Celebrations w/e 21st May


Class 3 Certificates

This week Charlotte, Lizzie and Jacques have gained certificates, all three have worked hard in all subjects this week. Charlotte got a special recognition for her independence in maths, and for her descriptive writing in English. With Jacques, his work with place value in maths, and his descriptive writing in English were of particular note; and for Lizzie it was her work with place value and Roman Numerals in maths, and her descriptive writing that gained special note.


Class 2 Certificates

In Class Two our certificate winners were, Darcey, Jude and Islay. Darcey was rewarded for her beautiful work in RE and SRE, whilst Jude gained his certificate for both his maths work on pictograms and bar charts, and for his writing about the Midnight Fox. Finally Islay was rewarded for her super work on Midnight Fox and the 100% effort she gives to all her work.


Class 1 Certificates

We had four certificate winners in Class One this week – Freya, Minnie, Logan and Iona. Freya got her certificate for writing some excellent sentences using bossy verbs and remembering that they are called imperatives, and Minnie got her certifcicate for solving lots of tricky problems using multiplication and dividsion. Logan got her certificate for always being kind and considerate towards the other children, and Iona got her reward for her wonderful phonics work and super reading.

Celebrations w/e 7th May


Class 3 Certificates

This week Amelia, Harvey and Scarlet have gained certificates. Amelia was rewarded for her sensible and mature attitude during this week’s Science and SRE lessons, whilst Harvey and Scarlet both got their certificates for their hard work in everything – but especially during writing about characters and approaching new methods of written multiplication in maths.


Class 2 Certificates

In Class Two our certificate winners were, Isabelle, Hugo and Gabby. Isabelle got her certificate for wonderful writing and super work in decimals, whilst Hugo was rewarded for his great effort in all work and his kindness to others. Gabby was rewarded for using great detail in her writing and putting in 100% effort with all she does.


Class 1 Certificates

We had four certificate winners in Class One this week – Anabella, Ella, Robyn and Dominic. Anabella got her certificate for her wonderful effort with reading and writing, and Ella was rewarded for sharing some very thoughtful ideas about staying healthy. Robyn got her certificate for writing super instructions, using bossy verbs and Dominic got his certificate for sharing his super scientific knowledge about the parts of plants that we can eat.

Celebrations w/e 30th April


Class 3 Certificates

This week Annalise, Oliver and Bobby gained certificates. Annalise was rewarded for being a super mathematician, and Oliver got his for working really hard on his writing. Bobby got a certificate for his amazing maths work.


Class 2 Certificates

In Class Two our certificate winners were, Harry, Islay and Liam. Harry got his certificate for super work in geography, whilst Islay was rewarded for her lovely work in both RE and history. Liam got a certificate for his great work in maths.


Class 1 Certificates

We had four certificate winners in Class One – Hamza, Freddie, Eliza and Dara. Hamza got his certificate for some amazing counting and recognition of numbers, and Freddie was rewarded for being so kind and caring to other children. Eliza got her certificate for doing brilliantly when writing words in phonics, and Dara was rewarded for sharing his excellent knowledge of plants.

Celebrations w/e 23rd April


Class 3 Certificates

To follow


Class 2 Certificates

In Class Two our certificate winners were Archie, Holly and Micky. Archie got his certificate super presentation in all oral lessons, and his caring nature. Holly was rewarded for being a super book whizz, along with her beautiful work in RE; and Micky got his certificate for super effort in his maths’ assessment – Micky always works hard.


Class 1 Certificates

Our four certificate winners from Class 1, were Barney, Isla, Tilly, and Erica. Barney got his certificate for contributing super ideas during class discussions, and Isla was rewarded for her super effort in maths. Tilly got a certificate for trying really hard with her reading, and Erica was rewarded for trying hard to be kind to her friends.