Celebrations w/e 19th Mar


Class 3 Certificates

This week Eleanor, Oliver and Scarlet have gained certificates. Eleanor was rewarded for her brilliant work in maths – she also took the time to help others with their maths. Oliver got his certificate for both his wonderful writing, including lots of detail, and his maths, and Scarlet was also rewarded for her superbly detailed writing, and her growing confidence in maths.


Class 2 Certificates

In Class Two our certificate winners were, Ava, Peter and Lucie. Ava was rewarded for using different methods to solve addition and subtraction problems, along with trying hard in all lessons. Peter got his certificate for doing column addition and subtraction and for his lovely work on Lent. And finally, Lucie was rewarded for her super effort in maths and super concentration and attitude to all learning.


Class 1 Certificates

We had four certificate winners in Class One this week – Max, Hattie, Jack and Matias. Max was rewarded for his beautiful singing in front of the whole class, and Hattie for her fantastic work in maths.  Jack got his certificate for excellent counting up to 100, and Matias for trying hard to use his phonics knowledge whilst writing.

International Women’s Day

International Women's Day

As part of International Women’s Day on Monday 8th March, Class 3 looked at influential  women both in history and in our world toady. We linked our work from ‘Hidden Figures’ and the women at NACA/NASA. The children used the book ‘Women in Science’ as a basis for writing their own biography pages on the women Mary Jackson, Dorothy Vaughan and  Katherine Johnson.

The children also created portraits of a woman that they admired. These included the women mentioned along with others such as Florence Nightingale, The Queen, JK Rowling, Boudicca and  sportswomen such as Nicola Adams.

Celebrations w/e 12th March


Class 3 Certificates

This week Louie, Joseph and Peppe have gained certificates. Louie got his certificate for working really hard all week and producing some great work; whilst Joseph and Peppe were rewarded for settling back into school life and working very hard.


Class 2 Certificates

In Class Two our certificate winners were, Matthew, Noah and Eden. Matthew was rewarded for his super home learning and a great start back at schhol. Noah got his certificate for his great attitude and mature nature and Eden was rewarded for her super effort and attitude.


Class 1 Certificates

We had four certificate winners in Class One – Jack, Susanna, Freddie and Thea. Jack was given a certificate for brilliant phonics work and Susanna was rewarded for her excellent place value work in maths. Freddie got his certificate for some brilliant writing about Little Red Riding Hood, and Thea got hers for her enthusiasm and fantastic work.

Class 2 home learning w/c 1st Mar

This week's key learning

This week we will be thinking about perimeter in our maths work, and we will be looking at some books by the author Anthony Browne. Please do get in touch with me as often as you can, and don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:

10am and 1.15pm everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.

Last Week's Star Learners!



Today we are learning about perimeter. There is a great lesson here to recap what is perimeter, and in this lesson you will look at measuring perimeter. There are also activities and PowerPoints on Teams, for you to complete.


Today I’d like you to read from the beginning of the book, up to “…fought and argued noisily. All the time.

Whilst you are reading, be thinking carefully about the characters of Rose and Jack. Afterwards, in Teams you will find your activities.

Topic (R.E.)

In R.E. today we will be thinking about Lent and how people give of themselves. Start by reading the story of this man, Andrew Parker (you will find it in Teams).

After you’ve read the story, answer these questions:

How do you feel about Andrew?

How did Andrew give himself for others?

Do you know anyone who gives themselves for others, perhaps in small but important ways? What do they do?

Why do you think people are brave and give themselves to others?

In today’s live lesson, you will talk about some Saints who gave of themselves. You will need to draw them and describe what they did.




We are continuing with perimeter, please check the slides in Teams, there there is a lesson here – which is very helpful.

Afterwards, you have some activities to complete in Teams.


Please read Slide 7 to Slide 15 looking at the descriptions of the Tunnel.


Use the senses sheet in Teams to describe the inside of the tunnel from the story.

Topic (Science)

What would happen if we didn’t have a skeleton? Invite children to share their ideas. • Go through the information on the slides explaining that without a skeleton we would be a mess of skin, muscle and organs on the floor! The skeleton supports the body and keeps everything in the right place. It also protects some of our internal organs. Can you think of any organs that are protected by our skeleton? Go through the answers on the slides (brain, lungs, heart, spinal cord). • Some animals do not have a skeleton inside their bodies. These animals are called invertebrates. Can you think of any invertebrates? How do they move and protect themselves? Children to think, pair, share their ideas. Go through the examples on the slides of a lobster, snail and worm. • Tell children that today they will be researching some different invertebrates to find out how they are supported and protected without a skeleton.


SEE TEAMS – Afternoon Tues 2nd March SLIDES and worksheets

ALSO: Design a science POSTER to explain how The Human skeleton supports and protects




Today we will be continuing to learn about perimeter. There is a lesson here, and then look at your worksheet and in Teams for today’s work.


READ Slide 16-24 the end

 Rose finds Jack as a stone statue – PREDICT what may have happened to him? Share ideas. How does Rose help? What does this show us about their true relationship?

STUDY the hidden images in the forest – what can you see?

DRAW and describe – what can Rose see in the mysterious wood?

SHOW what Rose was thinking and feeling when she saw Jack as a stone statue (thought bubbles)


Think about the ending – they smile at each other. What is Jack now thinking/feeling about his sister?

Topic (Geography)

Geography – Volcanoes Lesson 2

STUDY Volcano slides/powerpoint

Show children images of volcanoes that are erupting. Ask your class what they see in the pictures and what happens. • Ask children to discuss what happens when a volcano erupts. • Explain to your class how the Earth is made. Discuss the layers of the Earth and where magma (lava) comes from. • Explain to your children how a volcano erupts. Discuss the process involved and show the diagram on the slide. • Discuss with your class the different types of eruptions and show diagrams to explain these. • Talk with your children about the harmful substances that escape when a volcano erupts. • Explain to your class that people live in areas where volcanoes are. Ask your class how their lives would be affected when a volcano erupts. • Show an image of a town near a volcano and discuss the issues the people of this town may face if the volcano erupted. How would they survive the eruption? What would they need to do?


SEE TEAMS Afternoon Weds 3rd March Volcano slides AND work sheets

Choose which worksheets you complete – The Eruption of Eyjafjallajokull Volcano in Iceland worksheets AND/OR How to survive a Volcanic eruption sheet


SEE TEAMS English – World book day Thurs 4th March – Gorilla World book day – Power point story AND a range of work sheet activities.

WAIT until our live lesson at 10:00 J – I will be reading the story to you

9:00 – 9:55 READ one of your favourite books.

World Book Day afternoon

ART – linked to The Tunnel by Anthony Browne OR Gorilla by Anthony Browne


Look back at the fabulous pictures in both books. Choose 1 or 2 to draw and colour in detail. You can show your art work in our Friday morning session 😊

Design and make a World book Day book mark – use illustrations from your favourite book eg. Varjak Paw …  Edward Tulane … The Butterfly Lion …



Join Mrs R at 10:00 for our Live session – Class worship 😊

Have a well-being morning – something that makes you smile eg. baking, colouring, make a volcano using bicarbonate of soda and vinegar, mindfulness colouring etc.

SEE TEAMS Fri 5th March folder – mindfulness art sheets


Friday afternoon:

No LIVE lesson this afternoon

Fabulous Friday – please have Golden Time and some fresh air if possible. Have a walk, scooter/bike ride, nature walk, quiet time drawing or colouring, reading a book, listening to music…


Mrs R cannot wait to see you all on Monday! Yippee! 😊


Class 3 home learning w/c 1st Mar

This week's key learning

This week in maths we will continue to think about number – we will be learning square and cube numbers and we will also look at multiplication. Please make sure you also do some Times Table Rockstars – ideally every day. In SPAG we will be looking at using colons in lists, and in Topic we will be thinking about periods of time and the weather.

And don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:

9.00am and 2pm everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.

Last Week's Star Learners!



Today we are going to look at and investigate square numbers.

A square number is a number multiplied by itself. This can also be called ‘a number squared‘. The symbol for squared is ². 2² = 2 x 2 = 4. 3² = 3 x 3 = 9. We will look at this together in our morning Teams lesson. Afterwards there is a great lesson here to watch, it will help you further, and then you have activities to complete in Teams.


For your SPAG work this week we are going to focus on using colons in lists. Click on this link, for today’s lesson, and complete screens 1 – 3.

Today’s reading questions are on Buzz Aldrin. The text and questions are both in the Reading file on Teams.


Today we are going to learn about another NASA employee called Mary Jackson. I will share more of our book with you in our Teams session. Schools were once segregated and Mary was unable to attend the school she needed because of the colour of her skin. In order to get permission to attend, she had to go to see a judge.

Today I would like you to write a formal letter as Mary. I want you to imagine that you are her and you are writing to the judge to argue your case for going to school.

Topic (Geography)

Today we are going to think about time periods and how in different places in the world, it could be day or night. I will share some learning slides with you in our morning Teams. Can you then complete the activity sheet?



Today we are going be looking at Cubed numbers.

A cube number is a number that is the product of three numbers which are the same. In other words, if you multiply a number by itself and then by itself again, the result is a cube number.

In our morning Teams, I will share our learning slides for today. The video here will then explain the slides further and may help you. Once you’ve finished the lesson, please complete today’s activity (in Teams).


In SPAG we are continuing with colons, click here and complete the screen 4 activity or see Teams.

Today’s reading questions are on Tim Peake. The text and questions are both in the Reading file on Teams.


Today’s activity is very similar to one from last week about Dorothy Vaughun. I would like you to complete the role in the wall activity today for Mary Jackson.

What do you think of the character?

When were the times in her life when she had to prove  herself?

Think about her feelings at different times in the story, then her actions  along with facts from the story.


We are going to think about day and night again. I will share some learning slides with you in our morning Teams.

Then can you complete the explanation activity on day and night.




Today we are going to look at multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000. I will go through some examples with you and also share our learning slides in our morning Teams, after which you can do the lesson here. Finish with today’s learning sheets, which you will find in Teams.


Today’s reading questions are on Michael Collins. The text and questions are both in the Reading file on Teams.


I will continue reading some of our story to you in our Teams session Today.

I want you to think about the part of the story where Dorothy trains the women in her group to program the computers. Today, I would like you to write a diary entry as one of the women who joined Dorothy that day. Think about their thoughts and feelings.


Hopefully the weather will be nice for today’s activity, and we will have some sunshine.

Start by watching the clip here.

Choose a sunny spot in an outdoor area that is not shady and is free of shadows.

Choose a tall object that will stand up by itself, such as a brick or bottle of sand, or push a thick stick or pole into the ground. Whatever you use, the object needs to be stable and cast a measurable shadow.

Mark the shadow that is created by the tall object or stick, placing a small stone at the shadow’s tip or making a chalk mark. Write the time on the stone or next to the chalk mark.

Repeat this activity throughout the day.

Describe what is happening to the shadows over time. Why do you  think the shadows are changing?


I have added a selection of ideas for World Book Day in a Teams file called, ‘World Book Day 2021’

You can choose which activities to do- please remember to send me photos of your work!

I will also share with you our ‘Masked Reader’ competition this week. I will explain more in an afternoon Teams session but here is an overview:

You will need to:

Choose your favourite book.

Select a page or short chapter to read out loud.

Create a disguise- you can do this with masks or fancy dress you already have, or by using an app such as:




Chatterpix kids


Once you have recorded it, please send the video to me (use the Contact button at the top of this page). You have until the end of the day Thursday to send these to me.

You will then have the opportunity to guess who is the Masked Reader! There will be a prize for the winner, when we are back in school.


Today I would like you to try and celebrate your home learning achievements by having an afternoon tea with someone or all of your family. You could bake a cake or some biscuits, you could buy one or just enjoy some treats that you already have in your cupboards at home. You could have some nice sandwiches and eat inside or outside (depending on the weather!)

Make a cup of tea (with an adult due to the boiling water) or a hot chocolate and sit and relax. Spend some time with your loved ones talking about what you’ve enjoyed about being at home, what you think about coming back, any worries you have  and something that you’re proud of.

I am very proud of all of Class 3!

There are lots of other ideas on your sheet to fill the end of today.