long as you enjoy it.

All about Art!

Make a hedgehog, fox or other animal using the leaves and twigs that you collected. Here are some ideas…

All about Maths!

Maths – Counting conkers (or pebbles/ twigs/ leaves) Put the items that you found on your walk into small piles. Can you count how many items are in each pile?

Year 1 – practise writing the numbers down too. Make sure they are not back to front!

Year 2 – Try lining your objects up in arrays and counting them in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s like we have been doing at school.

All about being Outside!

Go for an Autumn walk – look at the different colours of the leaves, hunt for conkers, beech nuts and acorns. Can you find any pine cones? Can you see any wildlife? Jump in a pile of the crispy leaves and enjoy the crunchy, rustling sound that your feet make! Collect some leaves and twigs to use for art work.

Class One Home Learning

All about Food!

Have a go at making some delicious hedgehog bread (use the link above or tell us about your own recipe). Can you help to measure out the ingredients?

All about Poetry!

Choose an Autumnal word and write an acrostic poem (use each letter of the word to start a new line of your poem). The video gives lots of really useful hints.

Here are some words you can try, or why not think of your own words whilst you’re on a walk?

Tractor, pumpkin, harvest, autumn.

All about Hedgehogs!

Do some research and try to find out all about hedgehogs. Where do they live? What are their babies called? What do they eat? Can you make a poster or information sheet to show what you found out?

All About… Junior Home Learning

All about Books!

Choose your favourite fiction book.

Design a new front cover.

Rewrite the blurb.

Write a character description for the main character, including noun phrases.

Get in your pyjamas with a mug of hot chocolate and enjoy a good read!

Write a book review, recommending your book to your friend.

All about our local area!

Choose a tourist attraction in our local area eg Clitheroe Castle, Wild Boar Park, Pendle Hill, Barley Sculpture Trail etc

Design a tourist leaflet to advertise the attraction.

Draw a plan, using a key for different symbols.

Find your chosen attraction on Google Maps. Write a set of instructions on how to get there from your house or from school.

All about Maths!

Log in to TTRS and continue to work hard on your times tables.

Roll a dice to make different numbers. Practice your column addition and subtraction.

Use the links below to access more games, ideas and learning.

All about being Outside!

Go on a walk in the lovely crisp Autumn weather.

Before you go think about all the things you might see eg conkers, squirrels, hedgehogs. Make a grid and complete it as a tally chart.

When you return from your walk, put your results into a bar graph. Think about the scale you will need to use.

Collect Autumn leaves and other natural materials. When you return, create an Autumn collage.

Junior Home Learning

All about Food!

Use the link above to create do some baking together. Work on reading scales and following a recipe to create something delicious for all the family to share.

Research your own Autumn recipes and gather them together in a scrap book.

All about God's Wonderful World!

Recap the story of Creation from the Bible (watch the clip above).

Write a prayer, thanking God for His wonderful creation.

Write your own hymn about creation.

Create a piece of artwork about Creation, perhaps using the view from a window in your house.


It’s nearly Halloween. Find out about the Pendle Witches as a short history topic.

Create a presentation to share with the class about the Pendle Witches. Who were they? What happened?


Listen to the poem Dinner on Elm Street by Michaela Morgan Create your own poem following the same rhyming pattern and using the repetitive refrain.

All about Our Environment!

Think about our environment and the effect we are having on our climate.

Use the lesson link below (click on the picture) and learn about food webs, sustainability and what to do with waste.

Wales: Wed 13th

Wales 2021!

Day Three

Today we exhausted ourselves, it's no wonder we were in bed so early, after a day of abseiling, obstacle courses, blind trails, rifle range, fencing, nature trails and initiative exercises.

Abseiling & Obstacles!

Fencing & Rifle range!

Blind Trail & Initiative Exercises

An important part of being on a residential holiday is the chance to bond with each other, cementing old friendships and making new ones. As some of us prepare for our final year at St Mary's, the ability to work well with others & make new friendships becomes even more important. Trust and confidence in one another, along with listening & communication skills were particularly important today, as we conquered a series of initiative exercises and the blind trail (see video).

So much to remember!

As much as we're loving being here, of course we can't wait to get home to our families and tell you all about our holiday. There is going to be a lot to tell mind you - make sure you have a good few hours (or even all the weekend) set aside to listen to our tales. And just in case you can't wait, check out our comments and the gallery below for all of Wednesday's news.

Our Comments

Blind Trail, Nature Trail & Initiative Exercises

Wales: Tues 12th

Wales 2021!

Day Two

Tuesday was full of wonderful activies. We started the day by getting very wet, and then tried climbing, crate stacking and fencing - alongside eating, chatting and, of course, missing our families a little bit.

Canoes & Kayaks!


Climbing & Crate Stacking

We did lots more getting to grips with ropes and carabiners today. Whilst some of us tried the climbing wall - and reached dizzying heights, the rest of us had a go at crate stacking. It's not as easy as it looks, you know!

Why we sleep well

We don't get long to rest on these days in Wales, there's so much to learn, think about and then do. Whether we're fencing, rock climbing, kayaking or crate stacking there's lots to master so that we do it safely and with huge smiles. Check out our comments below, and don't forget to scroll on down to today's gallery.

Our Comments

Wales: Mon 11th

Wales 2021!

Day One

After a long, but wonderful journey through the English and Welsh countryside we finally reached our destination for the week. Abernant Lake Hotel. You might have thought that would be it for the day, eat our evening meal and go to bed, but no – of course it wasn’t.

After making sure that we were settled into our rooms, and that we knew all the safety procedures, we got to work on our evening activities – the climbing wall, and the low ropes – all helped along by the glow of the centre lights, and not forgetting, the wonderful, clear starry sky.

An Amazon Adventure with DT

Design technology

An Amazon Adventure

As part of our Amazon Adventure topic, the children had the design brief of creating a hanging organiser that could be used by an explorer in the rainforest. The children analysed existing products and then designed their own.

The children then created their organisers using calico fabric, felt and thread. They had to cut their own patterns and pockets out along with any decorative details. They had to hem the edges of their pockets and organiser before pinning/tacking them together and sewing them to join them. The children had to use a running stitch to do this along with learning how to thread their own needles and knot their thread.