Reception home learning w/c 1st Mar

Important daily learning ideas

It’s important to keep reading a little every day, The Oxford Owl website is brilliant – click on the button below to find the link and your login details.

On the side of each book is a little colour marker. The Year 1 children are best to choose books with red, yellow or blue markers to start off with. Year 2 will be able to read the books with green, orange, turquoise and purple markers. The books get progressively harder as you scroll through the colour bands.

Use the Teach Your Monster to Read App and the Monster Phonics App to work through some of the phonics games, daily. Please also keep working on spelling some of the high frequency words on the word card that we sent home in the homework books. Try to apply the words in sentences too. Phonicsplay and Twinkl are other excellent sites containing phonics activities and games. We are currently working on Phase 5/6 phonics with Year 1 and 2.

I will be adding any Monster Phonics PowerPoints and resources which you could try at home, to a folder on Teams. That way, you will be able to access these even if you can’t make the meetings. You also have access to their learning resources during this period of home learning. You can find the details by clicking on the Monster Phonics button below.

Practical Maths is the best way for children to learn, so please do not feel that your child has to complete the worksheets. You could use toys, raisins or dried pasta as counters. If you don’t have a printer, the sheets can be completed on paper or in an exercise book..

And don’t forget our live lesson which will be held at:

11am every day. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.

Last Week's Star Learners!



All this week, in maths we continue learning about numbers above five and their composition.  Start with lesson 1, where you will be comparing height and talking about, taller and shorter.

I have put a related Powerpoint and Activity Sheet in the Reception Maths folder on Teams.

I have added a list of the log in details for Numbots to the Maths folder on Teams. This is an excellent app which helps the children to develop a firm foundation in number. I would also recommend watching some of the Jack Hartmann YouTube videos– there are some very catchy songs!


Watch and enjoy the story ‘What the Ladybird Heard’.

Listen again and join in with any animal sounds. Ask your child: What did you like about the story? Which animals lived on the farm? What were the thieves planning to steal? What was the ladybird’s clever plan? What might the ladybird have said at the end? Draw a picture of the ladybird and write a speech bubble, e.g. “My plan worked!” or “I saved the prize cow!”

Topic (History)

Look at the ‘Family Tree Powerpoint’ on Teams then have a look online at some Royal family trees – you could start with this one here, and then look for some older ones. Now you are going to try to make one for your family. (Introduce the word ‘generation’ and think about the terms ‘parent’ and ‘grandparent’ and the relationship between them.)



Today we comparing lengths and talking about longer and shorter. Please start by doing the second lesson in the series, where you will be sorting 6, 7 and 8 and looking at the composition of 7. After which it would be brilliant if you do a few practical activities together. There are also some resources on Teams.

Please remember to do some reading and phonics work, every day. There are plenty of ideas in Teams and don’t forget to use the Logins detailed in the Key Learning section above.


Listen to the song, ‘Old MacDonald had a Farm’. Ask your child if there are any animals in the song which are also in the story ‘What the Ladybird Heard’. Can they name them? Ask them to choose one or two of these animals. Encourage them to draw and label the animals using their phonic knowledge to help spell the words. They could write a sentence about their animal too.

Topic (Science)

Watch the BBC clip here about how spring affects plants and animals. We are going to be making bird feeders in school this week. You could try to make one yourself. We’ll be using seeds, nuts, cheese and lard in our feeders but you can use most things you have leftover. Just remember to check they are suitable for garden birds to eat! There are some different instructions for a variety of types of feeders that you could make here.



Today we will look at lesson three and practise the days of the week. Afterwards, please do some practical maths together. Don’t forget there are resources for you to use on Teams as well.


What else is on a farm, apart from animals? Look at the map used in the story, and listen to the directions (1:12 – 1:25). What is on the map? Explore some maps of farms online to help with ideas. Farmer Ted’s can be found here, or perhaps you have visited a farm as a family. ‘A Year on Your Farm’ game may also provide more ideas. Ask your child to design and draw a map of their own farm. They can choose what they’d like to be on their farm! If you have toy farm animals at home, you could use these to help design it. Help your child to draw a farm map and encourage them to label it using phonics to sound out and spell the words.

Topic (Geography)

Look on Google Earth and in an Atlas. With a grown up, zoom in on the four countries of the United Kingdom? Have you visited Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland?  Do you know the names of any cities in the UK. Enjoy exploring!


Enjoy celebrating World Book Day today. Here are some activities that you could try…

Enjoy dressing up as your favourite Monster Phonics character! Who will you be? Don’t forget to send us your photos!

Explore the world of books on the World Book Day website. There

are some lovely video books to share. The ‘Share A Story Corner’ videos have familiar characters and easy to follow stories, and tips for reading together. Look at the pictures together, guess what the characters are up to and predict what will happen next. 

You might also like to look at the online author and illustrator sessions – they are excellent.

Recreate a scene from your favourite book in a shoe box. You could bring them to school on Monday for us to guess your chosen story!

Set up a library, using your own books from home. Think about how you can organise your books. Could you divide them into fiction and non-fiction? Are there any by the same author? Can you make a poster with some rules for your library?

Finish off your World Book Day celebration by putting on your pyjamas, snuggling up with your teddy and a hot chocolate and enjoy reading your favourite book.


There will be a Class Worship Teams meeting at 11am today.


Rather than having formal home learning, on Fridays we would like you to have a day focusing on your wellbeing.  Today you might like to plan a party for your family to celebrate the end of home learning. Decide what you might like to eat – you might like to bake a cake, what games you might play and what songs you might dance to. There are other wellbeing ideas on Teams that you could try or you might have your own ideas.

Year 1/2 home learning w/c 1st Mar

Important daily learning ideas

It’s important to keep reading a little every day, The Oxford Owl website is brilliant – click on the button below to find the link and your login details.

On the side of each book is a little colour marker. The Year 1 children are best to choose books with red, yellow or blue markers to start off with. Year 2 will be able to read the books with green, orange, turquoise and purple markers. The books get progressively harder as you scroll through the colour bands.

Use the Teach Your Monster to Read App and the Monster Phonics App to work through some of the phonics games, daily. Please also keep working on spelling some of the high frequency words on the word card that we sent home in the homework books. Try to apply the words in sentences too. Phonicsplay and Twinkl are other excellent sites containing phonics activities and games. We are currently working on Phase 5/6 phonics with Year 1 and 2.

I will be adding any Monster Phonics PowerPoints and resources which you could try at home, to a folder on Teams. That way, you will be able to access these even if you can’t make the meetings. You also have access to their learning resources during this period of home learning. You can find the details by clicking on the Monster Phonics button below.

Practical Maths is the best way for children to learn, so please do not feel that your child has to complete the worksheets. You could use toys, raisins or dried pasta as counters. If you don’t have a printer, the sheets can be completed on paper or in an exercise book..

And don’t forget our live lesson which will be held at:

11.30am every day. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.

Last Week's Star Learners!




This week we are continuinig to think about Place Value to 50, and today we will be counting in 2s. Start by doing the lesson together here.

Follow this up with some practical activities to try to practise what you learned in the video. There are also some resources on teams.

I have also set some My Maths tasks that the children could try. On Teams, there is a list of logins for the children to access Numbots (Year 1) and TT Rockstars (Year 2). The Numbots app is very easy at first but does get harder and is really good for embedding number facts. Please don’t try to do everything- pick and choose the activities that work best for your child.


This week we are going to write a version of Cinderella called ‘Cinderfella’. In the tale Cinders is a boy not a girl.

To help you to think of some ideas, I would like you to get to know your Cinderfella character first. Using the ‘role on the wall’ technique again, try to describe your version of Cinderfella. What does he look like? What is his personality like? Is he brave? Is he kind? What is his dream? Use the ‘Who is Cinderfella’ sheet from Teams to invent and describe your character.

Topic (History)

Look at the ‘Family Tree Powerpoint’ on Teams then have a look online at some Royal family trees – you could start with this one here, and then look for some older ones. Now you are going to try to make one for your family. (Introduce the word ‘generation’ and think about the terms ‘parent’ and ‘grandparent’ and the relationship between them.)



Today we are continuing in our journey, learning about numbers to 50 and ccounting in 2s. Please start by doing the lesson here, after which it would be brilliant if you do a few practical activities together. There are also some resources on Teams.

Please remember to do some reading and phonics work, every day. There are plenty of ideas in Teams and don’t forget to use the Logins detailed in the Key Learning section above.


Look at the ‘Cinderfella Planning Grid’ on Teams (or click on  the photo). The left hand column shows the main events in Cinderella, the right hand column is for you to plan your own Cinderfella story. Complete the boxes to build your story. Use your imagination and don’t forget to use lots of interesting adjectives.

Topic (Science)

Watch the BBC clip here about how spring affects plants and animals. We are going to be making bird feeders in school this week. You could try to make one yourself. We’ll be using seeds, nuts, cheese and lard in our feeders but you can use most things you have leftover. Just remember to check they are suitable for garden birds to eat! There are some different instructions for a variety of types of feeders that you could make here.



Today we are going to focus on counting in fives. Please watch the lesson here and then do some practical maths together. Don’t forget there are resources for you to use on Teams as well.


Write your Cinderfella story – use your planning grid and character description vocabulary to help. Don’t forget to start your story with ‘Once upon a time…’ When you get to the end, you might use ‘and they all lived happily ever after’.

Topic (Geography)

Look on Google Earth and in an Atlas. Can you name and locate the four countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom? Try to name the seas surrounding the UK too.  Use a map to find other cities of the UK.  Now have a look at the ‘Labelling the UK‘ sheet on Teams and try to apply what you have found out. There are three different maps, the sheet with 1* is the easiest and 3*** one is the most challenging.


Enjoy celebrating World Book Day today. Here are some activities that you could try…

Enjoy dressing up as your favourite Monster Phonics character! Who will you be? Don’t forget to send us your photos!

Explore the world of books on the World Book Day website. There

are some lovely video books to share. The ‘Share A Story Corner’ videos have familiar characters and easy to follow stories, and tips for reading together. Look at the pictures together, guess what the characters are up to and predict what will happen next. 

You might also like to look at the online author and illustrator sessions – they are excellent.

Recreate a scene from your favourite book in a shoe box. You could bring them to school on Monday for us to guess your chosen story!

Set up a library, using your own books from home. Think about how you can organise your books. Could you divide them into fiction and non-fiction? Are there any by the same author? Can you make a poster with some rules for your library?

Finish off your World Book Day celebration by putting on your pyjamas, snuggling up with your teddy and a hot chocolate and enjoy reading your favourite book.


There will be a Class Worship Teams meeting at 11am today.


Rather than having formal home learning, on Fridays we would like you to have a day focusing on your wellbeing.  Today you might like to plan a party for your family to celebrate the end of home learning. Decide what you might like to eat – you might like to bake a cake, what games you might play and what songs you might dance to. There are other wellbeing ideas on Teams that you could try or you might have your own ideas.

Class 2 home learning w/c 22nd Feb

This week's key learning

This week we will be thinking about fractions in our maths work, and we will be reading the wonderful book, ‘Escape from Pompeii’ – by Christina Balit. Please do get in touch with me as often as you can, and don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:

10am and 1.15pm everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.

Last Week's Star Learners!



Today we are learning about fractions, Y3 will be looking at finding a quarter and Y4 will be learning about tenths. Click here for Y3’s video on finding a quarter and click here to view the Y4 lesson on tenths. Once you’ve finished your lessons, there are activities and PowerPoints on Teams.


We will start this morning’s Teams lesson by reading the start of this book together. You will find the full copy in the Teams folder and today’s extract is slides 1 to 5 up to this point: ‘would squat by the fountain playing knucklebones, or chase dogs down the street.’


Look back at today’s reading – there are lots of examples of setting descriptions, the author uses description to create a vivid picture of the scene. From her descriptions we don’t just see the setting (the sparkling bay), but we also hear (the noise humming from bars), we can smell (oil and spices being carried to and from boats) – in fact there are sights, sounds, tastes and smells everywhere.

For today’s activity, I’d like you to: use these setting clues to DRAW the scene/setting and WRITE your own description of Pompeii.

Topic (R.E.)

Today we are going to be thinking about Lent. This year, Lent started during our half-term break on Wednesday 17th February – the first day of Lent is Ash Wednesday.

Please start by watching the video here and doing some of the activities you find there. Afterwards there is a PowerPoint and some worksheets in Teams.



Today we are continuing to think about fractions, focusing particularly on equivalence. There’s a lesson here that may be a good help before you start. Once you’ve finished the lesson, there are activities and PowerPoints on Teams.


Continuing with our reading of, ‘Escape From Pompeii’, please read fFrom slide 6 ‘One hot August day …’ up to Slide 8 ‘Flushed and excited, the two children ran off hand in hand into the dusty streets.’

As you are reading look for the way that the author uses powerful verbs to help you see the story. You may notice things like: stone steps creaked… flaps began to rattlethink how the use of the powerful verb helps you as a reader. There is a PowerPoint and some sheets for you to complete in Teams.


Listen to the powerful verbs song. Can you write an action paragraph using powerful verbs? For example, Tranio jumped off the stage and dashed down the street. He could see families carrying their belongings out of their houses with a look of puzzlement and fear on their faces. He zoomed to Livia’s house and pounded on her door. As she opened the wooden door Travio screamed, “Livia! Come on we’ve got to see what on earth is happening.” They sped off hand in hand down the dusty streets.

Topic (Science)

Today we are going to be learning about skeletons. You will find your work in Teams. You may also like to do the lesson here – and you can work through the slideshow (right) together.



Today we will be counting in fractions. There is a lesson for Y4 children here, and then look at your worksheet and in Teams for today’s work.


In today’s reading you will be looking for the use of Fronted Adverbials, you may wish to do this Bitesize lesson first, to help you know what to look out for. Please read from slide 8 ‘But as they ran …. ‘  Up to slide 9 ‘falling to the grumbling, trembling ground.’

Grammar Focus

Watch the Bitesize video first, and then complete the PowerPoint in Teams, finish by working on the word mat to write your own sentences.

Topic (Music)

In music we are going to be looking at music from the Marvel Studios. Start by watching the clip (left), think about the following:

What adjectives go with the music?

What instruments can you hear?

If these different clips of music were used in film trailers how would they make you feel?

There is further work on Teams



In today’s lesson we are going to be adding fractions together. You may want to start with this lesson here as a recap. Afterwards, check your work in the Teams folder.


Please read from slide 10 ‘And then, in one terrible endless moment …’  Up to the ending ‘carry a deep sorrow within their hearts.’

Focus on the description of the eruption.

DRAW and WRITE your own description of Mount Vesuvius erupting. Think about your senses, and everything we’ve learned this week to help you do your writing.

Topic (Geography)

Today we are going to finish by thinking about volcanoes. There are some worksheets and slides in Teams, and then choose one (or all) of the activities from the weekly sheets.

Fabulous Friday!


It’s Friday! Use today to make sure you are up to date with your My Maths work and that you have logged in to Times Tables Rockstars regularly.


Look back at the last page of Escape from Pompeii – Tranio and Livia are now old and they think back to the terrible events and all those who died in the eruption.

WRITE/CREATE a memorial poster to remember those who died in Pompeii on 24th August AD79.

Topic ( Golden Time)

Fabulous Friday – please have Golden Time and some fresh air if possible. Have a walk, scooter/bike ride, nature walk, quiet time drawing or colouring, reading a book, listening to music…

Class 3 home learning w/c 22nd Feb

This week's key learning

This week in maths we are going to be thinking about numbers, and we will look specifically at multiples, factors and prime numbers. Having a good knowledge of number and how numbers work can help us when we are solving problems and making calculations. Please make sure you also do some Times Table Rockstars – ideally every day. In SPAG we will be looking at relative clauses and thinking how we can use them to improve our writing, and in Topic we will be looking at volcanoes and earthquakes.

And don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:

9.00am and 2pm everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.

Last Week's Star Learners!



Today we are going to look at and investigate multiples. Multiples are really just extended times tables.

The multiples of 2 are all the numbers in the 2 times table, such as 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and so on. The multiples of 5 are all the numbers in the 5 times table, such as 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and so on.

In our morning Teams, I will share our learning slides on multiples for today. Afterwards there are two videos which will both explain this further, video one is here, and follow this up with video two here. You may also find this BBC Bitesize lesson very helpful.

Your activity sheets are in Teams, in the maths file.


For your SPAG work this week we are going to focus on bullet points and how we use them. Click on this link, for today’s lesson, and complete screens 1 – 3.

This week’s reading is all about space and today we will be thinking about Neil Armstrong. Your text, and the questions are in the Reading File on Teams.


Today we are going to be starting our new Topic called ‘Earthlings’ In our Teams this morning, we are going to start to think about the organisation called NASA. During WW2 NASA was called NACA instead. Today we will look at some pictures and decide whether we think they are from the NACA or the NASA period. This morning I would like you to create and fill in a table like the one to the right.

Topic (Earthlings)

Today we start our new topic called ‘Earthlings’. Can you complete a mindmap or grid to tell me everything you know about the subject already?

I would like to know what information you already have stored in your brains about Earth and Space.



Today we are going to look at and investigate factors. A factor is a number that divides into another number exactly and without leaving a remainder.

In our morning Teams, I will share our learning slides on factors for today. Afterwards there are two videos which will both explain this further, Y5’s video is here, and Y6 should look at the video here.

Your activity sheets are in Teams, in the maths file.


In SPAG we are continuing with bullet points, click here and complete the screen 4 activity or see Teams.

Today’s reading questions are on Mae Jemison. The text and questions are both in the Reading file on Teams.


Today we are going to continue to learn and think about NASA. I will share some information with you on our Teams meeting (which will also be in the English file on Teams). I will share some website information facts with you. You will then need to create your own webpage using the facts given to you.

Topic (Science)

Today we are going to start looking at the Sun, Moon and Earth. I will share some learning slides with you in our morning Teams. Many years ago, people believed that the Earth was flat. Today, you will have an activity sheet in our Topic Teams file to complete. There are 3 levels (stars). You can choose which one to complete.




Today we are going to look at and common factors.

In our morning Teams, I will share our learning slides on factors for today. Afterwards there are two videos which will both explain this further, Y5’s video is here, and Y6 should look at the video here.

Your activity sheets are in Teams, in the maths file.


In SPAG we are continuing to explore bullet points and their use. Click on this link, for today’s lesson, and complete screens 1 – 3.

Today’s reading questions are called ‘Man lands on the Moon’. The text and questions are both in the Reading file on Teams.


In this morning’s Teams sessions, I will share some logos with you. We will think about the following questions:

Why do you think NACA became NASA?

What do you think were some of the big changes?

We are going to continue our vital work for NASA/NACA and today we are going to do this by writing a job advert – we need to recruit new members! Today’s activity for you is to create a job advert for NASA/NACA.

Topic (Earthlings)

Today we are going to start learning about the other planets in the Solar System. I will share some learning slides with you in our morning Teams. Today, can you create a poster/factfile on the different planets in our Solar System? There are some resources in our Topic Teams file for you to use if you wish.



Today we are going to look at Prime numbers. A prime number is a number which is only divisible by 1 and itself. Prime numbers cannot be divided by another number to leave a whole number.

I will share our learning slides with you in our morning Teams session. The following two videos, may help you further, Year 5 should look at this one, and this one is good for Year 6.


In SPAG, please  complete this task, using the same focus of bullet points and the Tasmanian Devil.

You can also find the work in Teams.

Today’s reading questions are on Valentina Tereshkova. The text and questions are both in the Reading file on Teams.


Today we are going to think about the word ‘segregation’. We will also start our new book in our Teams meeting. I will read a section of it to you. In the book we will meet a character/ lady called Dorothy Vaughan. For today’s activity, I would like you to complete a role in the wall activity. This sheet is in the files section on Teams.


Following on from yesterday, I would like you to think of the different planets in our Solar System. Can you create your own planet today? You can draw this or use a computer. You could also make a 3D version of it if you wish. Describe what it looks like and what it is made up of. Think about the size of your planet in relation to the other planets.

Fabulous Friday!

Try some of these activities at home today:

Squeezy bottle rockets (Instructions for these are in our Fabulous Friday Teams file)

Can you create your own astronaut based on you? For the writing, you could add key information about you such as your age and height. You don’t need to write lots of information here.

Can you create a rocket themed piece of art work? This can be a drawing, painting or 3D model?

Click Here for a recipe idea that you could try today. I remember making rock buns when I was at school and really enjoyed them. If you don’t like dried fruits in them, you could add chocolate chips instead. I remember making them with dessicated coconut too! Enjoy baking….and of course eating them!

Reception home learning w/c 22nd Feb

Important daily learning ideas

It’s important to keep reading a little every day, The Oxford Owl website is brilliant – click on the button below to find the link and your login details.

On the side of each book is a little colour marker. The Year 1 children are best to choose books with red, yellow or blue markers to start off with. Year 2 will be able to read the books with green, orange, turquoise and purple markers. The books get progressively harder as you scroll through the colour bands.

Use the Teach Your Monster to Read App and the Monster Phonics App to work through some of the phonics games, daily. Please also keep working on spelling some of the high frequency words on the word card that we sent home in the homework books. Try to apply the words in sentences too. Phonicsplay and Twinkl are other excellent sites containing phonics activities and games. We are currently working on Phase 5/6 phonics with Year 1 and 2.

I will be adding any Monster Phonics PowerPoints and resources which you could try at home, to a folder on Teams. That way, you will be able to access these even if you can’t make the meetings. You also have access to their learning resources during this period of home learning. You can find the details by clicking on the Monster Phonics button below.

Practical Maths is the best way for children to learn, so please do not feel that your child has to complete the worksheets. You could use toys, raisins or dried pasta as counters. If you don’t have a printer, the sheets can be completed on paper or in an exercise book..

And don’t forget our live lesson which will be held at:

11am every day. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.

Last Week's Star Learners!



All this week, in maths we will continue to think about the numbers 6, 7 and 8. Start with lesson 1, where you will be matching 6, 7 and 8.

I have put a related Powerpoint and Activity Sheet in the Reception Maths folder on Teams.

I have added a list of the log in details for Numbots to the Maths folder on Teams. This is an excellent app which helps the children to develop a firm foundation in number. I would also recommend watching some of the Jack Hartmann YouTube videos– there are some very catchy songs!


This week we are going to be learning about traditional tales. (A story that is well-known/ a story that gets told over and over again.) Start by looking at the PowerPoint in Teams (or use the slideshow above).

Following this, look at the pictures of the ‘Traditional Story Characters’. Go through each one, name the character and say what you know about them. Cut out or draw the characters and try to write a sentence about each one.

Topic (Art)

We are going to think about portraits.

Try to create a portrait of a family member. Use pencil crayons or wax crayons to show colour. (Think really carefully about the colours that you choose.) Have a look at some Royal portraits online – like the one here, of Henry VIII – to gather some ideas, then try to recreate your own portrait in a similar style.

As a different challenge, have a bit of fun by cutting images of different facial features from magazines and newspapers and use them to create a collage of a funny face!



Today we are continuing in our journey, growing 6, 7 and 8. Please start by doing the second lesson in the series, where you will be making pairs. After which it would be brilliant if you do a few practical activities together. There are also some resources on Teams.

Please remember to do some reading and phonics work, every day. There are plenty of ideas in Teams and don’t forget to use the Logins detailed in the Key Learning section above.


Recap the work done yesterday about what a traditional tale is. Read the story of Cinderella. What do you like about the tale? What do you not like? Try to retell the whole story in order, using the ‘Cinderella Stick Puppets’ cut out to help you. I would love to see a video of your retelling of the story.

Topic (Science)

Weather investigation – create your own weather gauge for your garden. You could use an old plastic bottle and mark the measures up the side or you could add a wooden spoon (see photo) or a ruler to help to measure the rainfall. Over the next few weeks, you could measure how much rain there is and write the information on a chart. Hopefully there will not be too much rain!



Today we will look at lesson three and learn about combining two groups. Afterwards, please do some practical maths together. Don’t forget there are resources for you to use on Teams as well.


Today you are going to do some drama to try to develop your knowledge of the different characters in the story. Re-read the story of Cinderella or watch your video retelling from yesterday. Today you will step through a magic mirror and become one of the characters from the story. Answer questions from your family whilst pretending to be Cinderella or Prince Charming. How did your character feel at different parts of the story? Ask your family to step through the magic mirror and become the different characters too. Ask them questions. For example, you might ask one of the ugly sisters why they were so mean to Cinderella.  

Topic (History)

How have you changed over time?

Collect photos of yourself from over the last few years and place them in order. Discuss ways in which you have changed. What can you do now that you didn’t used to be able to do? (It might be fun if Mums and Dads did this too to enable the children to see how you have changed as well!)

Create a time line showing photos from your life along with dates/ years and captions. What can you remember about the events? How old were you when they happened?



Today we will be continuing to look at combining two groups. Please do the fourth lesson and then follow it up with some practical activities and look out for any resources on Teams.


In the Cinderella tale, everyone received an invitation to the ball. Poor Cinderella was desperate to go but her wicked step-mother and step-sisters would not let her go. Today I would like you to create an invitation for the ball. What do you think it said? There is a template on Teams that you could use or you could design your own.

Topic (R.E.)

RE: Read the story of The Last Supper based on Luke 22: 19-20.  It is in the RE folder on Teams. Explain that this was the Last Supper Jesus had with his disciples before he died.  After Jesus died, his friends would meet together and celebrate as he had asked them to.

Today, people still celebrate this special meal when they gather for Mass.  The priest repeats the words Jesus said at the Last Supper; “This is my body and this is my blood.”  This is Jesus giving himself to us. You might discuss the following:

Why was this called the Last Supper?

What did Jesus do and say?

What food and drink did Jesus and his friends share?

What did Jesus ask people to do?

During Mass who does what Jesus did at the Last Supper?


Use the Last Supper picture from Teams or draw your own picture of the Last Supper.  Add post it notes or stick on small pieces of paper to add speech bubbles to show what you think everyone might have been saying at the Last Supper.

Fabulous Friday!

Topic (P.E.)

There will be a Class Worship Teams meeting instead of the regular curriculum-based Teams meeting each Friday now.


Rather than having formal home learning, on Fridays we would like you to have a day focusing on your wellbeing.  Today you might like to go for a long walk and look for signs of Spring. While outside, why not try an outdoor scavenger hunt… I wonder who will be the first to find them all? Little Oak Learning have created a fantastic ‘Introduction to Nature Journaling’ document that outlines some simple and collaborative ideas to get the whole family involved in nature. The Nature Journal, Scavenger Hunt and some Activity Cards can all be found in the ‘Fabulous Friday Wellbeing Activities’ folder on Teams alongside other activity suggestions. 

Year 1/2 home learning w/c 22nd Feb

Important daily learning ideas

It’s important to keep reading a little every day, The Oxford Owl website is brilliant – click on the button below to find the link and your login details.

On the side of each book is a little colour marker. The Year 1 children are best to choose books with red, yellow or blue markers to start off with. Year 2 will be able to read the books with green, orange, turquoise and purple markers. The books get progressively harder as you scroll through the colour bands.

Use the Teach Your Monster to Read App and the Monster Phonics App to work through some of the phonics games, daily. Please also keep working on spelling some of the high frequency words on the word card that we sent home in the homework books. Try to apply the words in sentences too. Phonicsplay and Twinkl are other excellent sites containing phonics activities and games. We are currently working on Phase 5/6 phonics with Year 1 and 2.

I will be adding any Monster Phonics PowerPoints and resources which you could try at home, to a folder on Teams. That way, you will be able to access these even if you can’t make the meetings. You also have access to their learning resources during this period of home learning. You can find the details by clicking on the Monster Phonics button below.

Practical Maths is the best way for children to learn, so please do not feel that your child has to complete the worksheets. You could use toys, raisins or dried pasta as counters. If you don’t have a printer, the sheets can be completed on paper or in an exercise book..

And don’t forget our live lesson which will be held at:

11.30am every day. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.

Last Week's Star Learners!




This week we are continuing to focus on Place Value to 50. Start by doing the lesson together here. It looks at one more and one less.

Follow this up with some practical activities to try to practise what you learned in the video. There are also some resources on teams.

I have also set some My Maths tasks that the children could try. On Teams, there is a list of logins for the children to access Numbots (Year 1) and TT Rockstars (Year 2). The Numbots app is very easy at first but does get harder and is really good for embedding number facts. Please don’t try to do everything- pick and choose the activities that work best for your child.


This week we are going to be learning about traditional tales. (A story that is well-known/ a story that gets told over and over again.) Start by looking at the PowerPoint in Teams (or use the slideshow above).

Following this, look at the pictures of the ‘Traditional Story Characters’. Go through each one, name the character and say what you know about them. Cut out or draw the characters and try to write a sentence about each one.

Topic (Art)

We are going to think about portraits.

Try to create a portrait of a family member. Use pencil crayons or wax crayons to show colour. (Think really carefully about the colours that you choose.) Have a look at some Royal portraits online – like the one here, of Henry VIII – to gather some ideas, then try to recreate your own portrait in a similar style.

As a different challenge, have a bit of fun by cutting images of different facial features from magazines and newspapers and use them to create a collage of a funny face!



Today you are going to complete the second part of the lesson on one more and one less. Please start by doing the lesson here, after which it would be brilliant if you do a few practical activities together. There are also some resources on Teams.

Please remember to do some reading and phonics work, every day. There are plenty of ideas in Teams and don’t forget to use the Logins detailed in the Key Learning section above.


Recap the work done yesterday about what a traditional tale is. Read the story of Cinderella. What do you like about the tale? What do you not like? Today you are going to try to complete a ‘Role on the Wall’ for Cinderella (See the template on Teams).  (Parents, a ‘Role on the Wall’ is a way of teaching children to visually map out what they know about a character by writing words and captions on and around a picture of the character. You might include facts such as appearance, gender, location and occupation, as well as inferred ideas such as likes/dislikes, friends/enemies, opinions, secrets and dreams.) You can see an example of one for Matilda, above.

Topic (Science)

Weather investigation – create your own weather gauge for your garden. You could use an old plastic bottle and mark the measures up the side or you could add a wooden spoon (see photo) or a ruler to help to measure the rainfall. Over the next few weeks, you could measure how much rain there is and write the information on a chart. Hopefully there will not be too much rain!



Today we are going to focus on comparing objects to 50. Please watch the lesson here and then do some practical maths together. Don’t forget there are resources for you to use on Teams as well.


Today you are going to do some drama to try to develop your knowledge of the different characters in the story. Re-read the story of Cinderella then look at the ‘Role on the Wall’ that you did yesterday to recap on her character. Today you will step through a magic mirror and become one of the characters from the story. Answer questions from your family whilst pretending to be Cinderella or Prince Charming. How did your character feel at different parts of the story? Ask your family to step through the magic mirror and become the different characters too. Ask them questions. For example, you might ask one of the ugly sisters why they were so mean to Cinderella.  

Topic (History)

How have you changed over time?

Collect photos of yourself from over the last few years and place them in order. Discuss ways in which you have changed. What can you do now that you didn’t used to be able to do? (It might be fun if Mums and Dads did this too to enable the children to see how you have changed as well!)

Create a time line showing photos from your life along with dates/ years and captions. What can you remember about the events? How old were you when they happened?



Today we will continue on our number journey to 50 by comparing numbers within 50. Please do the lesson here and then follow it up with some practical activities and look out for any resources on Teams.


What is a diary and what it is used for? Look at the example diary entry for Little Red Riding Hood in the English folder on Teams and discuss it. Do you remember how cruelly Cinderella was treated by her step-sisters? They made her do jobs, she didn’t have a bed, the step-sisters treated her like a servant etc. How do you think this made her feel? Pretend to be Cinderella and complete the diary entry that has been started for you on the ‘Dear Diary Cinderella’ document on Teams.

Topic (R.E.)

RE: Read the story of The Last Supper based on Luke 22: 19-20.  It is in the RE folder on Teams. Explain that this was the Last Supper Jesus had with his disciples before he died.  After Jesus died, his friends would meet together and celebrate as he had asked them to.

Today, people still celebrate this special meal when they gather for Mass.  The priest repeats the words Jesus said at the Last Supper; “This is my body and this is my blood.”  This is Jesus giving himself to us. You might discuss the following:

Why was this called the Last Supper?

What did Jesus do and say?

What food and drink did Jesus and his friends share?

What did Jesus ask people to do?

During Mass who does what Jesus did at the Last Supper?


Use the Last Supper picture from Teams or draw your own picture of the Last Supper.  Add post it notes or stick on small pieces of paper to add speech bubbles to show what you think everyone might have been saying at the Last Supper.

Fabulous Friday!

There will be a Class Worship Teams meeting instead of the regular curriculum-based Teams meeting each Friday now.


Rather than having formal home learning, on Fridays we would like you to have a day focusing on your wellbeing.  Today you might like to go for a long walk and look for signs of Spring. While outside, why not try an outdoor scavenger hunt… I wonder who will be the first to find them all? Little Oak Learning have created a fantastic ‘Introduction to Nature Journaling’ document that outlines some simple and collaborative ideas to get the whole family involved in nature. The Nature Journal, Scavenger Hunt and some Activity Cards can all be found in the ‘Fabulous Friday Wellbeing Activities’ folder on Teams alongside other activity suggestions. 

Class 2 home learning w/c 8th Feb

This week's key learning

This week we will be thinking about money in our maths work, and we will be finishing our class novel, ‘Stig of the Dump’ – we will do a lot of comprehension work to help us get deeper into the story. Please do get in touch with me as often as you can, and don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:

10am and 1.15pm everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.

Last Week's Star Learners!



Today we are learning about money, and we will be thinking particularly about pounds and pence. Before you start, there is a great lesson here, it starts with a quiz to recap your knowledge. Once you’ve finished the lesson, there are activities and PowerPoints on Teams.


Today I’d like you to read Chapter 8, up to “There aren’t any stags in this part of England, but we just saw one. And this doesn’t seem to be England at all.”

Afterwards, please answer these questions:

What did Barney want to do because it was the shortest night?

What made Barney eventually fall asleep?

How did Barney know it was midnight on his way over to see Stig?


For your writing today, we are going to be writing a setting. Setting the scene is very important in a story, it allows our readers to see what is taking place. A good way to prompt ourselves is to think about all our senses as we write our setting. If our reader was there, what would they see, hear, feel, taste and smell?

We will talk about this in our morning Teams session and afterwards there are some prompt files for you in Teams.

Topic (R.E.)

In R.E. today we will be thinking about prayer.

Prayer is an important part of Christian life.  This includes regular prayers, going to church every week to worship God and celebrating all the major events in life, including birth, marriage and death.  Many people pray when they wake in the morning and before they go to sleep at night and at other times during the day.  Christians thank God for their food by saying grace before and after meals.  We can pray for one another, for special occasions, if someone is ill or in difficulty, or at joyful times like the birth of a new baby, a wedding etc.

Please watch the video clip here, and then think about the following questions together.

Why is prayer important in Christian life?

What prayers do you say at home and in school?

What are your favourite prayers and why?

What helps you to pray?

How can we help others with our prayers?

What does prayer lead you to do?

There is more work for you to do in Teams and then some further activities on your worksheet.




We are continuing with money, please check the slides in Teams, there are a range of lessons here – they are all very helpful.

Afterwards, you have some activities to complete in Teams.


Please finish reading Chapter 8 of Stig, afterwards try and answer these questions:

Who or what gave Barney and Lou away?

What animal does the author compare Barney to when he is moving through the tree?

What happened to Barney at the end of the chapter?


Can you DRAW and describe the stone age setting that Barney and Lou saw? Eg. Beehive huts made of wooden poles and thatched straw roof … a camp fire …people with wild black hair… strange musical instruments made of animal bones … etc. Remember to think about how to make the setting come alive to the reader. You can think about your five senses to help you do this.


Topic (Science)

Today we are going to be learning about fossils. You will find your work in Teams. You may also like to do the lesson here – it helps us see how fossils can help us understand evolution. Watch the video to see how fossils are formed.



Today we will be continuing to learn about money. There are lessons to help you here, and then look at your worksheet and in Teams for today’s work.


Read Chapter 9, up to, ‘At last the champing jaws on all sides died away, …the tribe settled down again with their air of waiting for something’


Today we are going to look at the prefixes ‘un’ and ‘dis’ and how we use them to alter the meanings of words. Start with this lesson here, and afterwards check your worksheet and Teams for today’s activities.

Topic (History)

Today we are going to look at the clothes worn by people in the Stone Age period of history. There is a useful video to the left to tell you a little about this era. You could also do the lesson here, it looks at what we know about how people lived in the Stone Age period, based upon artefacts that have been found. There is a PowerPoint and information sheet on Teams.

Afterwards, please create a fact file Poster about Stone Age Clothing.




In today’s lesson we are going to be solving money problems, you have work sheets to finish in Teams, but it would be a good idea to refresh your knowledge by looking at this lesson here.


Please continue to read Stig, up to ‘Was there something that had to be done before …the night that seemed to have been going on for such a long time?’ 

Predict – What do you think the huge rock is for? – show your ideas

Speech – show what Barney would ask Stig about it all

Explain – how was the huge rock being transported? – can you DRAW and describe the procedure?

Topic (Art)

Sunday is St. Valentine’s Day, can you design a love picture – maybe you could give it to a member of your family, or someone you haven’t seen for a long while. There are some examples ideas on your worksheet.



It’s Friday! Use today to make sure you are up to date with your My Maths work and that you have logged in to Times Tables Rockstars regularly.


Today I would like you to finish reading Stig of the Dump and then complete a book review sheet. There are some templates in the Teams folder.

Topic (P.E. and Golden Time)

As we break up for half term – try to get outside on a walk, jog, scooter or bike ride this afternoon. Or spend some time reading a comic or book, listening to music, drawing or colouring.

Class 3 home learning w/c 8th Feb

This week's key learning

This week in maths we will continue to think about shape – we will be learning about perimeter and area. Please make sure you also do some Times Table Rockstars – ideally every day. In SPAG we will be looking at relative clauses and thinking how we can use them to improve our writing, and in Topic we will be looking at volcanoes and earthquakes.

And don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:

9.00am and 2pm everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.

Last Week's Star Learners!


This morning’s Teams Meeting is cancelled due to Mrs Holland being on a Zoom training session.


Good Morning! This week we are going to focus on perimeters and areas of shapes. Today, you will need to check our learning powerpoint for an input and reminder on what perimeter is and how we find it. Afterwards there are two lessons to complete, lesson one is here, and follow this up with lesson two here.

For today’s reading, please watch this video on, ‘Is Humanity the Next Supervolcano?’

 I have then put some questions on Teams for you to answer about the video. I will also share these in our Teams meeting.


For your SPAG work this week we are going to focus on relative clauses. Click on this link, for today’s lesson, and complete screens 1 – 3.


Today’s lesson includes some research. I would like you to write a guide or instructions on how to floodproof a house. You will need to research this on the internet as well as asking questions to people around you.

What do people do in order to try and protect their homes from flood damage?

You may think about what you see in local villages when the weather forecast predicts heavy rain and possible flooding.

Topic (Geography)

Do you know how an earthquake happens? Did you know that there are different stages to an earthquake?

In fact, there are 5 stages! Today, I will share these with you in our morning Teams meeting. Your activity will then be in our Topic file on Teams. I would like you to explore, order and explain the stages.



Today we are going to continue with perimeter of shapes- focusing on rectilinear shapes. Rectilinear means that all the sides meet at right angles. I will share our learning slides in our morning Teams session. You may also find the video, here very helpful. Once you’ve finished the lesson, please complete today’s activity (in Teams).


In SPAG we are continuing with relative clauses, click here and complete the screen 4 activity or see Teams.

For today’s reading, please watch this video about the Marine Iguana – afterwards you will find some questions to answer in Teams.


Think about the children in the story. I would like you to write a letter to one of the children.

In your letter, I would like you to think about what you would say/write to someone who is going through this disaster. 

Would you try and cheer them up or help them?

Would you offer some  advice?

Can you show in your letter that you understand what they are going through?

Think about empathy and sympathy. What kind words could you use?

Topic (Geography)

Today I would like you to create an explanation text on earthquakes. I have put a template in our Teams file for you to use if you wish or you can create your own layout.

You will need to answer the question of ‘What is an earthquake?’

I would like you to include information on what an earthquake is, how they happen, where they occur, what damage they do and anything else you can think of.



Today we are going to start looking at Areas of shapes. We will start this in our Teams session, after which you can do the lesson here. Finish with today’s learning sheets, which you will find in Teams.


In SPAG we are continuing to explore Relative Clauses. Click on this link, for today’s lesson, and complete screens 1 – 3.

Today’s video is based on the trailer for Seven worlds, One Planet by Sir David Attenborough. Today’s questions are also on Teams for you to complete once you have watched the video.


Today I would like you to think about when the house floods and disaster strikes. I want you to write a poem based on this disaster and the book.

You can choose to do an acrostic poem (where the letters down the side spell out a word) or you can choose to write one full of figurative language.

Topic (Religious Education)

In the Gospels, we read about Jesus’ mission. ‘Gospel’ means ‘Good News’. The Good News Jesus came to make known is that God loves each of us and that living in God’s Way brings love, justice and peace for the entire world.  In his Gospel, Luke shows us how Jesus chooses God’s way and begins his mission.  Jesus carried out his mission by what he said and what he did.  He started this when he was about 30 years old.  Jesus did not carry out his mission on his own, he called people to be with him and they were inspired to work with him.  He travelled through towns and villages preaching and proclaiming the Good News.  He chose twelve people to be his apostles and share his mission.  The twelve apostles and some women went with him.

Read God’s story Jesus begins his mission and then God’s story The Women  which are in our Topic file on Teams.

People live out Jesus’ mission today by doing many different things including charity work.

Can you create a wanted poster to attract people to share in Jesus’ mission?

Think about why people might want to do this and give reasons why they should.



Today we will be finding the area of rectangles. I will go through some slides with you in our morning Teams session, you can also watch the video, here for extra support. Once you’ve finished the lesson, please complete today’s activity (in Teams).


In SPAG, please  complete this task, using the same focus of relative clauses and the King Cobra.

You can also find the work in Teams.

Please watch the video.

It’s all about Africa’s rarest predator. Can you then answer the questions on Teams?


Before we finish the book, I would like you to write the ending to the story today. What happens? Use clues from the story so far to help you write the ending as a story. You will need to write at least two paragraphs to finish the story.

Topic (Extreme Earth)

Today we are coming to the end of our Extreme Earth topic. Today I would like you to tell me everything you have learnt about our Earth.

You can include:

Natural disasters,

Animals and habitats,

Countries and locations around the world.

Any other facts and information about our Earth.

You can present this as a powerpoint, a double page spread or type up the information and present it on the computer. Remember that it must include lots of information and facts.



Today is a day on finding the area of compound shapes. This means that it looks like more than one shape stuck together. I will share our learning slides with you in our Teams meeting. This video may also help you, and afterwards you will find an activity sheet to do on Teams.


Today’s clip is about leopard seals versus penguins, after you’ve watched it, there are some questions to answer in the Reading file in Teams.


Today I would like you to choose a character from the story. Imagine you are that character. I would like you to write a diary entry as that character.

Think about the events from the story and how the story develops. I want you to think about the character’s emotions and actions. How might the character be feeling at certain times in the text?

Write using first person (I, me) and remember you need to use punctuation correctly and make sure it makes sense.

You can choose to handwrite this or type it up.

Topic (Art)

You work so hard all week and I know lots of you are really enjoying art on a Friday!

Today is your choice. I would like a piece of artwork based on our Extreme Earth.

You can choose your focus so it could be the Earth itself, a natural disaster, animals or something completely unique!

You can present it as a drawing, painting, 3D model or even use natural resources outside to create something! The main thing this afternoon is to have fun creating it!

Reception home learning w/c 8th Feb

Important daily learning ideas

It’s important to keep reading a little every day, The Oxford Owl website is brilliant – click on the button below to find the link and your login details.

On the side of each book is a little colour marker. The Year 1 children are best to choose books with red, yellow or blue markers to start off with. Year 2 will be able to read the books with green, orange, turquoise and purple markers. The books get progressively harder as you scroll through the colour bands.

Use the Teach Your Monster to Read App and the Monster Phonics App to work through some of the phonics games, daily. Please also keep working on spelling some of the high frequency words on the word card that we sent home in the homework books. Try to apply the words in sentences too. Phonicsplay and Twinkl are other excellent sites containing phonics activities and games. We are currently working on Phase 5/6 phonics with Year 1 and 2.

I will be adding any Monster Phonics PowerPoints and resources which you could try at home, to a folder on Teams. That way, you will be able to access these even if you can’t make the meetings. You also have access to their learning resources during this period of home learning. You can find the details by clicking on the Monster Phonics button below.

Practical Maths is the best way for children to learn, so please do not feel that your child has to complete the worksheets. You could use toys, raisins or dried pasta as counters. If you don’t have a printer, the sheets can be completed on paper or in an exercise book..

And don’t forget our live lesson which will be held at:

11am every day. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.

Last Week's Star Learners!



All this week, in maths we will be thinking about numbers above five and their composition. Start with lesson 1, looking at which show 6 and the composition of six.

I have put a related Powerpoint and Activity Sheet in the Reception Maths folder on Teams.

I have added a list of the log in details for Numbots to the Maths folder on Teams. This is an excellent app which helps the children to develop a firm foundation in number. I would also recommend watching some of the Jack Hartmann YouTube videos– there are some very catchy songs!


Watch the story of The Slightly Annoying Elephant, by David Walliams (I think you’ll like this one!).

As you listen, try to spot some of the words that the author has used to describe the elephant (e.g. gigantic, annoying). See if you can spot some of the words used instead of ‘said’ too (e.g. boomed, spluttered) Think of your own adjectives (wow words) to describe the elephant such as huge, large, enormous, noisy, rude. Draw a picture of the elephant and try to write some of your words around your drawing.

Topic (Art)

Look at this BBC Bitesize clip about Aboriginal art.

Try to create your own artwork in the same style. There are some examples to the right that might help and some templates on Teams although you may decide to create your own.



Today we are continuing in our journey, learning about numbers to 8. Please start by doing the second lesson in the series, where you will be sorting 6, 7 and 8 and looking at the composition of 7. After which it would be brilliant if you do a few practical activities together. There are also some resources on Teams.

Please remember to do some reading and phonics work, every day. There are plenty of ideas in Teams and don’t forget to use the Logins detailed in the Key Learning section above.


Watch ‘The Slightly Annoying Elephant’ again. What do you think Sam’s Mum will say about their visitor? Imagine the conversation that Sam will have with his mum when she arrives home. Draw Sam and his Mum with speech bubbles showing what they might have said! Don’t forget to use a capital letter and punctuation and really think about your phonic knowledge as you write.

Topic (Music)

Music: The Carnival of the Animals is a musical suite of fourteen movements by the French composer Camille Saint-Saëns. It was written in 1886. Each movement represents a different animal or animals.

Listen to some of the different movements and see if you can recognise which animal is being represented in the music. (Click on the button to see the full list.) Try to move like the different animals.




Today we will look at lesson three and learn about the composition of 8. Afterwards, please do some practical maths together. Don’t forget there are resources for you to use on Teams as well.


How do you think Sam felt when the elephant broke his bike then told him that he was a silly boy? Imagine that Sam is going to write a letter to the zoo about the Elephant. What would he say in his letter? Is he happy to have the elephant at his house? What has the elephant done? What does Sam want the zoo to do? I will add some zoo themed writing paper to Teams that you can use if you wish.

Topic (Computing)

Log in to the Purple Mash website (I have put the login details on Teams – there should be a separate folder containing logins).

Search for ‘Paint Projects’ and click on the icon (see right).

Choose an animal within and have fun choosing different textures and skins to decorate your animal with.



Today we will be matching 6, 7 and 8. Please do the fourth lesson and then follow it up with some practical activities and look out for any resources on Teams.


Which other animals could Sam have adopted from the zoo? Choose an animal and plan what might happen if that animal suddenly came to your house. Think about the different rooms it might go in to and decide what your animal gets up to e.g. the monkey might steal the bananas from the fruit bowl then climb onto the roof and throw them at the neighbours. Draw a picture with labels to show some of the things the animal gets up to at your house.

Topic (R.E.)

We have spent a lot of time thinking about animals as part of our topic work this half term. We are very lucky to share a planet with so many beautiful creatures from huge elephants down to the tiny insects. Unfortunately, a large number of animals are endangered. I would like you to look at the two websites below, to find out a little bit about which animals are under threat of extinction and why.

What are people doing to help them? Can you think of some ways that we can protect our planet?

Write a prayer to say thank you and to share your thoughts and hopes for the future of the animals, with God.



Today we will be looking at one more and one less. Please start by doing the fifth lesson, and then follow this up with some practical activities to try to practise what you learned in the video. There are also resources on Teams.


Take a look at this website. Find out some fun facts about elephants, play some games linked to the book and listen to the author, David Walliams, read. Enjoy!

Topic (P.E.)

Be active! Go for a walk, ride your bike, learn how to skip with a rope. Don’t forget the daily PE with Joe Wicks which is live every morning at 9am. Cosmic Kids Yoga is also lovely, you can find sessions on you tube to follow (see link), and they also have an App (fees apply).

Keep an eye out for the ‘Lancashire Design a Game Competition’ too- I will add the details to the folder on Teams.

Y1/2 home learning w/c 8th Feb

Important daily learning ideas

It’s important to keep reading a little every day, The Oxford Owl website is brilliant – click on the button below to find the link and your login details.

On the side of each book is a little colour marker. The Year 1 children are best to choose books with red, yellow or blue markers to start off with. Year 2 will be able to read the books with green, orange, turquoise and purple markers. The books get progressively harder as you scroll through the colour bands.

Use the Teach Your Monster to Read App and the Monster Phonics App to work through some of the phonics games, daily. Please also keep working on spelling some of the high frequency words on the word card that we sent home in the homework books. Try to apply the words in sentences too. Phonicsplay and Twinkl are other excellent sites containing phonics activities and games. We are currently working on Phase 5/6 phonics with Year 1 and 2.

I will be adding any Monster Phonics PowerPoints and resources which you could try at home, to a folder on Teams. That way, you will be able to access these even if you can’t make the meetings. You also have access to their learning resources during this period of home learning. You can find the details by clicking on the Monster Phonics button below.

Practical Maths is the best way for children to learn, so please do not feel that your child has to complete the worksheets. You could use toys, raisins or dried pasta as counters. If you don’t have a printer, the sheets can be completed on paper or in an exercise book..

And don’t forget our live lesson which will be held at:

11.30am every day. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.

Last Week's Star Learners!

DominicB_website fit



This week we are going to be learning about Place Value to 50. Start by doing the lesson together here.

Follow this up with some practical activities to try to practise what you learned in the video. There are also some resources on teams.

I have also set some My Maths tasks that the children could try. On Teams, there is a list of logins for the children to access Numbots (Year 1) and TT Rockstars (Year 2). The Numbots app is very easy at first but does get harder and is really good for embedding number facts. Please don’t try to do everything- pick and choose the activities that work best for your child.


Watch the story of The Slightly Annoying Elephant, by David Walliams (I think you’ll like this one!).

As you listen, try to spot some of the words that the author has used to describe the elephant (e.g. gigantic, annoying). See if you can spot some of the words used instead of ‘said’ too (e.g. boomed, spluttered) Think of your own adjectives (wow words) to describe the elephant such as huge, large, enormous, noisy, rude. Draw a picture of the elephant and try to write a description of the elephant underneath using your interesting vocabulary.

Topic (Art)

Look at this BBC Bitesize clip about Aboriginal art.

Try to create your own artwork in the same style. There are some examples to the right that might help and some templates on Teams although you may decide to create your own.



Today we are continuing in our journey, learning about numbers to 50. Please start by doing the lesson here, after which it would be brilliant if you do a few practical activities together. There are also some resources on Teams.

Please remember to do some reading and phonics work, every day. There are plenty of ideas in Teams and don’t forget to use the Logins detailed in the Key Learning section above.


Watch ‘The Slightly Annoying Elephant’ again. What do you think Sam’s Mum will say about their visitor? Imagine the conversation that Sam will have with his mum when she arrives home. Draw Sam and his Mum with speech bubbles showing what they might have said! Don’t forget to use a capital letter and punctuation and really think about your phonic knowledge as you write.

Topic (Music)

Music: The Carnival of the Animals is a musical suite of fourteen movements by the French composer Camille Saint-Saëns. It was written in 1886. Each movement represents a different animal or animals.

Listen to some of the different movements and see if you can recognise which animal is being represented in the music. (Click on the button to see the full list.) Try to move like the different animals.




Today we are going to focus on counting forwards and backwards within 50. Please watch the lesson here and then do some practical maths together. Don’t forget there are resources for you to use on Teams as well.


How do you think Sam felt when the elephant broke his bike then told him that he was a silly boy? Imagine that Sam is going to write a letter to the zoo about the Elephant. What would he say in his letter? Is he happy to have the elephant at his house? What has the elephant done? What does Sam want the zoo to do? I will add some zoo themed writing paper to Teams that you can use if you wish.

Topic (Computing)

Log in to the Purple Mash website (I have put the login details on Teams – there should be a separate folder containing logins).

Search for ‘Paint Projects’ and click on the icon (see right).

Choose an animal within and have fun choosing different textures and skins to decorate your animal with.



Today we will continue on our number journey by thinking about tens, and ones. Please do the lesson here and then follow it up with some practical activities and look out for any resources on Teams.


Which other animals could Sam have adopted from the zoo? Choose an animal and plan what might happen if that animal suddenly came to your house. Think about the different rooms it might go in to and decide what your animal gets up to e.g. the monkey might steal the bananas from the fruit bowl then climb onto the roof and throw them at the neighbours.

Use your imagination to write a diary entry about the day your chosen animal visited your house. Remember to use the words ‘I’ and ‘my’ in your diary.

Topic (R.E.)

We have spent a lot of time thinking about animals as part of our topic work this half term. We are very lucky to share a planet with so many beautiful creatures from huge elephants down to the tiny insects. Unfortunately, a large number of animals are endangered. I would like you to look at the two websites below, to find out a little bit about which animals are under threat of extinction and why.

What are people doing to help them? Can you think of some ways that we can protect our planet?

Write a prayer to say thank you and to share your thoughts and hopes for the future of the animals, with God.



Today we are going to be looking at representing numbers up to 50. Please start by doing the lesson here, and then follow this up with some practical activities to try to practise what you learned in the video. There are also resources on Teams.


Take a look at this website. Find out some fun facts about elephants, play some games linked to the book and listen to the author, David Walliams, read. Enjoy!

Topic (P.E.)

Be active! Go for a walk, ride your bike, learn how to skip with a rope. Don’t forget the daily PE with Joe Wicks which is live every morning at 9am. Cosmic Kids Yoga is also lovely, you can find sessions on you tube to follow (see link), and they also have an App (fees apply).

Keep an eye out for the ‘Lancashire Design a Game Competition’ too- I will add the details to the folder on Teams.